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Old 25-09-2013, 08:07 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by george645 View Post
Newbie here.
In the past few years, I go up to CP at least twice per year. Last year, I was there 4 times.
Each trip is about 5 nights max and I tried to budget about S$1K per day and sometimes more, when a 老点is involved. I am sure my budget pales in comparison to many big timers out there. At the ktv,, I never sit less than 2 girls(even if 老点 is around). My record thus far is 6 girls in an outing. Call me a sucker or whatever with regards to the WL. it's ok. 爷高兴! 开心就好,人生苦短。
No, I will never call you a sucker. It's your money, it's your partying style.

But George, of more importance, is that you pre-check with those cheong mates who usually pick only one/two mms, whether its ok with them. Because usually the monger with the harem hogs the limelight. And becomes the alpha male in the room. Attention gravitates towards him. Most noise, toastings, singing, loud cheering, singing, would come from his entourage.

A party within a party unfolds. Mms of other bros will keep peeping over the other bros' shoulders at the carrying ons. They keep a watching brief, so to speak, at the shenanigans going on in the harem. These in turn may upset the other bros who are hoping to catch their mms undivided attention so as to kc them.

To add insult to (potential) injury, some bros may feel short-changed if the bill at the end of the night is split evenly. You might, George, want to offer to pay up a bigger slice, since your bigger entourage will usually drink and consume more and utilize the DJ's time more.

I used to sit many girls at a time too, but have desist partly for the above disruptive reasons and partly because multi mms just do not work for me.

But let me stress at this juncture, I dont mind partying with beachmasters who want to gather a harem at all, in fact I love to watch the antics and the 'show' playing out before my very eyes, watching human nature in action, and all sorts of mating strategies I read in evolutionary biology books being manifested.

Some years back, I used to party with a guy working in the oilfields in the Middle-East, you know who you are, who would sit 15-20 girls at one time haha! If memory serves me correctly, he almost always pay the whole bill or majority of the bill. In that regard, he's what people would call a gentleman and an officer.
C'est la vie
Old 25-09-2013, 09:15 PM
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Re: Events In CP

The points system. Ah……I have been wanting to touch a bit on this but time is a tyrant. Anyways tonight is as good as any to indulge. So mongers not naturally blessed with forbearance, please skip.

Lately, and every so often, this issue pops up its ugly head. Forumers esp newbies will complain of being zapped. And for no good reason too. Worse still, sometimes its mass-zapped. Or was that gang-zapped? (Alamak…sounds like gang-raped). Some posters have resorted to pleading at the end of their posts not to be zapped as a SOP. The situation has become pathetic.

Anyways, bros relax. The SBF points system as it stands is nothing that it cracks out to be, principally due to poor policing by Sam as moderator.

Points were supposed to be awarded when one genuinely feels the posting is useful, or helpful, or entertaining. Applied correctly, this should act as incentive for good posts and good cyber world behaviour.

What we find now is points are often awarded on an exchange basis. You give me points, I give you points, so to speak. Pure barter language. Some do it by pm( I got one 4 days back), some do it openly on the forum. Of what value are such points when gathered this way? Only the points asker , and gawd, knows.

And some forumers openly tout for points below their posts. I am commenting sans moral, just mentioning the fact.

Points were supposed to be deducted for offensive postings and/or loutish behaviour. But what happens now is good posts get zapped, and almost always anonymously of course, just because it offers a contrary or dissenting POV to the zapper’s own. Yes its pathetic, this lack of tolerance for diversity.

Worse still mongers get zapped by enviers, dullards and morons out to get a hard on. I suspect many zappers lose the argument, or are not eloquent enough to argue their case so just zap zap zap out of envy and frustration.

I personally do not look at a forumer’s points anymore as a mark of his reputation, or as a gauge of the mettle of the man. By reading his postings over a period of time, one is able to sufficiently tell the sharpness of his wit, the acuity of his acumen and the fibre of his being.

Heck, I do not even look at my points, or who gave them, for a long long time now. So to those who did upped me, sorry I did not notice but thanks all the same. Glad you like my posts. And to my zappers, sorry I did not even notice your handiwork as I do not look at my points total at all or look at my personal page as to who zapped me what.

