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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 12-09-2022, 02:59 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
That was why I was wondering if it was just me or if it was something funny about that day I went. The thing is, once the lady sat down in my room, no other ladies came to knock on my room door to ask if they could come in, which was a little bit surprising to me. I also did not see my lady going out to look for other rooms.

Maybe someone more experienced could shed more light on this?

It was Viet ladies, and I saw some pretty-looking ones when I went to the toilet and also when I was leaving, which made felt a little bit sian.
you only sit one viet? if 50tips can sit 3-4 viets
Old 12-09-2022, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
That was why I was wondering if it was just me or if it was something funny about that day I went. The thing is, once the lady sat down in my room, no other ladies came to knock on my room door to ask if they could come in, which was a little bit surprising to me. I also did not see my lady going out to look for other rooms.

Maybe someone more experienced could shed more light on this?

It was Viet ladies, and I saw some pretty-looking ones when I went to the toilet and also when I was leaving, which made felt a little bit sian.
Bro hows the playability? So u saying HH has lesser girls?
Old 12-09-2022, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
I recently tried Golden Castle KTV.

It's a bit of a weird system, there don't seem to be a "mummy" system, yet one of the waitress staff bring ladies in (and also later ask for "mummy tips" later). Maybe someone more experienced can shed more light on this....

Also, I am not sure if it was just me but there also doesn't appear to be a butterfly system...the staff bought the ladies in but then the lady stick with you the entire session, like literally the entire session without butterflying. I did ask if there were more ladies but the reply was a bit curt.....I later on, just as I was leaving, I saw several good-lookng ladies walking around. Maybe HH is a bad timing or maybe I was just unlucky that day.

Pros is that the lady does stick with you for very long (again, I am not sure if that is the case for everyone else or just happen to be the case when I went), hardly leaving the room. The con is that you only see what the staff bring in.

Timing: HH is 4.30 pm to 9 pm, non-HH is 9 pm to 3 am.

Price: HH timing is $88 for one beer tower.i am not sure about non-HH price. However, I must say that the beer is genuinely original, without being diluted with water (something that some other KTVs does). Because it was original beer ( I think it is European brand beer since it had that thick fruity taste not present in Southeast Asian or Japanese beer),one tower is actually very filing and quite easy to get bloated. I could hardly finish my tower, with some 20% left.

Ladies tips are $50. To be honest, for someone who stayed with you the whole session without even leaving, it's a fair price, so really can't complain there...

Also, there is a mandatory $15 fruit plate.

I am not sure if everything customer ended up paying staff tips though......

Without tips, it is $88 (one beer tower) + $15 (one fruit plate) = $103.

But with tips, it goes higher.....
How many people did you go with or alone?
Old 12-09-2022, 04:44 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by benjm85 View Post
Bro hows the playability? So u saying HH has lesser girls?
$50 tips stayed the whole session without even leaving during HH should be no play
Old 12-09-2022, 06:44 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
I think I was just unlucky that day. I did saw a few ladies...well, the way they were dressed, it was obvious playability wasn't an issue......
they dressed to kill or dressed to exposed? $50 tips sit the entire HH?
Old 12-09-2022, 07:34 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
I think I was just unlucky that day. I did saw a few ladies...well, the way they were dressed, it was obvious playability wasn't an issue......
Bro, Golden Castle got no mummy. The old lady is just a long time waitress that helps to bring in the girl for you. She sort of in charge of bringing girls to room. That has been the SOP since pre covid.
Normally I just give her $10 tips for her service.
Once you got a girl sitting with you unless you request for another girl they seldom force another girl on you.
The girl there don't push door type. Only the old lady or the waiter will bring them in.
Girls playability there is very subjective.
Old 12-09-2022, 08:02 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

well.. experience from pre-covid. If the viet girl sit with you whole time. No other viet girl will open the door. Haha
Old 12-09-2022, 08:17 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by $$$$$$$$$$$$ View Post
I think I was just unlucky that day. I did saw a few ladies...well, the way they were dressed, it was obvious playability wasn't an issue......
Bro, it's a matter of perspectives. Normally, ladies will butterfly on their own, & there may be reasons why she did not.

1. With the complaints about butterfly by many customers, the owner of the KTV may had decided that it is better to control the ladies, to not butterfly, in order for the biz establishment to survive, amidst this still evolving post covid era of changes & govt policies.

