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Old 13-06-2013, 10:46 PM
PREM8619 PREM8619 is offline
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Originally Posted by keewee View Post
wat to do bro u never go teach them a lesson ... must go there show your power hee ...

u heading there tonight? call u later okie taking a nap now
I got no power to show them.... must follow you to lead the way so I can learning from you.
Old 16-06-2013, 11:52 PM
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so...just now saw alot of police at lorong 20 entrance and a big crowd watching, i overheard some comment about a fight....

about 4-5 police car and 1 empty van

anyone know the full story
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Old 17-06-2013, 12:11 AM
madness88 madness88 is offline
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Yeah I drover pass and saw the same the thing I think After the case incident at cine on sat night where some guy got slashed the police on high alert
Old 17-06-2013, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by madness88 View Post
Yeah I drover pass and saw the same the thing I think After the case incident at cine on sat night where some guy got slashed the police on high alert
Cine and Geylang are not related case......

Cine case are local muds involved.

Geylang case are foreigners involved.

Oops..... better not reveal too much or scarly kenna call up to lim kopi again.
Old 17-06-2013, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by comm View Post
so...just now saw alot of police at lorong 20 entrance and a big crowd watching, i overheard some comment about a fight....

about 4-5 police car and 1 empty van

anyone know the full story
Actually trouble already brewing since Friday nite...... I was at Lor 16 kopitiam that night when I heard rumors of dispute going on. The next night I went down to WH to TCSS and the rumors got stronger..... it was only matter of time before the fight will happen as both groups of foreigners refuse to give in.

But we Singaporeans are not involved and only watch the show
Old 17-06-2013, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Grounded Eagle View Post
Actually trouble already brewing since Friday nite...... I was at Lor 16 kopitiam that night when I heard rumors of dispute going on. The next night I went down to WH to TCSS and the rumors got stronger..... it was only matter of time before the fight will happen as both groups of foreigners refuse to give in.

But we Singaporeans are not involved and only watch the show
thxs for the info
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Old 19-06-2013, 04:54 PM
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Take note !!! One of my friends tell me there is this girl he getting along quite well n he deceided want to send her back China n offer her quite big sum of money n live together....she gave him a funny request.....she want to take money go back do her private things first...after dat when she settle her private stuff then she will ask my friend go find her....immediate my response to my friend is WAT THE FUCK MY FRIEND IS THINKING !!!.THIS IS A me this is so lame excuses....who on earth will do this type of stupid things unless u know the lady background enough......any bro want to know who this girl is can PM me....i will info those i trust....just a small leak here...this girl been here ard 6-8 mths.....use a samsung note 2 dat she told my friend she bought it herself ??? Where got ladies buy herself own phone one ?? unless she is very ugly n no cuatomer base...i laught when my friend told me n i ask my friend to ignore this bullshiting lady but he seem to like her a lot.....faint....
Old 19-06-2013, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Take note !!! One of my friends tell me there is this girl he getting along quite well n he deceided want to send her back China n offer her quite big sum of money n live together....she gave him a funny request.....she want to take money go back do her private things first...after dat when she settle her private stuff then she will ask my friend go find her....immediate my response to my friend is WAT THE FUCK MY FRIEND IS THINKING !!!.THIS IS A me this is so lame excuses....who on earth will do this type of stupid things unless u know the lady background enough......any bro want to know who this girl is can PM me....i will info those i trust....just a small leak here...this girl been here ard 6-8 mths.....use a samsung note 2 dat she told my friend she bought it herself ??? Where got ladies buy herself own phone one ?? unless she is very ugly n no cuatomer base...i laught when my friend told me n i ask my friend to ignore this bullshiting lady but he seem to like her a lot.....faint....
WA PIANG ah.....i have 7 bros on the list on this girl....7 bros experience the "wonders" of this girl......she is not easy man....still collecting numbers....
Old 19-06-2013, 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
WA PIANG ah.....i have 7 bros on the list on this girl....7 bros experience the "wonders" of this girl......she is not easy man....still collecting numbers....
wondergirl wannabe?
Old 19-06-2013, 10:59 PM
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Common excuses she use :
She claim she never ever went out with ANY customers...but out of a week 3,4 days she not at home after work.....strange huh...
She claim she alaways eat steamboat supper with housemates....mostly nt ard our prc know singapore so well huh ???strange friend offer to pay her supper bill n she M.I.A from sns n call scare my friend go find her n her housemate,later when she back home she text u say phone in bag no hear...those went out with her know her phone alaways on her hand she no bag...llagi strange..
When she outside she answer yr call she will hang very fast claim she eat or wat......or worst still dont answer yr call n next day claim she sleep already....come on...1230 ,1240 only....
She claim she nvr go out play but often she M.I.A halfway with yr sms n claim she drunk....come on where got everyweek got drunk one.....
She answer call from people when with u becos is her housemate but many times she refuse to answer call n claim customer pester her....she dont entertain....sound familiar to bros here ???Those call she scare to answer infront of u r her regular customers as chinese names appear in the screen.....n she sometimes text back claim she sleep already dont want fake.....familiar ???
She likes to play candy crush n presently above level 300
She grown fat then beginning becos she takes pregnacy pills....why she is taking huh if she ok girl ??? Very strange......
My good friend suffer becos of her stupid lies one after another. ..we beside him call tell this girl talk rubbish but he so into him can not tell.......bro out there.....fuck her for service is no harm but avoid her K.C to protect yrself.......cheers !
Old 19-06-2013, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Common excuses she use :
She claim she never ever went out with ANY customers...but out of a week 3,4 days she not at home after work.....strange huh...
She claim she alaways eat steamboat supper with housemates....mostly nt ard our prc know singapore so well huh ???strange friend offer to pay her supper bill n she M.I.A from sns n call scare my friend go find her n her housemate,later when she back home she text u say phone in bag no hear...those went out with her know her phone alaways on her hand she no bag...llagi strange..
When she outside she answer yr call she will hang very fast claim she eat or wat......or worst still dont answer yr call n next day claim she sleep already....come on...1230 ,1240 only....
She claim she nvr go out play but often she M.I.A halfway with yr sms n claim she drunk....come on where got everyweek got drunk one.....
She answer call from people when with u becos is her housemate but many times she refuse to answer call n claim customer pester her....she dont entertain....sound familiar to bros here ???Those call she scare to answer infront of u r her regular customers as chinese names appear in the screen.....n she sometimes text back claim she sleep already dont want fake.....familiar ???
She likes to play candy crush n presently above level 300
She grown fat then beginning becos she takes pregnacy pills....why she is taking huh if she ok girl ??? Very strange......
My good friend suffer becos of her stupid lies one after another. ..we beside him call tell this girl talk rubbish but he so into him can not tell.......bro out there.....fuck her for service is no harm but avoid her K.C to protect yrself.......cheers !
well - 得失从缘,心无增减
if your friend in this game, then be prepared to write-off if he has already given willingly. May be some men just liked to be cheated?
Old 19-06-2013, 11:29 PM
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Bro relax lah. This is normal. Been there done that. When bringing girls out or playing kc, we must know that the girl probably have many other carrots on the line waiting to kena tok.