Finally, all above are stictly my POV. No aspersions are cast on mongers with high points and mongers who have accumlated their points assiduously. Any offence caused is unintended.
C'est la vie

Last edited by oolouis; 25-09-2013 at 10:01 PM.
Old 26-09-2013, 02:43 AM
FrontDesk FrontDesk is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Ok I'm not sure why u're not getting what I'm saying... I said that he could just have said that he was behaving weirdly and maybe in his view acting dangerously and what not... That is fair but to suggest that he was on "lifestyle" medication is unfair and uncalled for.
Let me say upfront that I have no intention of breaking his rice bowl since I was one of his early customers and I did promote him to most of my friends and mainly because he is extremely nice to me and even have good reviews from my friends.

The purpose I came out to say what I said is simply because I CARE for peoples safety and thats it.

Just make sure that he OR ANY DRIVER you hire is fine and normal before you board the ride.

I commented that he might be on something and thats it... I can't prove it and its purely a guess. I shall not write anything more here in case words gets picked up and faulted for. I DID NOT MEAN to detriment the driver or any other driver.

No point for arguing for what is essentially a "be careful, stay safe have fun" message.
Old 26-09-2013, 05:27 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FrontDesk View Post
Let me say upfront that I have no intention of breaking his rice bowl since I was one of his early customers and I did promote him to most of my friends and mainly because he is extremely nice to me and even have good reviews from my friends.

The purpose I came out to say what I said is simply because I CARE for peoples safety and thats it.

Just make sure that he OR ANY DRIVER you hire is fine and normal before you board the ride.

I commented that he might be on something and thats it... I can't prove it and its purely a guess. I shall not write anything more here in case words gets picked up and faulted for. I DID NOT MEAN to detriment the driver or any other driver.

No point for arguing for what is essentially a "be careful, stay safe have fun" message.
Point taken bro and apologies if I over-reacted. I will not make any excuses for what I said but I meant no malice in what I posted. Words and meanings are often mis-construed online and misunderstandings arise.

Anyways, let's put this away and be done with the matter. I will take it upon myself to make sure that this guy is not doing anything he shouldn't lest someone says that I'm not concerned for other bros safety and again, I apologise for strong words used.


next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 26-09-2013, 11:48 AM
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Re: Events In CP

the last time i was in CP was a few years ago.

i was hoping that some bros here would provide details and comment/opinion/score cards on the hotels, ktvs and sn.

it would be better if the FR and/or girls' number fm the ktvs or SNs can be given so that these can be used a "references" (for my next trip).

CP is getting expensive and th4, i would pay for the "recommended" girls at ktvs, SNs although "one man's meat is another's poision". but what the heck, at least there are some feedback for reference and at the end of the day, if the encounter if different fm the fr, another fr could be written to suan, joke, laugh over the whole incident.

that was what i could recall in the good ol' days of SBY in the FL Dome section, ie, pure FUN

what i see or read now is either some chim thesis, POVs, having-the-last-say posts ........ what happened to the simple "sharing-and-have-fun-together" concept ?
big boobies will bring me out of retirement
Old 26-09-2013, 02:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Manage to call him, price ok.

Up 10 points for u

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Hey bro, just earlier on someone shared the contact of a driver that a few of us use. His name is 小邓,number is +86 139-2580-2585. Quite reliable and not out to cheat. If I'm not wrong the cost shld be abt the same as cost for a trip to the airport. If u want a cozier ride he has a 6 sitter tht is in between the size of a sedan and a mpv. He used to charge sedan price for that. Do check with him for exact details. Cheers
Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange.

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7

Need u to post something that i can return u the points.
Old 26-09-2013, 03:16 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ben_cooldude View Post
the last time i was in CP was a few years ago.

i was hoping that some bros here would provide details and comment/opinion/score cards on the hotels, ktvs and sn.

it would be better if the FR and/or girls' number fm the ktvs or SNs can be given so that these can be used a "references" (for my next trip).

