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Old 01-06-2014, 03:31 PM
lipe lipe is offline
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


  暑假表哥打来电话,让小丽和嫂子到北京去玩,嫂子在家犹豫了好几天,小丽每天又吵又闹非要去,最后嫂子 还决定,并打电话让小丽外婆来给嫂子看家,因我有时也因公司有事而要出差,所以让小丽外婆来。嫂子决定礼拜 六走,去二十天左右,让我还是在这里住。

  礼拜五的下午小丽的外婆来了,只感觉那位阿姨好性感,身高一米六三的样子,皮肤白皙,穿了一件露胳膊的 薄丝上衣,下身一条短裙,配一双奶白色高跟鞋,双腿被一双会色的丝袜紧紧包裹着,我看着实在太 过瘾了。

  第二天嫂子临走时紧紧盯着我和小丽的外婆看着,我知道嫂子心里在想什麽,她是怕我上了她妈的床,我说嫂 子放心去玩吧,我知该怎样做。她们母女依依不舍的上了火车。

  短短七天我感觉好空虚,还好晚上小丽外婆在,还以说说话。我那鸡巴每晚也硬得不得了,好几天没做爱了我 实在太想做了。晚上我和小丽外婆看着电视,有一种说不出来的冲动,看了一会到了十点多钟小丽外婆说:我先睡 了。我说那你先睡吧,小丽外婆睡后不久我偷偷的找了一盘黄色带子慢慢的看了起来。看着录像上的做爱,我不由 得更加冲动,不由的看看小丽外婆的房间,见她房间门虚掩着,我越看越受不了,我关了录像去睡觉,睡在床上翻 来复去睡不着,而且鸡巴也硬的像钢筋,好久不能入睡。

  我感觉好象有尿意起身去上卫生间,看见小丽外婆房间有灯光,门虚掩着原来阿姨看完录像上的做爱,诱发了 她压抑已久的性欲,所以回到房间就开始自慰。我看的太入神了,以至于忘了自己是在偷窥,不知不觉中已经推开 门走了进去。阿姨正在性头上所以也没有察觉有人进来,于是我就看完了阿姨手淫的全过程。

  当阿姨从高潮中回过神发现我站在床边正呆呆的看着她,开始她很是羞涩,不过很快就恢复了自然,从床上起 来走到门前,轻轻的关上门。我想当时我已经猜出她要做什麽了。` 阿姨走到床边,拿了一个毛巾被裹在了身上。

  [ 你怎麽还没睡啊} 我很机械的回答着,许多念头不断的闪现在我的脑海中,我是不是要解释说自己不是有意偷看的呢?看到阿姨的表 情我知道自己没有必要解释什麽了。

  [ 你也知道,我一个女人守了十几年的寡,为了你表嫂和他妹我放弃了再嫁的机会,让自己承担了所有的痛苦和寂寞 ,可是我也是一个女人呀,也有和别的女人一样的生理需求。] 阿姨在那解释道,仿佛是她做错了什麽似的。我看到阿姨的眼里闪出了泪花,突然怜悯之心大起,觉得眼前的这个 女人不是一个老女人,而是一个受到伤害需要我安慰的小孩。

  [ 阿姨,我能理解你的苦衷,知道你为了这个她们付出了太多太多,希望能够让你的下半辈子过上幸福 的生活] 我说出了自己的心里话。

  [ 我明白你们对我好,孝敬我,可是有些事情你们是帮不了我的] 我知道阿姨不仅心灵空虚,生理的需求长期得不到满足也让她备受痛苦。 [阿姨……我想告诉你……如果你愿意,今后我可你满足你] 我鼓足了勇气把自己的想法说了出来。 [可是,这样太不好吧,我们这样也是乱伦呀] 阿姨犹豫着。

  [ 如果你不想让嫂子知道的话,我可你帮你保守这个秘密,不过我想嫂子即时知道了也会理解我们的] 我安慰道。阿姨沉默了好一会,然后慢慢的站起身来,走到我面前,两眼深情地望着我说[ 你不后悔吗?] [ 不后悔,这也算是我孝敬你的方式吧,只要你需要我随时都可你让你满足的] 我把自己的真实想法告诉了阿姨。听完我的话,阿姨显得异常激动,含情脉脉的看着我,就像热恋中情人的眼神。 阿姨慢慢把身上的毛巾被解开散落在地上,虽然阿姨的身体没有嫂子和小丽的那麽苗条性感,却散发着一股成熟女 人的韵味。阿姨慢慢的蹲下,把我仅有的内裤退到了脚踝,把我的大鸡巴含到了嘴里开始吸吮起来,两手抚摸我的 阴囊。


