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Old 14-08-2013, 02:27 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

is this guy even more real. why is there such a person
Old 14-08-2013, 05:52 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

sian Liao see the HIV post
Old 14-08-2013, 08:15 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Scare and spreading HIV is two different issue.
Wow You speak like little children ler.
Until now i then know so many "eat shit brain" people here
Every time you do raw sex with a unknown stranger or whore, you should know you risk getting HIV, wonder why you silliporean adult behave like children.

Originally Posted by TaTTooBaBy View Post
Da reason u gt std is ur own pea brain fault ... wat have those ladies gt to do wif it ? U die outside ur prob ... some of them who wrk to earn r out of environment circumstances ... ppl voice out nt cos they kiasi is cos ppl have a heart ... unlike u ... blame ppl aft u get wat u deserve for fucking around ... wat if by chance gt 1 lady whom u infected r into pregnancy terms which u nv noe n da poor new life get it ... u say ppl kiasi ... to b frank who in this wrld nt afraid of death ? If u nt afraid of death y wld u wan to spread around ur hiv to appease ur anger ? Cos u r scared ...
Old 14-08-2013, 08:25 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Hey shadow asshole warrior,

You scare to try the girl even when you use protection because you know she has been bonk by HIV guy like me?

Do you mean other whore who have not bonk by me are 100percent safe to bonk raw?

Please use your brain to think and not your dick.

If you scare to do bbbj with HiV victim, then you should have do cap bj with all whores.

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
hey no one fuck care your FR okay? because every girl you touch, we cannot touch already because you raw, we cant even do BBBJ

So can you fuck off and die already or not? stop harming other living people around. We not saving WL we saving ourselves and you asshole is trying to infect

us with HIV
Old 14-08-2013, 08:30 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Hey Shadow stupid warrior

Even i burn in hell, i make sure i infect you first.
How about next time i go gbw, i secretly mix some of my blood in the tray of fried noodles since the food is scoop by ourself.

[This is a public forum for anyone to express their cheonging experienceQUOTE=Shadow_warrior;9509028]yeah man my favourite 183, damn it...he should burn in hell this PUNT

If he go for all the Ang pai, then we can only do massage already...even BBBJ cannot do....[/QUOTE]
Old 14-08-2013, 09:18 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

wao lao, i think this punt guy has more or less succeeded in driving customers away from GBW with his HIV posts.
Old 14-08-2013, 11:35 PM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Anyone can confirm if 69 no more in bw? Seems she left last month. Went back to NY?
Old 15-08-2013, 01:59 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
yeah so we have to compile now a bloody list of girl this coward has done raw. Break their rice bowl for girls and massage centre. Balless dickface this guy....
What list? I cannot find any....
Old 15-08-2013, 02:55 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Hey Shadow Warrior aka DICK HEAD,

you want me to tell you in your face in gbw? How do you look like? Any pic?
I get HIV doing raw with one of the girl in gbw, when i know i have HIV, my soul already gone.
You want to meet me face to face? I will KILL you.

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
So you know you got HIV so you know you should not show your face there right to cheong? but you still engage in deception to bluff the girls there because you still want to cheong. So you know its wrong but you just fuck care....

If you not singaporeans then Malaysian. Does it matter? you are a disgrace to whatever nationality you are.

don't call people here bro, we don't have bro like you this kind of disgraceful character. at least have the SOCIAL decency to wear a bloody condom when you know you have HIV and not try to trick the FL into thinking its safe with you. Why you balless CAD tell them straight off you are HIV positive, ask them go raw, see if they are okay? or even tell them you HIV positive, use condom if they accept your business....bloody idiot, still argue, ZAP you tomorrow, this I promise you... If you see me at Blue wave tell me in my face you are the one and I help you tell everyone there, you are there to ruin people's business and lives. snap your bloody pic to see what kind of dog you are, post here for everyone to see.

Even if ONS you have a social responsibility to tell the partner you have HIV. You will go to jail if discovered you know but withheld information, passing on the sickness, so you are a fucking criminal and here still talk KPKB. Bloody dog you. Got balls admit it at reception when you go BW and see what the guys there do to you.
Old 15-08-2013, 08:53 AM
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Raw is War; Always caps on !!