CP is getting expensive and th4, i would pay for the "recommended" girls at ktvs, SNs although "one man's meat is another's poision". but what the heck, at least there are some feedback for reference and at the end of the day, if the encounter if different fm the fr, another fr could be written to suan, joke, laugh over the whole incident.

that was what i could recall in the good ol' days of SBY in the FL Dome section, ie, pure FUN

what i see or read now is either some chim thesis, POVs, having-the-last-say posts ........ what happened to the simple "sharing-and-have-fun-together" concept ?
Some of us are still having fun together bro while some are trying to preach what is the right way to have fun haha... It seems like now there is a standard protocol for posts and if u don't abide then u are wasting bandwidth and some people's time.. 😂😂😂

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 26-09-2013, 04:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post

Anyways, let's put this away and be done with the matter. I will take it upon myself to make sure that this guy is not doing anything he shouldn't lest someone says that I'm not concerned for other bros safety and again, I apologise for strong words used.

I have been engaging him for 2 years already and I can vouch that he is one real honest driver.
Old 26-09-2013, 05:38 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ben_cooldude View Post
that was what i could recall in the good ol' days of SBY in the FL Dome section, ie, pure FUN

what i see or read now is either some chim thesis, POVs, having-the-last-say posts ........ what happened to the simple "sharing-and-have-fun-together" concept ?
Yes……… indeed a very good question!

First matter to consider is of course if thesis/philosophical discussions such as this have a place in this forum/is appropriate or not. But the fact of the matter is that your question does beg for just such a philosophical discussion!

And the question you presented can be surmised into - “What is it that WE ALL can do to make this forum a better place? A Fun place where information is freely given, where questions can be asked and answers given – without any agenda except to add to the body knowledge, without fear of being chastised for expressing whatever opinion or information one is wont to give, without the “dark hands” that Oolouis refers to, ganging up and going on a Zapping campaign.” We all know that this goes on and orchestrated by those I speculate must feel that they have the right to dictate the tenor and direction of the forum, that one must abide by “…a standard protocol for posts…” as per his own definitions and likes!!

Yes, people like Oolouis, some others and I have been approaching this subject for a while and I believe that we are slowly succeeding in letting others at least understand that what we are trying to accomplish is not all that that unreasonable, even beneficial to all concerned! I received a PM which although initially reproaching me for taking up this cause, went on further to express the sender’s own disapproval at some of the antics that some here had practiced (and which he admitted to as being a mistake on his part, to have also gone along with in the past), And….even ending with the sender actually wishing me luck and success in this rather lonely undertaking!! LOL! Thanks Guy!! I know it’s a stretch, but I hope that by my still zeroing on this topic, that I can embolden you to also come out publicly. If not, I of course totally understand, as unforgiving as some characters here are!!

So yes, a minor success, and one which I hope will grow as more of you will ascribe and assist to build a forum where one can go to …..and just simply enjoy!

Just because there is a majority, it does not mean that the majority is right and given Celestial blessings to prevail! Monumental change usually happens from one person or group of persons who has the intelligence and clarity of purpose that only a pure heart without any personal agenda can have. And I assure you that I have no personal agenda except to see this forum become all the more informative and enjoyable FOR ALL to participate in. You gonna take this at face value or …sigh….challenge me on this? LOL!

From the PM I received, I now can 100% confirm that there IS a rabid gang mentality operating on this board – to the detriment of anybody and everybody else NOT part of this gang and who seems intent on just dictating their own “…standard of protocol for posts….” IMHO, there’s just too many posts on here catering to their own cult of personality, banal self congratulatory “Taikor” messages, inane chatter on how one has got so much money as to be able to waste on courting WG’s (errrr…. All it does take to court a WG is money!! LOL!), how much liquor and the priceyness of liquid gold they can consume and…. of course…. discourse and even pride at being able to NOT express oneself properly in English ….and at the same time being condescending on those who do!!

Funny how ANYBODY could be proud of their own inadequacy(ies)… and even go as far as to resort to mocking those who do have totally common life skills. Amazing!

Nothing to stop ANY of you from continuing such TCSS and joking around (except perhaps that by now, you yourself should hopefully recognize how totally inane SOME of those are!). More power to you! All I ask is that those of us who ARE wanting to contribute real knowledge, provide information as we know it, get into more cerebral discussions etc also be accorded the same courtesy. And for you to, hopefully, refrain from continuing with the bullying and childish tactics/antics so far displayed.