  我再也忍耐不住了,摇摆臀部让肉棒在阿姨的嘴里快速进出,享受着阿姨带给我的快感。阿姨的口技也真是高 超,不一会我的大鸡巴又再立雄风,勃起的大鸡巴塞满了阿姨的小嘴。

  [ 阿姨,让我来服侍你吧] 说完我的手已经在她的阴户上乱摸了,我伸出一个中指用力的往她的阴户里一插“啊痛”阿姨痛苦的叫了一声“小 声点会被人听见的”我急忙用嘴去堵住她的嘴,她用力的把头一撇,把脸侧了过去,我的中指在她的阴道里来回的 抽插,这时候阿姨就不在那麽用力的反抗了,任由我在她阴道里来回的抽插,我看见她没有反抗了,我的手放开了 她的手,在她的翘起的奶子上,用力的抓起来,我感觉她的乳头开始变的硬起,来阴道里面也开始润滑了,淫水慢 慢的从阴道里流了出来,这时候阿姨闭着眼睛一声不响,脸朝一边侧了过去,我感到时机已经成熟了“阿姨~我要 把我的阴茎插进你的阴道里面去了,你不要叫,我干起来比你老公不会差的,我会让你舒服的”我一边说一边把手 指从她阴道里抽了出,来握起自己的阴茎准备对准她的阴道往里面插时,阿姨突然开口说“……轻……一……点… …”阿姨声音有些颤抖,不过听她这样一说,我的胆子一下子大了“我会轻轻的·很温柔的,不过你要配合我,我 保证让你舒服”

  “只能有这次,以后别这样了。我让阿姨双手扶着梳妆台的桌子,高高跷起她的屁股,阿姨那美丽的菊花蕾和 水蜜桃般饱满成熟的阴户全都暴露在我的面前,而且透过镜子还可以看到阿姨胸前的那两个雪白的肉球,让我再也 忍不住了,双手扶着阿姨的腰,对准阿姨的阴户直冲过去,只听[ 噗嗤] 一声粗大的鸡巴已经尽根没入阿姨的体内,我顺势便抽动了起来 [啊……啊……嗯……嗯……]

  配合着我的每一次插入,阿姨开始有节奏的呻吟起来[啊……啊……啊………我的好儿子……用力插……再用力……插死我吧……嗯………嗯……对……再快一点……再 用力……啊……啊………太爽了……终于又找到这种感觉了] 由于很久没大干一场,这次可以坚持更长时间了,我要好好的孝敬一下我的阿姨,于是我就更卖力的 抽插起来 [嗯……好儿子,好老公……用力插我吧……再用力一些……嗯……就这样] 从镜子里看到阿姨完全陶醉于性爱中,头发已经被她甩乱了,脸上红晕重生,半眯着的眼睛投射出迷 人的表情。

  两个大波随着我的抽插不停的来回摇摆,我两手抓住吊在空中荡漾的乳房继续卖力的抽插着。[ 唔……小祖宗……你真会插穴……快插死我了……再用力一些……插死我吧……以后我的小穴就属于你了……嗯… …].看来阿姨是很长时间没有被满足过了,我疯狂的干了五、六百下仍没有把她拿下。我抱起了阿姨把她平放到床上 ,抬起她的双腿开始了第二轮的抽插。

  阿姨情欲激荡之下,浑身乱颤,大口喘气,两个饱满白嫩的奶子,也随着呼吸抖动摇晃。她开始疯狂的扭动腰 肢,挺耸丰臀,意图攫取更大的快感 [啊,……我亲爱的好儿子……就这样……对,用力插……嗯……唔……我爱你的大鸡巴……我快不行了……使劲插 死我吧……] 阿姨来回的摇摆着头,淫荡的叫声此起彼伏。

Old 01-06-2014, 03:35 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

  我每次都把鸡巴退到只有龟头在里面,然后再用力整根没入。每次都插到阿姨的花心[ 啊……不行了……我要泄了] 随着阿姨的浪叫,她的身体开始不住的颤抖,双腿紧紧地攀住我的脖子,小穴突然变紧子宫不停的收缩,这时一股 滚烫的阴经喷射到龟头上。我再也忍不住了,又狂抽了七,八下终于也把一股精液深深的射到了阿姨 的子宫里。

  我们相互温存了片刻,阿姨你老公的阴茎很大吗比我的大吗”我指着自己勃起的阴茎问阿姨看了我的阴茎一眼 说“不……是……吧……你的阴茎怎麽这麽长”




我就一边爬上阿姨的身上一点用手握住自己的阴茎在她的两腿之间来回的磨蹭“不是那里上面一点~那是屁眼”她 焦急的说道,其实我心里知道阿姨早就想让我插进去了,她的淫水已经都流到肛门了我故意和她逗玩的“阿姨我找 不到你的小洞啊你帮帮我吧”




看她的手势就知道很熟练“找到了啊,我感觉到了这时候,我没有心急的把阴茎插进去,只是在她阴道口来回的摩 擦”快点插进去啊~!你要是在不插进去我就不让你搞了,我要起来了“



我一边说一边把阴茎从她的阴道里抽了出来躺在床上”阿姨你把腿分开骑在我上面,然后把我的阴茎对准你的阴道 ,你就坐下来,然后就这样上下来回的抽送很简单“”啊这样怎麽搞“她一边说一边照我的话做”吱“一声又一次 插进了她的阴道”不行这样好痛插的太深了我受不了“

”喔……噢……噢……阿姨一边叫一边慢慢上下来回的抽送这时候我一把搂住她的要往下一拉我的屁股往上一顶阴 茎完完全全的插进了阿姨的阴道里我的龟头感觉到了阿姨的阴核“啊痛不行受不了”阿姨一个翻身从上面下来了“ 怎麽了”


















  我握住自己的阴茎对准了阿姨的阴道再一次“吱”的一声插进了她的阴道里“不要插的太深很痛 的”




