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Old 18-05-2008, 01:26 PM
tissk tissk is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

so whats the perks of the sliver card?
Old 20-05-2008, 05:56 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

dear bros,

Just like to share wad happened to my trip to genting....
apart from the gambling in the casino; i was engaged by some local OKT maketing PRC gals...

I was quoted 200, 230 and 250 (said to be the top notch) didnt get to view for 1st round as i having shortage of $$.

Then by chance i manage to squeeze out some $$ which a few rounds of blackjack~ approach again (this time with another OKT) thought is the same...agreed on 200 PRC ( was promised with bbbj etc services...) i felt uneasy as i dont feel tt OKT was sincere to give me what i am looking for unlike the previous one which i met very svc oriented.

then in the room saw this PRC...face wise quite chio and should be in ard in mid 20s...i was shocked when i cant french, no bathing (ask to bath after action) plus not even BJ ( thought of juz went out but had ald stripped to birthday suit so will be lugi if ask to go) The best part is i paid upfront and the @!##!@# PRC has the cheek to ask for tips....( i din give as i am ald feeling very fishy abt it)

On the fj...the hole was freaking feel at this stage i ald do the do....just finished n get done with.

OF coz during this period of stay....i saw quite a number of PRC luking ard the theme park (i guess they have operation time otherwise its their OTOT) and some are really good, pretty,syt and busty ones...( i was with my family so cant really approach on the broad day light)

overall i saw many "jude" gals...n was thinking if i happen to go genting again...any kind bros can show some lights again? (becoz, its my 1st time going one bloody kuku bird)

Old 20-05-2008, 07:35 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

just back from genting like bro mr TGK said lots of prc fl around inside starworld casino n indoor thempark some syt n some milf all freelance not under okt normaly rm150 will get to fuck them,any bro going up there if see those pretty prc alone just smile n play eye contacts with them .those that were fl will respond n will came near you n some will pass you hp no on piece of paper manage to get 6 contacts n try out 2, consider good deal rm150 for bj n fj all paid by uncle lim jr.
sb song
Old 20-05-2008, 08:47 PM
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Angry Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by misuno88 View Post
To all Brothers of SammyBoy...
Latest update to the Upgrade to Silver Card using Platinum Credit Card!

..............Dear brothers of Genting, if you so happen to be a victim of this scenario, do not hesitate to put up a front with the staff of worldcard centre. Please argue it out! I did, but failed as they kept saying that its the management decision. What can I do? What can they do? What the hell!
Bro & Tissk,

The perk of having Silver is mainly for status sake. Not much priviliege except that the Customer Service officer will call you or send you invitation letter about their promotion. During peak period eg 30May to 1st of June when all rooms are fully booked, they will reserve a delux room for you. I just got my Delux Room this coming 30th to 2 June and will be there under M$6K PP.
To clock the hours, a player must be at the table when the mgr do a constant check and count the head. One way to go about it is to place your card at the moist crowded table and disappear yourself for a while (about 15mins). When back pretend that you are checking the card as the mgr must clocked you out and then you will play for nothing. A point to note is that you clock more hours and GPs by placing on a higher bet table eg M$200 than M$50 table. Objective always goes for bigger bet table.
I have been a Silver member since 2001 and have never bother to check the hours... why waste time Most impt thing should be utilising your GPs before it expired within 2 years. Anyway, after 7yrs, I am still given code 28R Silver card and not 21. Diff is that code 21 allows you to bring in a guest (likely PRC) and you could then score points mah....Anyway, if you have Platinium card, you still can go in anytime. Who cares what code as long as I can win $$
The trick to enter IR is 1st day use passport and go in as a foreign guest. 2nd day use Plat card... and 3rd day try other casinos loh.

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Old 20-05-2008, 10:24 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by sb song View Post
just back from genting like bro mr TGK said lots of prc fl around inside starworld casino n indoor thempark some syt n some milf all freelance not under okt normaly rm150 will get to fuck them,any bro going up there if see those pretty prc alone just smile n play eye contacts with them .those that were fl will respond n will came near you n some will pass you hp no on piece of paper manage to get 6 contacts n try out 2, consider good deal rm150 for bj n fj all paid by uncle lim jr.
would they be lurking out there at night only? last month i go there until 5pm no see any outside, only got a few inside casino.
Old 21-05-2008, 08:46 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Jeah, buddies been planning to go up too.

What time do they normally come out and play? Ive never quite noticed. Maybe on my next pay check ill go up and have some lookie lookie.
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Old 21-05-2008, 09:26 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Most of the prc fl stay in firstworld some of them will move around both the casinos because a lot more high rollers were gambling at the main casino n they will try to charge abit more for their servcice for those in the main casino
sb song
Old 25-05-2008, 02:17 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Wow got a few PMs regarding the FL PRC in genting. I have uploaded 4 PRC in FLing in genting in my group Yahoo! Groups

When you sign in your email, it will be sent to you automatically. Dont need to PM me as I hardly online due to work. They will be in Genting until 1st week of June.