Forums such as this IMHO should contribute to informing and arming us mongers with more knowledge on how to get the best out of our liaisons with WG’s, for lets face it, we are mere intermittent amateurs compared to these professional girls who practices and hone their “craft” day in day out. Even if somebody gives the wrong information or suggests error – it is still relevant as the rest of us can then set the record straight (or at least express his own POV) and then be involved into discussions on how to not fall into the same trap. Right now, anybody reporting anything here is treading on egg shells as the know-it-alls and those who consider themselves expert (Yeah? Really? There are experts on mongering? Really?) time and again had just come down hard at anything they do not find agreeable. Perhaps in order to show-off how knowledgeable they are? (NOT!! LOL!!). Where is the sense of courtesy? Or sense of camaraderie that I would have thought natural in a forum as this?

And Oh…. OK ….. Allow me to now take this opportunity to apologize if I, in turn, am possibly being too adamant or even disrespectful in my exhortations to you. But I strongly believe that it is high time that this huge menacing elephant in the room be recognized…..and of course discussed about.

Like I have previously said, I really would most respectfully – but fervently – ask y’all to try to understand what people like Ooolouis and I are saying, before coming out with more little thought-out retorts and petty childish theatrics – which I of course hope are not spurred on only by a childish gang mentality.

And of course, as usual, the above is only my own humble POV.

Old 26-09-2013, 07:07 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime View Post
Chill Lah bros krone and SEAJ.

what is most important is the safety of bros here.

all experienced bros here noe when to take info here w a pinch of salt.
Many thanks for your very sensible and good advise to just let it drop; in fact I did just let it go as indeed it is just such a small matter.

I would have continued to ignore this all but I see that there just do not seem to be any end to the inuendos and taunting and trash talking. Talk about wanting to get in the last word….Man….three last words!!! Right!!!

So much so that I am now wondering if indeed it is such a small matter; if indeed it IS just a By-The-Way endorsement of one particular driver’s services, or…… if there is something more sinister going on.
Originally Posted by krone View Post
.........I will take it upon myself to make sure that this guy is not doing anything he shouldn't lest someone says that I'm not concerned for other bros safety and again, I apologise for strong words used.

What is this “….I will take it upon myself to make sure that this guy is not doing anything he shouldn't…”
How? Unless you’re not telling us everything?
Take it upon yourself…??!!

I of course do not want to break anybody’s rice bowl, if indeed he is deserving of our patronage – after all, he is just earning a living.

But what is all this “smoke?”
And that “when there’s smoke, there’s……!!”



Last edited by SEAJ; 26-09-2013 at 08:27 PM.
Old 26-09-2013, 07:57 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Ok I'm not sure why u're not getting what I'm saying... I said that he could just have said that he was behaving weirdly and maybe in his view acting dangerously and what not... That is fair but to suggest that he was on "lifestyle" medication is unfair and uncalled for.

And like I said, if he is rightfully guilty of all said accusation then by all means let us know and I'll be the first to warn my friends. Or do u just have to have the last say or word in all ur related posts?

Added: I'm all in for the truth but I don't stand for false accusations
Ahhh…..yes….. we’re getting to the bottom of this all ain’t we?
I guess it’s not a matter of you just wanting to have the last word….Huh …that there probably is much more at stake…. Huh?!
So much for confirmation!!

Now….I’m not going to accuse anybody for anything, but we all know that drivers regularly pay kick-backs to agents and others who recommend business.
No need for I or anybody else to make accusations!!!
False or otherwise.

Man….. so much smoke….cain’t hardly make out head or tail…how am I expected to make ANY sense of anything??!!

But if it walks like duck, quack like a duck….wellll….!!



Why delete your last post??
What more are you not wanting others to know??
Old 26-09-2013, 08:25 PM
george645 george645 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Hi Oolouis,
My friends are fine with me siting 6 girls, they too sit more than 2.
We are automatic in sharing costs. So we never have any trouble or fight because of $.
Those with more girls never hog the limelight. Girls are shared around.
I am glad I have friends and they are glad, the have a friend like me. 出来玩,何必计较太多?开心就好。
Old 26-09-2013, 09:02 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Just FYI, the following is a C+P of a post on another forum, outlining charges of a fleet of private cars operated by the poster.