  ……啪……啪……啪……随着我的阴茎在阿姨的阴道里抽插我的小腹打在阿姨的屁股上发出一阵阵的响声“阿 姨是不是很舒服”




  ……啪……啪……啪……啪……啪……啪……啪……啪……啪……这样抽插了几十下以后我有点累了“真的很 舒服我和你大叔做的时候已经有好久没有这样的感觉了”










  我把鸡巴抽了出来让阿姨平躺在床上然后我压在她身上把阴茎对准了她的阴道又一次“吱”的插了进去“阿姨 现在让你来高潮了你准备好了”




  说完我就疯狂的在阿姨的阴道里来回的抽插阿姨的双腿紧紧的夹在一起让我更加觉她阴道很紧……啪……啪… …啪……啪……啪……啪……我疯狂的插了又插“噢……噢……嗷……不要停我高潮快来了用力啊别停 别停……”

  这时候阿姨双手也紧紧的抱住我,我把手往阿姨的屁股下面一垫,把她的屁股往上抬好,让我的阴茎能尽可能 的插的更深我越插越快越插越深“噢……哦……噢……来了~来了~!好舒服啊!你真厉害,让我找回了失去已久 的高潮!”

  “嗯……”这下你满足了吧“我说”你不也很舒服吗很满足吗“阿姨说阿姨眯着媚眼,享受着泄精的快感,我 摸揉着她那特别肥大挺翘的屁股蛋儿忽发奇思,想要操操她肉紧紧的屁眼,把她翻了个身,大鸡巴顶着那臀缝凹洼 中的小屁眼儿就想干入。

  就在这时候,她惊叫着道:”哎呀……亲爹……你……你要……干我……屁眼……不……女儿我没……弄过呀 ……“

我压上她的背,双手伸到前面去揉着她肥嫩的奶球儿,说道:”好阿姨!让我干吧!你这小屁眼儿好肉紧,就让我 开了你的后苞吧!好嘛!亲亲小穴穴女儿!“

阿姨被我揉得乳球直颤,只好道:”好……嘛……亲爹爹……你……你要慢点儿……轻轻地操呀……“我摸揉着阿 姨雪白肥美的玉臀,伸手在她屁股沟轻抚着,手感非常滑嫩和柔软。

  看着阿姨这浑身妖冶的浪肉,与又白又嫩,娇艳欲滴的肥臀,抹了些她阴户滴出来的淫水在奇紧的屁缝上,只 那麽轻轻的一抹,阿姨已紧张得全身打哆嗦,蛇腰猛摆,屁股也随着摇晃不已。我用手握住那又粗又硬的大鸡巴, 龟头就在她屁眼儿上,左右上下地轻搓着,又磨着转着。屁眼儿上的骚痒大概是她从未经历过的,只见她那双媚眼 ,似闭而微张,又快要眯成一条直线了,呼吸重浊,小嘴嗯声连连,浑身发烫,玉体狂扭。

  我也按住她雪白的大屁股,龟头上觉得她的小屁眼儿已润滑无比了,抱着她那迷死人的下体,”吱!“的一声 ,硬生生地把条大鸡巴猛干进了一个龟头,小屁眼涨裂开合之中,紧紧地夹住了我的大鸡巴。

  痛得阿姨大叫道:”妈呀……可疼死……我了……“一个肥美的大屁股痛得拼命扭动,但是她这一扭,却使我 的大鸡巴被夹得更热更紧,一股奇异的快感,刺激得我不顾一切地用劲更是顶了进去。

  只听得她哀叫着道:”哎唷……哎唷……痛死我了……你……你干穿……我的……股了……“她痛得死去活来 ,我一下下抽得急插得快,室内只听到”啪吱!啪吱!“的阴囊和屁股肉碰撞的声音回响着。

  我低声对着她说道:”好伯母!忍着点,一会儿就不痛了,屁眼儿插松就美了。“我一边抽插着她那肥嘟嘟、 白嫩嫩的大屁股,一边也抚摸着她背上的柔肤,”唷……唷……哎……哎呀……“是她咬牙切齿的苦苦哼吟,每一 下的干入,直贯大肠,必弄得她瞪大眼尖叫着,这火辣辣的刺激,使她宛如再开一次苞样的痛苦。

  我的大鸡巴在干入小屁眼儿之后,就开始左右晃动着屁股,使它在肠壁上既磨又旋不已,弄得阿姨的娇躯产生 了一阵痉挛,屁眼被撑得辣痛,但里面又有一种酸痒痛麻混合着的滋味。

  一会儿果然她又淫荡地屁股左右前后狂扭猛摆,双手拍打着地毯,小嘴里浪呼着:”啊……好涨喔……大鸡巴 ……亲儿子……好舒服……呀……美死……了……唔……哼……小屁眼儿……爽死了……哎呀……插死女儿了…… 哼……哼……哦……酸……女儿受……受不了……要泄了……啊……嗯……嗯……“

浪叫声突然由高亢转为低沉,而那狂浪扭摆着的娇躯也渐渐地慢了下来,媚眼如丝,嘴角生春,额头香汗淋漓,我 的大鸡巴狂捣着她肥美的屁眼儿,她被我干得四肢发软,钗横鬓乱,两眼反白,口流香涎,一股阴精混着淫水从她 前面的小穴中冲出,滴湿了地毯,也使她的阴毛浸湿了一大片,一泄之后,她晕晕的不省人事,浪昏了过去,浑身 又白又嫩的肉体,也趴伏在了她的身体上面了。