2. As some kind bros had said, it may be how that particular pub operates. You can still reject any lady if you wish. Ultimately, on a nite's out, we bros are not looking for girlfriends, just companionship for a moment in time.

3. It may be that she is new, likes you, & think that time & money foregoing tips by butterflying is better spent with you. Afterall, these ladies are not prostitutes or seek to be one, but to only earn a few dollars to help their family back home to meet rising costs, & probably only earns US$150 a month as a salesgirl in Vietnam. To her $50 from you is enough. Not all viet ladies are greedy, especially the new, & do have a mind of their own.

Lol!. Count your lucky stars, bro. Some other brothers at hi-end KTVs whom paid hundreds of dollars for women & wine can't even get a lady to spend 10mins on the hour with them Guess this is how it is gonna be till the situation stabilizes, & for bros, to consider alternatives to current obviously mismanaging viet mamasans/guest relations directors whom are not talents in hi end KTVs instead

Last edited by Willamshakspear; 12-09-2022 at 08:40 PM.
Old 13-09-2022, 08:45 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
Bro, it's a matter of perspectives. Normally, ladies will butterfly on their own, & there may be reasons why she did not.

1. With the complaints about butterfly by many customers, the owner of the KTV may had decided that it is better to control the ladies, to not butterfly, in order for the biz establishment to survive, amidst this still evolving post covid era of changes & govt policies.

2. As some kind bros had said, it may be how that particular pub operates. You can still reject any lady if you wish. Ultimately, on a nite's out, we bros are not looking for girlfriends, just companionship for a moment in time.

3. It may be that she is new, likes you, & think that time & money foregoing tips by butterflying is better spent with you. Afterall, these ladies are not prostitutes or seek to be one, but to only earn a few dollars to help their family back home to meet rising costs, & probably only earns US$150 a month as a salesgirl in Vietnam. To her $50 from you is enough. Not all viet ladies are greedy, especially the new, & do have a mind of their own.

Lol!. Count your lucky stars, bro. Some other brothers at hi-end KTVs whom paid hundreds of dollars for women & wine can't even get a lady to spend 10mins on the hour with them Guess this is how it is gonna be till the situation stabilizes, & for bros, to consider alternatives to current obviously mismanaging viet mamasans/guest relations directors whom are not talents in hi end KTVs instead
sit and never leave for $50 tips is to good to believe
Old 13-09-2022, 10:28 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by snrlee View Post
"fake" as in they are "plastic" and "silicon"?
mostly enhance their booty
Old 13-09-2022, 10:31 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by MaxTea View Post
sit and never leave for $50 tips is to good to believe
I do agree with you that it is rare, but is not uncommon, as it did happened to many other bros, including me too.

1.A beautiful Viet lady shared my table. Probably I was early & not many customers around. I welcomed her, had a conversation & found out she was an aspiring online dress designer in Vietnam. As she came from a village & market was small, she wanted to see the world to help her aspirations. We ended up with sparkling conversations, sharing bodily warmth as the air con was cold, unaware 4hrs had passed & drinks finished. She never left my table. I do not take advantage of others, & gave her $100 for her time with me.

2. Another viet lady was kinda forced upon me by her friends. Was told she was new & had not been invited to any table. She wore no make-up & simply dressed. I smiled & gave her a chance. She kept me companied till my drinks were finished 4 hrs later. The next days when I came, she had became an ang pai, & looked stunningly beautiful with make up & dress. She kept me company the whole night, ignoring even the guys from the next tables whom kept nudging for her to keep them company.

3. It was during covid era when pubs were opened. There were little patrons & ladies. A lady wanted to share my table. She was dressed & covered up to the hilt & I knew there would be no playability. But I smiled & invited her to do so. Found out thru conversations & beers that she had a work permit for work here, but the company closed down due to covid, & she could not go back to Vietnam as borders were closed. We spent the night keeping each other company, & were comfortable with each other, so comfortable that when our drinks finished, she walked out from the pub with me, & a hotel was nearby...

There are many more such incidents. This post is NOT to glorify myself. I am nothing special - i dress simply, no rolex watch, just like any other bro out on a nite for drinks, music & company. Perhaps it is just chemistry, or just that I always treat the ladies as my equal & would not take advantage of them or make them feel uncomfortable.