Just enjoy and don't take things too seriously bah...

Got some guys more siao, I posted that I meet the girl on their off day, the guy go crazy said that it is not possible as he was with her the whole day. Lol. Sad for him as I played his honey on his time and money, hee hee hee.

No need to get obssessed with these WLs. If they truly like us, they will chase after us and not we chase them.

This is what I know about women. When they really like you, they can even pay for your things and you don't need to spend on them too much at all. Those that really love you will not want money but will want your heart instead.

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Common excuses she use :
She claim she never ever went out with ANY customers...but out of a week 3,4 days she not at home after work.....strange huh...
She claim she alaways eat steamboat supper with housemates....mostly nt ard our prc know singapore so well huh ???strange friend offer to pay her supper bill n she M.I.A from sns n call scare my friend go find her n her housemate,later when she back home she text u say phone in bag no hear...those went out with her know her phone alaways on her hand she no bag...llagi strange..
When she outside she answer yr call she will hang very fast claim she eat or wat......or worst still dont answer yr call n next day claim she sleep already....come on...1230 ,1240 only....
She claim she nvr go out play but often she M.I.A halfway with yr sms n claim she drunk....come on where got everyweek got drunk one.....
She answer call from people when with u becos is her housemate but many times she refuse to answer call n claim customer pester her....she dont entertain....sound familiar to bros here ???Those call she scare to answer infront of u r her regular customers as chinese names appear in the screen.....n she sometimes text back claim she sleep already dont want fake.....familiar ???
She likes to play candy crush n presently above level 300
She grown fat then beginning becos she takes pregnacy pills....why she is taking huh if she ok girl ??? Very strange......
My good friend suffer becos of her stupid lies one after another. ..we beside him call tell this girl talk rubbish but he so into him can not tell.......bro out there.....fuck her for service is no harm but avoid her K.C to protect yrself.......cheers !
Old 20-06-2013, 12:20 AM
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Aiya...yalah....why go emo until like that...go geylang is for sex and fun la
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Old 20-06-2013, 12:22 AM
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[QUOTE=BronzeGod;9194826]Bro relax lah. This is normal. Been there done that. When bringing girls out or playing kc, we must know that the girl probably have many other carrots on the line waiting to kena tok.

Just enjoy and don't take things too seriously bah...

Got some guys more siao, I posted that I meet the girl on their off day, the guy go crazy said that it is not possible as he was with her the whole day. Lol. Sad for him as I played his honey on his time and money, hee hee hee.

No need to get obssessed with these WLs. If they truly like us, they will chase after us and not we chase them.

This is what I know about women. When they really like you, they can even pay for your things and you don't need to spend on them too much at all. Those that really love you will not want money but will want your heart instead.[/QUOTE

Just post to wake up my he hospitalise partly becos of her n i visit him this morning....long story.....can only say he trust her too much....whichever clown bring this wl to outside last sunday nite.....should know who am i refering if happen to read... she offer special services to many bro here before as i collected the data....u r not the only special one........want to con my friend give her money go back first......listern also funny
Old 20-06-2013, 12:27 AM
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Bro who is it ??
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