  我也再紧插几下后,大鸡巴在她小屁眼儿内抖动个不停,龟头酥麻,精关一松,浓浓的阳精在龟头的跳动下, 射向了她的大肠里。

Old 01-06-2014, 03:37 PM
lipe lipe is offline
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


  乐颂辉和她的太太婉莹新婚一年多,颂辉为人很开放,曾多次要求她太太婉莹有机会能故意走光露一下,或找 陌生人玩一玩性爱,无奈婉莹总是不答应,颂辉很希望她太太可以和别的男人做爱给他看。但婉莹还是不肯答应他 的想法,婉莹说这辈子到现在,只有颂辉一个男人,个性保守,当初也是处女给颂辉的,还是在订婚 之后。
  颂辉喜欢幻想着她太太被男人玩弄而流露出淫荡的神情,心想如实现不知是甚么滋味,而我是颂辉的最好朋友 ,因此他请敎了我如何可以令他梦想成真,其实在他们拍拖时我便对婉莹有非份之想,颂辉的请教令我十分兴奋, 不只他梦想成真,而我也可以梦想成真了,所以我假装免为其难的想了个一石二鸟的方法。
  计划在一个月后开始了,他们到泰国渡假,那里天气真好,艳阳、白浪沙滩,让他们流连忘返;水上摩托车、 浮潜都是很好的休闲活动。晚上可以逛逛市集、买买纪念品、散散步、吹吹海风,享受这远离尘嚣的感觉。回饭店 时才三点多,当时非常的困,两人不觉沉沉睡去,醒来时已是六点了。
  “肚子饿了,叫东西吃吧。”婉莹说着,叫了两份餐及一份报纸。两人大快朵颐后,颂辉看着报纸,而婉莹正 在洗澡,等婉莹洗好澡后,颂辉告诉婉莹说叫了个按摩师给她,就当是生日礼物,婉莹还笑说:“好啊,让我轻松 一下”
  颂辉心想,让我高兴才对。随后颂辉也舒舒服服的洗了个澡及仅着浴袍,和婉莹躺在大床上看电视,等待按摩 师的到来,而按摩师当然是由我来扮演。过了约三十分钟,门口的电铃响了,颂辉跳着跑下床去开门,我这个化了 装的按摩师差点连颂辉也不认得我,而婉莹见是个男人,有点不知所措呢,脸都红了。颂辉见婉莹有点疑虑,就说 是服务台说,男性按摩力度较好又专业,婉莹看了看我及想到这里是泰国而不是香港,也宽心了不少。然后我要婉 莹平趴于床上,她也都照做了。
  一会儿我就要求婉莹将浴袍脱掉;起初婉莹还红着脸,不太敢脱,我就笑说:“好像没人穿浴袍按摩吧?”经 过我们的解说,婉莹才释怀,毕竟她从未在外人的面前露过,更何况有她丈夫颂辉在旁。她羞羞的将浴袍脱掉,天 阿!她竟然里面还穿着胸围和内裤,保守到真是有够受不了!我用一条浴巾盖在婉莹的身上,就开始在她肩上按摩 起来了。
  “喔!真系好舒服…喔…” 婉莹说。
  按了一会,我把婉莹的胸围扣脱开推到两旁,她大叫: “啊!你”
  我解说要涂上乳液,不想弄污了胸围,然后在她背上涂上乳液来按摩,那乳液的味道非常的香,闻了后有一种 通体舒畅的感觉,全身轻飘飘的。婉莹的脸别向另一边,令颂辉看不到她太太的表情。我在婉莹光滑的背部按摩轻 抚。颂辉突然想到我这位专家说,婚后妻子第一次尝“鲜”时,老公就算同意,也最好不要在一旁,免的妻子因难 为情或放不开,而影响成效,……颂辉将音乐开的很大声,然后告诉婉莹说要去蹲马桶(婉莹很清楚,颂辉一蹲马 桶起码要四、五十分钟),叫她好好享受,婉莹羞红着脸,娇嗔地说: “好吧 !”但其实颂辉只是厕所内由门缝偷看,我还对他笑了笑。我顺着在婉莹的大腿、小腿这样的按下去,她舒畅的发 出一些呓语:“嗯……嗯……”
  然后我把婉莹的内裤推下一点,在那附近用整个手掌按摩,手指慢慢把她的内裤越推越下,大半个雪白屁股也 露了出来。过一会,我再解说要涂上乳液按摩,怕弄污了内裤,想把它脱掉,照婉莹保守的性格,颂辉也估计她一 定抵死不肯,想不到婉莹竟一口答应,看来我必然按得她很舒服。婉莹还托起下腹,让我把她的内裤脱掉,我相她 还怕羞,因她两只腿夹得很紧,不过她已被我剥脱得一丝不挂,接下来我按着婉莹的大腿内侧靠近阴唇,我想她必 然很爽,两腿慢慢地越张越开,下体那片漆黑的阴毛和嫩穴均暴露在我的眼中,我在她大腿内侧由内向外推拿,有 意无意之间还用手指轻搔婉莹的嫩穴一下,而她的屁股则随着我的手势而扭动。我突把身上衣服脱光,我的阴毛不 算浓密,但阴茎却有六寸长而且已青筋暴涨,龟头则涨硬发紫。颂辉心中不禁一荡,直觉心跳加快,我接着在婉莹 背部按摩,慢慢按向两旁乳边,当时婉莹的手放在床边,我把下体靠向她的手上,颂辉看见她太太轻微颤动,相信 婉莹也感觉到压在她手上的是我的大阴茎,不过婉莹却没把手移开,我还轻轻的转动屁股,把炙热的阴茎不停在她 手上擦着。
  突煞婉莹偷偷地把手一反,有意无意的在轻抚我的阴囊,接下来婉莹的上半身轻轻地拱起,这样一来,我的手 已伸到她身下柔软的乳房,我一手抚摸着她的乳房,另一手探向嫩穴揉摸。不久,我听到婉莹重重的喘息声,并且 夹杂着“嗯…啊…嗯……”的声音。
  颂辉看见婉莹转头看着我的阴茎,还轻轻地把我的阴茎握住上下套弄,然后还把阴茎跟睾丸全舔一遍后,再全 根含入吸吮舔舐。颂辉和婉莹在一起一年多,她从未替颂辉口交,想不到竟然会帮一个陌生人口交起 来。
  婉莹只是从喉咙上发出点点响应。我现在还忙着搓弄婉莹的乳房,她又再次把我的阴茎放到嘴里去,脸上还展 露出丝丝快意。