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
.. compile .. list of girl .. coward .. raw. Break .. rice bowl .. girls .. massage centre. Balless dickface ....
Originally Posted by punt View Post
... whore .. not bonk by me are 100percent safe to .. raw? .. cap bj with all whores.
Raw is War. WLs/angpais do give specials to tiraks/ regulars etc. "Cheong" safely. Always condoms on.

Sammboyfor (Big Boss): "All WHORES should be treated as HIV positive. Sex with any whore is a risky proposition. These girls have multiple sex partners and most have unprotected sex on a regular basis with men they are in long term relationships with. The risk can be reduced by using a condom. If you're worried about catching nasties, DON'T indulge in commercial sex." #8

Most likely a case of sabotage by other SPAs/OKTs . Sammyboyfor is aware: #1821 Cheers.
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Old 15-08-2013, 10:18 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Originally Posted by temasekguy View Post
Hi brother I agree with you shiokpleasure

I write an FR for 190 before can refer to that k

Many thank to those up me!!
190 is fresh i agree. But not for boob lovers thou
Old 15-08-2013, 10:43 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Anybody wanna go fri tomorrow?
Old 15-08-2013, 11:22 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Can someone track the ip of this Punt guy? In this era where everything u do online leaves digital fingerprints, its dangerous and stupid to play punk like what Punt is doing now, regardless he hiv positive or not.

Track his IP, pin down address and let the OKT do the rest.

Though i personally don't know how to do it im sure its not some mammoth task that require some Computer science phd's work. (I think ur regular PI can do it alr, the most bros here pool money hire 1)

Advise that u come clean to avoid further trouble.
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Old 15-08-2013, 11:49 AM
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Originally Posted by benny21 View Post
Can someone track the ip of this Punt guy? In this era where everything u do online leaves digital fingerprints, its dangerous and stupid to play punk like what Punt is doing now, regardless he hiv positive or not.

Track his IP, pin down address and let the OKT do the rest.

Though i personally don't know how to do it im sure its not some mammoth task that require some Computer science phd's work. (I think ur regular PI can do it alr, the most bros here pool money hire 1)

Advise that u come clean to avoid further trouble.
This is probably a sabo attempt by either competitors or somebody who wants to target the angpais. Maybe scare away enough people so booking becomes easier. NOT the first time this has happened here.

From my long experience and decadent lifestyle!! I can warn all the bros here that many of these women (Malaysian Massage Centres. Geylang legal ones, Petain, China FLs, etc...) do have raw sex with selective customers. SO if you want to play in this arena DO know the risks and TAKE PRECAUTIONS. I've been fucking (lost count already) around with cap on for so long and not a single issue at every health check. That includes fucking some ladies who I know engage in raw sex with clients!

I've been enjoying myself at GBW (and other places :-)) for a long time and don't give a fuck about this asshole posting shit here. I suggest that we all IGNORE this idiot and carry on enjoying ourselves to the max.

Don't let this thread get hijacked with all that raw sex and HIV talk. Let's all get back to posting FRs and enjoying GBW!

PS. I know some of the ladies at GBW offer raw for sure. There are also many who are damn strict. My SOP (recommend to all) is treat them all as potentially unsafe!
Old 15-08-2013, 12:14 PM
CrowCrown CrowCrown is offline
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Re: Bluewave in Jb

Originally Posted by trader View Post
This is probably a sabo attempt by either competitors or somebody who wants to target the angpais. Maybe scare away enough people so booking becomes easier. NOT the first time this has happened here.

From my long experience and decadent lifestyle!! I can warn all the bros here that many of these women (Malaysian Massage Centres. Geylang legal ones, Petain, China FLs, etc...) do have raw sex with selective customers. SO if you want to play in this arena DO know the risks and TAKE PRECAUTIONS. I've been fucking (lost count already) around with cap on for so long and not a single issue at every health check. That includes fucking some ladies who I know engage in raw sex with clients!

I've been enjoying myself at GBW (and other places :-)) for a long time and don't give a fuck about this asshole posting shit here. I suggest that we all IGNORE this idiot and carry on enjoying ourselves to the max.

Don't let this thread get hijacked with all that raw sex and HIV talk. Let's all get back to posting FRs and enjoying GBW!

PS. I know some of the ladies at GBW offer raw for sure. There are also many who are damn strict. My SOP (recommend to all) is treat them all as potentially unsafe!
Agree with you. I see his list i know that guy talking cock. Majority of them are very particular over hygiene and safety.
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