Cheers, & have fun.
Old 13-09-2022, 10:41 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
I do agree with you that it is rare, but is not uncommon, as it did happened to many other bros, including me too.

1.A beautiful Viet lady shared my table. Probably I was early & not many customers around. I welcomed her, had a conversation & found out she was an aspiring online dress designer in Vietnam. As she came from a village & market was small, she wanted to see the world to help her aspirations. We ended up with sparkling conversations, sharing bodily warmth as the air con was cold, unaware 4hrs had passed & drinks finished. She never left my table. I do not take advantage of others, & gave her $100 for her time with me.

2. Another viet lady was kinda forced upon me by her friends. Was told she was new & had not been invited to any table. She wore no make-up & simply dressed. I smiled & gave her a chance. She kept me companied till my drinks were finished 4 hrs later. The next days when I came, she had became an ang pai, & looked stunningly beautiful with make up & dress. She kept me company the whole night, ignoring even the guys from the next tables whom kept nudging for her to keep them company.

3. It was during covid era when pubs were opened. There were little patrons & ladies. A lady wanted to share my table. She was dressed & covered up to the hilt & I knew there would be no playability. But I smiled & invited her to do so. Found out thru conversations & beers that she had a work permit for work here, but the company closed down due to covid, & she could not go back to Vietnam as borders were closed. We spent the night keeping each other company, & were comfortable with each other, so comfortable that when our drinks finished, she walked out from the pub with me, & a hotel was nearby...

There are many more such incidents. This post is NOT to glorify myself. I am nothing special - i dress simply, no rolex watch, just like any other bro out on a nite for drinks, music & company. Perhaps it is just chemistry, or just that I always treat the ladies as my equal & would not take advantage of them or make them feel uncomfortable.

Cheers, & have fun.
never happens to me during my HH times hence for me is too good to believe..
Old 13-09-2022, 03:01 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Sessions depend on luck of the crowd that day and what u want.

I have sessions before without booking gals also stay long as only 1 room.

Honestly if go Friday ph eve or events, more likely butterfly longer.

In end is your own rep at a joint.
Old 13-09-2022, 03:57 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
I do agree with you that it is rare, but is not uncommon, as it did happened to many other bros, including me too.

1.A beautiful Viet lady shared my table. Probably I was early & not many customers around. I welcomed her, had a conversation & found out she was an aspiring online dress designer in Vietnam. As she came from a village & market was small, she wanted to see the world to help her aspirations. We ended up with sparkling conversations, sharing bodily warmth as the air con was cold, unaware 4hrs had passed & drinks finished. She never left my table. I do not take advantage of others, & gave her $100 for her time with me.

2. Another viet lady was kinda forced upon me by her friends. Was told she was new & had not been invited to any table. She wore no make-up & simply dressed. I smiled & gave her a chance. She kept me companied till my drinks were finished 4 hrs later. The next days when I came, she had became an ang pai, & looked stunningly beautiful with make up & dress. She kept me company the whole night, ignoring even the guys from the next tables whom kept nudging for her to keep them company.

3. It was during covid era when pubs were opened. There were little patrons & ladies. A lady wanted to share my table. She was dressed & covered up to the hilt & I knew there would be no playability. But I smiled & invited her to do so. Found out thru conversations & beers that she had a work permit for work here, but the company closed down due to covid, & she could not go back to Vietnam as borders were closed. We spent the night keeping each other company, & were comfortable with each other, so comfortable that when our drinks finished, she walked out from the pub with me, & a hotel was nearby...

There are many more such incidents. This post is NOT to glorify myself. I am nothing special - i dress simply, no rolex watch, just like any other bro out on a nite for drinks, music & company. Perhaps it is just chemistry, or just that I always treat the ladies as my equal & would not take advantage of them or make them feel uncomfortable.

Cheers, & have fun.
where is there at
Old 13-09-2022, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by spongeman View Post
where is there at
It happened at not just one ktv pub, but many other ktvs along joo chiat & geylang, precovid, covid & post covid eras. It may br rare but not uncommon. As bro Dammag777 had kindly adviced, I guess its about time & day, & also one's choice of personal desire & attitude.

Good luck :-)
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