  颂辉看在眼里好像见到另一个婉莹,虽然对现在的妻子感到讶异,但又是刺激非常。我对付女人的手法十分到 家,我将婉莹整个扶正了,双腿向着颂辉,然后我很用心地亲吻她的耳朵,一会又轻吻她的樱唇,手就熟练地抚摸 她的阴唇,手指还不时搓揉她的阴核。“嗯……”只见婉莹不时摆动着身子,下体不时向前挺起,像是要我把手指 插入去似的,婉莹这种动作我是明了的,我想她现在的阴道一定是痒到不得了了。她忍住不发出呻吟声,强忍着我 带给她的刺激,哈哈!婉莹这个模样更加吸引人,颂辉亦不得不衷心说一句,我的前戏手法,真不错!看样子他可 要跟我多多学习。
  “哟~唔~好痕呀……”婉莹开始忍不住了,我忽然抬起她婉莹的小腿,轻轻地吻到她脚面上来:“就快唔痕 喇……”我一边回应,一边向她的小腿内侧一路吻上去,时而用舌尖轻轻扫拂,“哎……啊~~啊~”」只见婉莹 的样子非常享受,咬着唇轻哼。“舒唔舒服呀?”我笑着问,“嗯~~”婉莹含糊地回应,随着她的急速呼吸,时 而摆动着自己的身体,知道她此刻正享受非常。婉莹由初时被动的神态,到现在已变得有些把持不住了,只见她用 双手搓摸着自己的两个乳房,下身就愈挺愈上……这种情况看在眼里,颂辉的阴茎好像有点回气了,也慢慢地硬挺 起来。
  我堆首在婉莹的大腿与阴唇间不停地吻着。“啊~~”婉莹终于呻吟了:“哟~~呀…唔…唔得…我忍唔住喇 …”她不停地摆动身躯,双手重重地握住自己两个乳房。真是刺激,而颂辉下面的阴茎也不停地抖动。我见婉莹淫 意大发,便把她反过来,这一来,她那颤巍巍怒耸娇挺的雪白椒乳,黑浓的茵茵芳草都裸露在我的眼中,只见婉莹 紧闭双眼,两朵害羞的红云飘上脸颊。嘴里“咿咿哦哦”的发出一些呓语,我知道婉莹已经情欲高涨 了。
  我把她整个身体反转过来;婉莹就变成半跪地背向我。她那大大的屁股正朝着颂辉,颂辉清楚可见他太太的阴 道淫水四溅,只见婉莹的屁眼亦给淫汁溅到湿漉漉的。
  我很快地向婉莹的背脊吻下去,手指已插入她的阴道里,“啊~~嗯……啊……啊……”婉莹随即急速呻吟, 我就顺势往下湿吻,“啊~~唔好……哎……啊……唔好……”婉莹忽然这样嗯哼,但叫声就似是十分享受,因我 已湿吻到她的屁眼,而且还不停地用舌头往里钻。
  “你……唔好……唔好嘛……羞死人喇……啊……”口里说不要,但看到她的反应就知道是享受万分。“舒唔 舒服呀?”我停了一下又再继续吻,“唔……啊……哦……”婉莹的屁股不时向前缩,但很快地又往 后挺。
  在颂辉目瞪口呆的时侯,我已趴在她太太身上,把身子一弓一张地抽送起来,玩起男欢女爱的成 人游戏。
  这时婉莹突然呻吟起来“啊啊]”,因我正出力的抽插她,她正享受着从阴道传来的阵阵快感,每当我用一下重力操进婉莹的阴道里,她就咬住嘴 唇,口角露出点点笑容地接受这下重插,开心满意的神态全都表现在俏脸上。“哦~~……”婉莹正享受着我的抽 插!“呀……唔好……唔好玩嗰度……哦~~唔……啊……”
  我在婉莹的阴道里抽插了一会,将阴茎拔出来把龟头顶在她的屁眼上,本想再插插她的后庭,我是个聪明人, 一听见她的响应,随即插回阴道里继续往子宫深处挺进。过了一会儿,我从嘴边吐了一些唾液往婉莹的肛门涂抹, 接着我把手深入了婉莹的屁眼,这时婉莹不知是太舒服还是太痛,其呻吟声变得更加激烈,这时我不顾她之前的回 应将我的阴茎插入她的肛门里,她也不再反抗了让我的阴茎在这紧紧的肛门里抽插,我真是爽歪了直说好紧,太爽 了。这一幕颂辉全看在眼里,这样的刺激感令我的挺耸更猛烈见到我太太高潮的样子,抽搐、声颤……他的太太到 了无法自拔的地步,双手软软放下来。颂辉太太玩的黛眉微皱、秀眸轻合、高潮一波接一波,旖旎春色弥漫了整间 房,婉莹从来也没有想过自己会做出如此大胆的事情,但淫乱兴奋的感觉令她忘记了一切羞耻矜持,放情享受着眼 前的快感,也不理颂辉还在房内。
  颂辉看见我和他太太做爱的样子及他太太那雪白娇软的玉体紧紧缠着我的身体,不停的浪叫着,我的阴茎在他 太太的阴道和肛门内进进出出不断抽送,两人的交合处,淫滑不堪的淫水将他太太的阴毛湿成一团,那种难言的刺 激,让颂辉血脉喷张,使他领略了从未领略过的极乐高潮,只感到全身抽搐射精,猛烈腥荤热辣辣的精液射满了整 个浴室。
  这时我也已经到了最后的冲刺,我一阵剧烈地抽动,就搂紧着婉莹的娇躯呻吟了一声,接着我的头无力地垂下 来,压在她的小脸上。而我的屁股一颤一颤地在她的阴道里抽搐着,把我的精液射在婉莹的子宫里。我的阴茎逐渐 软小了,婉莹亦差点爽晕过去,躺在床上喘息,我的阴茎终于从她的阴道里退了出来。婉莹仍然仰躺着,美丽的小 脸上挂着快乐与满足的微笑。我拿起卫生纸将淫水擦拭干净,用浴巾盖在她身上。
  这一香艳的场面,看得颂辉血脉扩张。过了一会,我将衣服穿好后,颂辉走出浴室,婉莹向我这边一看,面红 耳赤地也没说话。颂辉笑着装傻的说: “按摩完了吗”
  婉莹点了点头,之后颂辉缴了四千元规费,让我先离开了。然后靠在他太太身上,在他太太脸上来个事后的亲 吻。过一会,他太太还娇嗔地说: “他按的还不错”。
  颂辉看见他太太这样一副羞羞答答的迷人娇态,心神不由一荡,故意假装问说:“ 他有没有想要插插呢?”
  婉莹听颂辉这么一问,反倒假装没事的说:“ 他按的很专心,按完了你也蹲完马桶了,有你在他不敢吧”。
  她低下头羞说:“我被别人看光,很不好意思,但又很兴奋。”婉莹羞赧地闭上妩媚动人的大眼睛,芳心娇羞 万千,说: “好……不……不……我不知道”