1.All the following vehicles purchased cost from the Stone.
2.All vehicles have already purchased a high insurance.
3.All vehicles driver is in possession of the coach certificate(incl me)Minimum driving age more than 5 years.
4.There are guests in the car, our car must be traveling on expressways,
If my driver does not fulfill my promise,my guests can refuse to pay the fare(Except traffic jam on the highway).

The following prices are subject to change,Completely in order to avoid other people's gossip,Please Understanding!

A. (Toyota Corolla car Departure from CP or Destination to CP ):
1.Shenzhen Airport RMB200
2.Guangzhou Airport RMB380
3.Guangzhou city RMB350
4.Futian port RMB200
5.Shekou RMB230
6.Huanggang port RMB200
7.Luohu port RMB210
8.Gongbei port RMB450
9.Fuyong Port RMB220
10.Chang'an RMB130(Town center)
11.Humen RMB170
12.Houjie RMB150
13.Foshan RMB450
14.Zhongshan RMB400
15.Shunde RMB500

B.(Refine MPV Departure from CP or Destination to CP):
1.Shenzhen Airport RMB250
2.Guangzhou Airport RMB500
3.Guangzhou city RMB500
4.Futian port RMB260
5.Shekou RMB280
6.Huanggang port RMB260
7.Luohu port RMB270
8.Gongbei port RMB550
9.Fuyong Port RMB270
10.Chang'an RMB150(Town center)
11.Humen RMB180
12.Houjie RMB180
13.Foshan RMB600
14.Zhongshan RMB550
15.Shunde RMB650

C. (Toyota REIZ(Mark X) Departure from CP or Destination to CP ):
1.Shenzhen Airport RMB300
2.Guangzhou Airport RMB600
3.Guangzhou city RMB600
4.Futian port RMB300
5.Shekou port RMB350
6.Huanggang port RMB300
7.Luohu port RMB330
8.Gongbei port RMB900
9.Fuyong Port RMB300
10.Chang'an RMB200(Town center)
11.Humen RMB200
12.Houjie RMB200
13.Foshan RMB800
14.Zhongshan RMB700
15.Shunde RMB900

Ps. And no, I don't have anything to do with this guy...except for his intermittent invitations for me to join his KTV parties...which I have yet to do!! And no, I've never even met the guy!!
I just put the information up so that you guys know what is the fair pricing for Car rides in CP - which in this case is run by an agent himself.
Errr.... I guess after when he figured out just how much money is involved in kickbacks to agents and other introducers!! LOL

Last edited by SEAJ; 26-09-2013 at 09:13 PM.
Old 26-09-2013, 09:44 PM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Here we go again hahaha! Angry old man starts his lecture again hahaha. Truth be told, there is so much written but I'm just too lazy to read thru haha.. Never one in favour of preaching and sermons. All I know is that everyone is entitled to what they wanna say in a forum. Don't like don't read loh haha like what I do. As if what u say will get under my skin, just not worth my effort lah..

Anybody with a bit of intelligence also know if I wanna get kick back or what I will need to mention my name lah... I gave the number and recommendation without mentioning my name how he know I intro one? Hahaha!! Not very smart ah someone.. Just wanna throw accusations at me but nv think thru what he say haha.. Want ppl to share then now share leow will kena accuse of getting commission leh... Aiyo... Lidat how? Some ppl just like to take needle poke their own backside lah hahaha

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 26-09-2013, 09:51 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Anybody with a bit of intelligence also know if I wanna get kick back or what I will need to mention my name lah... I gave the number and recommendation without mentioning my name how he know I intro one? Hahaha!! Not very smart ah someone.. Just wanna throw accusations at me but nv think thru what he say haha.. Want ppl to share then now share leow will kena accuse of getting commission leh... Aiyo... Lidat how? Some ppl just like to take needle poke their own backside lah hahaha
Aiyah! KNN! Talk so much and waste your time for what? My take is - it takes one to know one. Take my advice lah! Don't waste your time.
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