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Old 02-02-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post

What would be the most suitable reply to express how much i look down on him??

Colourblind f
Hmmmm, here are a few suggestions:-

"Depends. If the other 1 is you, as keen as getting a root canal using frozen rusty tools."

"1-on-1 with you? Sure! Just let my self-esteem reach as low as the deepest pit of hell, my desperation get to the point I'd sell my blood for a drop of water and my standards drop till I find the scum on the bottom of scum's boot attractive. I may consider you then."

"Hmmmm, if a real man was asking, I may be interested."

"Give me a minute, just let me put aside all my class, sense of good taste, style and every ounce of common sense."

"Sorry, I don't do pencil dicks"

"Take all the stars in the sky, multiply them by number of grains of salt we can get from the sea and then multiplied again by the depths of infinity and you would have an inkling of how much I despise you."

Old 02-02-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Thanks for the offer.... What food will you guys have??

I'd love to have you kicked in the groin! Go look for your budget bonks and all those.

Colourblind f
budget bank really boring, i am looking for premier one with you, when u free sis?
Old 03-02-2010, 12:43 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post
"Sorry, I dun play with Top Grad from Arctic University"??
Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
"Depends. If the other 1 is you, as keen as getting a root canal using frozen rusty tools."

"1-on-1 with you? Sure! Just let my self-esteem reach as low as the deepest pit of hell, my desperation get to the point I'd sell my blood for a drop of water and my standards drop till I find the scum on the bottom of scum's boot attractive. I may consider you then."

"Hmmmm, if a real man was asking, I may be interested."

"Give me a minute, just let me put aside all my class, sense of good taste, style and every ounce of common sense."

"Sorry, I don't do pencil dicks"

"Take all the stars in the sky, multiply them by number of grains of salt we can get from the sea and then multiplied again by the depths of infinity and you would have an inkling of how much I despise you."

Tubby and King, you guys rock my SBF world man... But guys, would it be alright if i tell him to FUCK OFF?

Originally Posted by BBlick View Post
budget bank really boring, i am looking for premier one with you, when u free sis?

Colourblind f
Old 03-02-2010, 10:37 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Looks like I have been missing out quite a bit on the action, what with people pestering you and you mentioning my name, heh?

Darling, I'll just recommend that you use what was taught in Sharp Tongue 101: Tell the idiot that your name isn't Local Grad, and you abhorr that as a sex label. I know some girls who advertise themselves as Local Grads. All too easy.

And darling, regarding this BBLick (and all those other single guys who are trying to meet you for 1-on-1s...) just say to them (oppz, I forgot that you're reading this, BBLick): "What made you move away from the budget bank? The idea of a free fuck? So cheap!"

That, unfortunately, is the mindset of certain Singaporeans these days, even with the recession recedding (economics english for teh win). Don't worry. And yes, lets meet up soon. I miss the both of you.
O Hecate, Goddess of life and death, beloved by us all, awake from Your slumber, Earth Mother.
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Old 03-02-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Hecate View Post
And yes, lets meet up soon. I miss the both of you.

Colourblind f
Old 03-02-2010, 11:39 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Hecate good response and come back lines.

It sad at this day and age with many coming out of the closet and trying to share and reach out still got some people trying to get a free ride.

The concept, the idea and the repeated attempts of people who have tried and got burned for a free pass still does not register thru their thick skull.

such is their lives lol

Originally Posted by Hecate View Post
Looks like I have been missing out quite a bit on the action, what with people pestering you and you mentioning my name, heh?

Darling, I'll just recommend that you use what was taught in Sharp Tongue 101: Tell the idiot that your name isn't Local Grad, and you abhorr that as a sex label. I know some girls who advertise themselves as Local Grads. All too easy.

And darling, regarding this BBLick (and all those other single guys who are trying to meet you for 1-on-1s...) just say to them (oppz, I forgot that you're reading this, BBLick): "What made you move away from the budget bank? The idea of a free fuck? So cheap!"

That, unfortunately, is the mindset of certain Singaporeans these days, even with the recession recedding (economics english for teh win). Don't worry. And yes, lets meet up soon. I miss the both of you.
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post

Colourblind f
Miss you more.