Old 01-06-2014, 09:40 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


  我是一个土生土长的农村孩子,来自西南部的一个偏远山区,今年21岁,由于先天的遗传的父母后天的精心 照料,我不但长得一副人见人爱,特别是女生见了喜欢的帅气脸孔;而且拥有模特般的健硕体格:身高185厘米 ,体重70千克,拥有宽广的胸怀和强劲的体力,应该也算同等男人中的上品。

最关键也是让我最自豪的是,高中那会在学校的集体澡堂洗澡的时候,我发现自己的鸡巴比别人要粗很多、长很多 。每当洗完澡,我就会听见别人小声议论「你看啊,他的鸡鸡好大耶。」每当听到这样的议论,我都会感到特别自 豪,故意把大鸡巴甩动几下以示威,这没么不对,男人嘛,征服女人靠的就是床上功夫,而作为必备
工具的鸡巴当然得足够强悍。虽说我的鸡巴是公认的大,但我不知道它到底有多大。于是,月末放假回家的那天, 我在自己的房间幻想和班里的班花云雨,把自己的鸡巴弄得情绪高涨,斗志昂扬,然后拿了尺子一量 。

「18厘米!!!」我被震惊地大呼一声,怪不得老觉得内裤紧,鸡巴勒得慌,原来我的鸡巴是如此之大。一种男 人的自信心越发涌上心头。既然大鸡巴已经勃起,状态这么好,虽然没有BB插,但也不能浪费了,我就直接拿了 点洗面奶当润滑剂,开起了飞机。看着手里套弄的大鸡巴,享受着一轮又一轮的快感,我的心里无比 畅快。

「哦……额……」,伴随着一声低吼,我把一壶子的精液射在了手里……因为我既帅又强壮,高中学校向我示爱的 女生都赶上一个加强连了,但我对这些刚刚发育得青苹果没什么兴趣,我希望我真正的第一次给一个熟女,至少也 要是个半熟的。不知从什么时候开始,我就一直有个梦想,必须上一个自己的老师。这是个很邪恶也不大可能的想 法,但我越是克制,这个欲望越是强烈。