Btw, will be there again to meet one of them look like Rainee.

To answer some Qs, most of them handout actively at night esp in Casino. During the afternoon, likely will be in Indoor Theme Park or outside the entrance of Casinos. Open you eyes and you will notice a pair of eyes lurking at you. Just and you will know the answer.

I will be in Genting again on 30th to 2nd staying at resort Hotel. Any newbies not sure how to hook them can join me.

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Old 25-05-2008, 10:19 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Awaiting the winning formula..
Old 26-05-2008, 11:51 AM
CuntMan CuntMan is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Genting u can find PRC everywhere, just give them a nice smile and if they smile back ur in luck. If u go thru OKT u might be charged a premium and not much GFE will be provided.

If ur able to roam around genting, just start to hunt for PRC after 11pm, if u want a quickie. But if u prefer to take ur time and hunt u can always start to walk around pubs, 1st world, genting hotel and out side of the casino. They will start to roam around genting after 5pm but serious scouting usually start after 9pm. Never and i really mean never go for OKT introduction coz girls will be pushy and price will be at a premium coz OKT took their CUT already.

Just walk around genting like u normally do and smile at SYT if u see them lookin at u, obviously dun smile like an idiot or stalk them.

Have fun at the high lands
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Old 26-05-2008, 11:45 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Awaiting the winning formula..
Bro.. relax leh...I will only be going on Fri and back next Tue morning. Need more time to prove it. I will definitely reveal the formula if it is proven 60-40% winning chance.

Stay tune
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Old 03-06-2008, 11:26 PM
catying29 catying29 is offline
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Wink Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Very easy last mth i went there just outsde each casino entrence, if u walk alone sure there will b someone come n ask u u wan fun or not never try it with my gf.
Old 04-06-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post

What is this 1326 formula? Can provide some insight?
I think he meant bet units.

Let me take a stab at this

For example:
1) Bet 1 unit on the first hand
2) If win first hand, bet 3 units on second hand
3) If win second hand, bet 2 units on third hand
4) If win third hand, bet 6 units on fourth hand.

If you win the fourth hand, go back to step 1.

If you lose a hand at any point, go back to step 1.

The most you'll lose is in the second hand, whereby you put up 2 units (on top of the one unit you won in the first hand).

This betting structure is much better than that of Martingale, in which you could be chasing a small win with a big bet.

You'll also have a 70% chance of winning 10 units or more (if using 1-3-2-6 betting units) if you're playing with 50 units or more.

On betting on patterns, mathematically, banker WILL win 3 hands in a row in every 80 hands (ignoring ties). Banker will always have a lower house edge (you're more likely to win albeit at a small margin, hence the commission the house takes on banker although this may vary with casinos).Also, betting into streaks is much better than betting against streaks in that you can only lose one bet if you bet on the streak.

I know streaks or trends are a bit of a gambler's fallacy, but that's the fun of it. I like a coin flip!

Alas, most important factor of gambling is bankroll management.

Hope this helps (*hint I have very little points!)
Old 05-06-2008, 01:30 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Bro bbboy,

have a 7up
Old 23-06-2008, 01:53 AM
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Smile Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Went up to try luck again. But after many long hours, still no improvement.
Then clock struck 12 midnight.
Following bro's advice, go to toilet & wa la.
Magic numbers appear inside. Made a call, room number given & away I went.

Reached htl room, press the door bell.
Saw a SYT open it. First thing I told myself.(Hor seh liao!!!)
Went in. Have a chit chat, surprise she has just started as a
FL for a few months only. (True or not nevermind la.)
Told that I was 1st customer of the day.
Finally, agreed, we strip went for bath.
A bit sad when saw her AB cup size boobs.
After bath, she gave a long BBBJ. Service compensated for her boobs.
Followed by FJ, No KY Jelly applied.
Decided to slowly enter her, can feel the tightness so as not to hurt her.
As I was pounding, could hear her moaning, no faking as
when i reach my hand below & finger her, boy was she wet.
she said "Ni Hao Huai" when I did that. He...He...He...
With all the moaning, squeezing of her boobs & tightness of her black hole, after a few trusts, had no choice but to unload my millions of bro's into her.
We wash up & chat for another 20mins. before the phone rang for her next customer.

Name: Xiao Xiao(Chong Ching)(Came on 17th for a month's stay)
Age: Turn 20 next month (As seen in her I/C July 1988)
Height: 1.55m
Face: 8/10, (Sweet & Cute)
Boobs: 6/10, 32AB (Not for Boobs lovers)
Body: 8/10, Slim and Fair
BBBJ: 7.5/10 (Room for improvement)
FJ: 8/10, very accomodating(No KYJ, moaning, quite tight)
GFE: 8/10
French/CatBath/AR: Nil
RTF: Of course la. (But after replenish my funds)

Bro's please be nice to her as she still new.
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