Anyway, Botak Jones got offer for Vday. I wonder if 2 girls can get the offer...
O Hecate, Goddess of life and death, beloved by us all, awake from Your slumber, Earth Mother.
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Old 03-02-2010, 06:04 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Erm. Let me just state that I am not exactly comfortable meeting up with other couples right now. I am a shai girl who prefers only to stick to one couple - and that's the Colourblinds for the time being.

Neither do I entertain requests for 1-on-1s. As of right now, I don't have any interest in meeting men for 1-on-1s, simply because I'm just not that cheap (read: free).


P.S.: Colourblind Sis, MSN me X( I want those unglam pictures. Muwahahhahaha
O Hecate, Goddess of life and death, beloved by us all, awake from Your slumber, Earth Mother.
Lady of tremblings, the sovereign Lady, Mistress of destruction,
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Old 04-02-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Hecate View Post
Erm. Let me just state that I am not exactly comfortable meeting up with other couples right now. I am a shai girl who prefers only to stick to one couple - and that's the Colourblinds for the time being.

Neither do I entertain requests for 1-on-1s. As of right now, I don't have any interest in meeting men for 1-on-1s, simply because I'm just not that cheap (read: free).


P.S.: Colourblind Sis, MSN me X( I want those unglam pictures. Muwahahhahaha
Woman, i kinda sent you the pics by mail........ Took me two blardy hours to attach and send them!! Dont tell me you didnt get them!

And to the Single whoareirritatinglikehellandstinkylikerubbishdumpan dpeskylikecockroaches Guys, stop hounding Hecate *and me* for free bonks and stuff. Get THIS straight - we do swings and only with couples/girls who meet our standards.

Colourblind f
Old 04-02-2010, 02:33 AM
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Dun just fuck off my pm....

This reminds me of a story. Once upon a time, in the southern province of China, there was an idiot.

He went,
how does the game goes... god damn.. i wanan have fun too.. i wanna know.. how your fun goes.. add me at ru****[email protected]... lets see how it can goes... DUN JUST FUCK OFF MY PM....

I couldnt be bothered to reply PMs like this. Yeah you wanta have fun, go have it. Dont bother me unless you have something i want. But darling was nice enough to pay some attention to his Fuckoff-able PM and said,
What are you trying to tell me???? sorry but ure communication skills are poor!

Then he shamelessly replied, thinking that he's the world's most humorous guy, and went
tks.. at least i got your reply... hahaha... i trying to tell u how to get you on bed... or mayb not.....

Darling played along,
Hmmmm.... why not try to write in sentences i can understand?

Apparently he hasnt gotten the message that we're nicely telling him to F-off!! So he said,
Hmmm... sounds like i got a english teacher here!! my english is poor...can this colourblind teacher help??

Now at this point of time, i could take it no more. I had to say something that has been boiling in my heart, mind and soul.
Apparently you're not aware that my darling has been the one replying your idiotic PMs.
And i share his sentiments since i couldnt even be bothered in replying to your blardy pest-istence...

And i signed off. Awaiting his reply. Maybe he'll start blabbering vulgarities like what happened a few months ago: The Curious Case of 1541 Sour Grapes. Do you guys know that i've been called The Sour Grapes in the swinging community? DAMMIT. Dont ask me why. It's stupid.

So the moral of the story is: if you wanta be a moron, go somewhere faraway from the Colourblinds.

Colourblind f
Old 04-02-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: Dun just fuck off my pm....

He replied!!

oh.... so nice of your darling...
what pesistance... oh please... i just think that is fun to irritate people like you... for fuck sake... this is the place for fun... not for selling your proud attiude... awhaha... u can fucking curse me at the other end... i am laughing all the way...

thanks for entertaining me...
Another case of sour grapes!

Colourblind f
Old 04-02-2010, 10:19 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Brudders and my Dear Darling CBf,

There will always be weird and (not so) wonderful people around. Without them the world would be annoyingly well behaved and annoyingly eloquent.

So, my suggestion to you is.... smile sweetly and IGNORE.

By making an issue of it, you just fuel the engines that keep their (small) minds running!

Stick to the game plan, which is to SWING and to meet and network with people who are of the same wavelength/calibre/mindset.

We've met single guys (you know who you are) for a drink and enjoyed it immensely. Same too with couples (See FR's).... so lets stick to this.

Love you lots (and this includes the brudders we like la),

Colourblind M
Old 04-02-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
my Dear Darling CBf,

So, my suggestion to you is.... smile sweetly and IGNORE.