正当我觉得这是个无法完成的愿望的时候,机会却不期而至。今年高考,凭借600分这个不错的成绩,我考取了 北京某大学的金融专业。经过一昼夜的火车之旅,我到了北京,和其他人一样,我开始了新鲜的大一生活,其实大 学和高中很很多共同点,最大的区别就是大学比较自由,自己对时间的可控度比较大。

学习按部就班的进行,反正不到考试前十不会卖力的。班里的女生一个个歪瓜裂枣,我认识了一下之后就没再找个 继续发展,提不起兴趣。

转眼之间到了第九周,要开新课啦,好像叫货币银行学来着,我百无聊赖的拿着课本就上课了,走进教室我连头都 没抬,随便找个靠后的作为就坐下了。

「大家好,我姓孙,你们可以称我为孙老师,我是我们学校的应届毕业生,现在在我们学院当实习老 师。」

这是我从小到大听到的最甜美的声音,我不禁抬起了头。这一看,直接把我的眼睛给吸引住了,一张清秀的瓜子脸 ,头发染成了浅黄色,盘到脑后面,发髻精致,雪白的耳垂上点缀着一副很不张扬的小耳环,眼睛清澈明亮,鼻梁 笔挺,嘴很小,嘴唇很性感,五官配比像是精心设计过的。真是不得不佩服她的父母,竟然能生出如此尤物。再看 那身材,由于10月份天还不冷,她只穿了件粉色的修身蕾丝衬衫,下着一条纯白色铅笔裤。整体上身段修长,腰 肢纤细,前凸后翘,尤其是胸部,由于乳房太大,撑开了纽扣间的缝隙,隐约可以看见纯白色的乳罩 。

看到这,我的裤裆立马支起了一顶帐篷,而且是大号的,为了不引起别人的注意,我故意把书放在胸前看,挡住裤 裆,以免尴尬。「这是个高傲的公主,可看不可侵犯」,这是我对她的第一感觉。但在我心中,已经暗暗地对这老 师产生了想法,迎难而上,方显男儿本色,不然也对不起上天赋予的18厘米长的大鸡巴,大鸡巴就是专为美女服 务的。

机会总是不期而遇,还是那个星期的星期天,我闲着无聊,一个人在校园里散步。突然,一个熟悉而靓丽的倩影映 入我的眼帘,我一眼就看出那是孙老师。还没想好怎么打招呼,我的身体就迎了上去。



「咦!她怎么知道我姓宋!!我没在那课上介绍自己啊」我暗自想着,「先不管这了,套近乎,创造机会最重要」 。

「是啊,我没课,也没作业,就出来逛逛,正巧碰到您,我正想下周向您请教一下货币银行学的一些 问题」。

「那正好,今天我有空,你和我去我家吧,我教你」,孙老师邀请道我装作不好意思,但还是勉强答应,其实我心 里是一万个乐意。

孙老师的家就在学校的旁边,是临时租的,因为还不知道是不是要留校,现在只是实习,房子是标准套房小户型, 三室一厅,打扫得很干净,走进去感觉香香的,可能是爱屋及乌吧。

孙老师拿出教材,坐在客厅的桌子旁边,我既就老实地站在她身后请教问题,这时我无意中向她胸部瞟了一样,顿 感喉咙冒烟,她竟然没带乳罩,而且穿的是一件低胸T恤,乳房伴随着呼吸一起一伏,隐隐约约还可以看见粉红色 的乳晕一角,我的脸变得火辣辣的,裤裆立马支起大帐篷,我恨不得找个地洞钻进去,打完飞机再出 来。

她貌似知道了我的不自在,问我是不是不舒服,还问我要不要帮忙,毕竟都大学毕业了,比我大好几岁,这方面肯 定比我懂。


正当我思绪万千的时候,突然感到大鸡巴一下没了束缚,还觉得暖暖的,我低头一看,孙老师已经把我的裤子拉链 拉开,掏出我的大鸡巴用两只小手套弄着。我一下子愣住了,呆呆地看着她。

「你看,都这么硬了,还不敢告诉我发生了什么吗?你是不是想要老师啊!」孙老师一脸坏笑地看着我,还一边用 手玩弄我的大鸡巴。

「好大的鸡巴啊,以前从没见过这么大的,插进我的小穴穴一定很爽 」,孙老师自言自语。

我本来已经欲火难耐,被她这么一挑逗,更是欲火焚身,我直接抱起孙老师,把她抱进卧室扔到了床上。由于她衣 服穿得少,我三下五除二就把她剥光了,一具成熟女性的完美胴体毫无保留地展现在眼前,乳房高耸上挺,粉嫩的 乳头高高突起,乳晕粉红而且比较小,属于典型的东方女性美乳。

虽然是第一次和女人做爱,但我并不生疏,黄片中学习好几年了,技术早已经不成问题,性爱100式全在胸中, 在大鸡巴这个神兵的配合下,必定能让女人死去活来。

我俯下身用嘴舔老师的小穴,和我想的一样,一点异味都没有。我把舌尖伸进两片鲍鱼间搅动,并用手挑逗阴蒂, 不一会,孙老师就开始扭动腰肢,呻吟连连。

「快……插我……」我哪里好痒,好空虚,我故意继续挑逗她的小穴,并用手指在乳头上画圈,就是不插入大鸡巴 。

「你个小坏蛋,故意整你老师啊,今天我可是故意不穿乳罩去校园里和你巧遇的,我早就知道你有周末闲逛的习惯 ,开学我就见过你,对你一见钟情,找了你好久,没想到你竟然就是我要教的学生,因为喜欢你,所以我牢牢记住 了你的名字,你现在却这样整你老师!」孙老师一边呻吟,一边抱怨着。