Colourblind M
Yes darling!

Hello?? Is it me you're looking for???? And i wonder where you are? And i wonder what you do.....


Oh last night was another night of relentless swinging for the Colourblinds!

Met this married indian couple - male was like a teapot, short and stout (here is my handle, here is my spout) and sported a moustache *OMG MOUSTACHE*; female looked like your typical over-nourished matured indian women you see all over the streets. And for the first time, the Colourblinds unanimously (and strongly) agreed that the most that we would do with them, was to have a soft swing. Like what i messaged darling in secret, i cant even bear the thought of sucking the guy's cock!!! But he actually forced his short and stout cock into my mouth during the swing Dammit he had BO. To think that the couple had spent A LONG TIME in the shower (with the wife blabbering away about her students and what happened at work - kinda pitied the hubby for having such a noisy wife) and he still came out smelling like he NEVER bathed, and his breathe stank of durians.

In the midst of swinging, he popped the question "Wanta swap?" and darling said "Nope, we're cool!" At that moment, darling became MY HERO!!!!!!! He saved me from Mr Moustache!!! And i also saved him from the dire possible situation of having to fuck Mrs Moustache. And it didnt help that the lighting was dim and that she was fleshy all over - i couldnt even see Mrs M's pussy!! The piling folds of fat simply covered it up!! (I apologise for such evil remarks, but it's the truth.)

Nevertheless, i was suuuuuuuuper wet as darling and i fucked. I couldnt believe how slippery my pussy was!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!

Fortunately, the couple left after Mr M came after DIY-ing. Hence darling and i had some quiet time together, lying on the bed and watching Forrest Gump. Well i wasnt watching, i was simply in the half-sleeping mode while running my hand through darling's chest hair

While we were preparing to go back home, Z&R messaged us!!! It was 11.30pm by then.

Still, we gave it a go!! And after darling came for the second time in the night, he literally dozed off right beside Z&R as they fucked! Didnt help that he snores in his sleep!! After that, we went for supper!! And had the saltiest Mee Goreng we ever had!!!! But i was absolutely famished and couldnt be bothered about kidney failures and high blood pressures, so i kinda finished the plate and left behind a tiny portion for the sake of retaining my ladylike image :P But i know that i had lost my demure and sexy image upon the moment i started gorging on the food while the other couple literally poked and probed at the food.

Colourblind f

Last edited by ColourBlindx2; 04-02-2010 at 05:57 PM.
Old 04-02-2010, 07:37 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Wow Sis ColourBlind F... this is a very straight forward and different FR... Salute...

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Met this married indian couple - male was like a teapot, short and stout (here is my handle, here is my spout) and sported a moustache *OMG MOUSTACHE*; female looked like your typical over-nourished matured indian women you see all over the streets. And for the first time, the Colourblinds unanimously (and strongly) agreed that the most that we would do with them, was to have a soft swing. Like what i messaged darling in secret, i cant even bear the thought of sucking the guy's cock!!! But he actually forced his short and stout cock into my mouth during the swing Dammit he had BO. To think that the couple had spent A LONG TIME in the shower (with the wife blabbering away about her students and what happened at work - kinda pitied the hubby for having such a noisy wife) and he still came out smelling like he NEVER bathed, and his breathe stank of durians.

In the midst of swinging, he popped the question "Wanta swap?" and darling said "Nope, we're cool!" At that moment, darling became MY HERO!!!!!!! He saved me from Mr Moustache!!! And i also saved him from the dire possible situation of having to fuck Mrs Moustache. And it didnt help that the lighting was dim and that she was fleshy all over - i couldnt even see Mrs M's pussy!! The piling folds of fat simply covered it up!! (I apologise for such evil remarks, but it's the truth.)
Old 04-02-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Brudders and my Dear Darling CBf,

There will always be weird and (not so) wonderful people around. Without them the world would be annoyingly well behaved and annoyingly eloquent.

So, my suggestion to you is.... smile sweetly and IGNORE.

By making an issue of it, you just fuel the engines that keep their (small) minds running!

Stick to the game plan, which is to SWING and to meet and network with people who are of the same wavelength/calibre/mindset.

We've met single guys (you know who you are) for a drink and enjoyed it immensely. Same too with couples (See FR's).... so lets stick to this.

Love you lots (and this includes the brudders we like la),

Colourblind M
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