但我这时也是欲火难忍了,直接挺起大鸡巴插进了老师的美穴,只听得「喔」的一声,老师两手抓住 了床单。



我开始大力抽插,每一下都插到最深处,龟头直顶子宫口,然后慢慢拔出,这样弄了100来下,她就已经达到了 高潮,全身瘫软,而此时我却才真正开始。

紧接着,我不顾老师的高潮未退,又是一轮猛烈抽插,直接把这美人儿整得只剩下嘴巴和鼻孔喘气。我把老师翻过 身,换个姿势,从背后插入,这能让女人的快感更猛烈。又是一百多下的进进出出,孙老师已经淫水直流,整个身 体都趴在了床上,任我摆布。我的大鸡巴可不是盖的,插个三个回合哪能让我交货。

我拔出鸡巴,把她抱到了写字台上,抬起她的美脚又把大鸡巴深深插进,大鸡巴在老师的粉嫩美穴中「噼里啪啦」 地进进出出,我的另一只手也没闲着,玩弄着她的一对奶子,又揉又搓,那种柔软富有弹性的感觉美 妙绝伦。

在桌上插了100来下,我终于也要去了,我用力向前一挺,把浓浓的精液深深地射进了老师的子宫。然后拔出来 放进老师的嘴里,老师很乐意地舔干净了残留的精液,还做了个还想吃的表情。

做完这一轮,我和她双双躺在床上聊起了天,聊我们的过去,聊我们的未来,她告诉我她今年24岁,比我大3岁 ,以前有过一个男友,但分手了,然后告诉我她很喜欢我,当然,我也是很喜欢她的。

我虽然比较色,但我也是个传统的用情专一的男生,我第一眼就喜欢上了这个老师,她也是迄今为止唯一让我动心 的女生,事实上这也不能阻止我爱她。我知道她做爱时候的放浪只是一种本能的体现,她还是一个很自爱的好女生 。

因此,我第一次以男人的身份说:「只要你能等我,我这辈子只爱你一个。」看着这个比她小3岁的男孩做出如此 郑重的承诺,她激动地涌入我的怀中。

从此之后,我们就成了秘密地下情人,每逢周末和节日,我就去她的家和他疯狂做爱,虽然不知道未来怎样,至少 这一刻,我们是彼此相爱的。

Old 01-06-2014, 09:42 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

previous story translated by google

University school soon , my big dick inserted seemingly pure beautiful female teacher

I am a native of rural children , in a remote mountainous area from the southwest , 21 years old ,Due to congenital genetic parents acquired the meticulous care , not only do I look a cute, especially girlsMet handsome face like ; Athletic and has model-like physique : height 185 cm , weight 70
Kg , with a broad mind and strong physical strength, should be considered the same man in the top grade . The key is alsoLet me most proud of is that in the school's high school bathhouse bath when the collective will , I found myself more than dick Others to be rough and much, much longer. Whenever showered, I 'll hear someone whispered , " You see , ah, he 's
Yeah big penis . " Every time I hear this talk , I will feel particularly proud , deliberately swinging big dick
In a few demonstrations , this is nothing wrong, man Well, conquered by a woman is in bed , but as an essential
Cock tool , of course, was tough enough .

Although my dick is recognized as large, but in the end I do not know how much . So , at the end of a holiday home
The day I spent in his room fantasy cloud and the class of classes , his own dick confused sentiment,
Morale , and then took a ruler amount .

" 18 cm ! ! ! " I was shocked shouted out , no wonder the old feel tight underwear , chicken Balak was
Panic, had my dick is so big . Is a man more confidence in my heart . Since Big Cock has
After erection , the state is so good, though not BB plug, but not wasted, I took the point directly wash
Milk when the lubricant , opened the plane. Taonong looked at the hands of big dick , enjoying another round of pleasure,
My heart very fun.

" Oh ...... the amount of ...... " , accompanied by a low growl , I took a pot shot at the son 's sperm because his hand ......
Both handsome and strong for me , my love for the high school girls to catch a reinforced company , but those I have just
Green Apple was just not interested in development , I hope my first time to a real Cougar , at least a
Partially cooked . I do not know when to begin , I have always had a dream to be a teacher himself . This
Is a very evil unlikely idea, but the more I exercise restraint, this desire more intense.

While I think this is a desire can not be completed when the opportunity is not of the region. Entrance examination this year , with
600 points by the good results, I passed the financial professionals at a university in Beijing . After a day and night of fire
Car trip , I went to Beijing , and like everyone else, I started a fresh freshman life , in fact, universities and high
Very much in common , the biggest difference is that universities more freedom, their own controllable degree of time is relatively large.

Study carried out step by step , anyway, than the examination of the top ten is not hard . Crooked one girl in the class
Melon split date , I no longer know what to find , after the continued development , uninterested .

The instant the ninth week , to open a new lesson you, like asking to money and banking , I'm bored
Holding a textbook on the class, walked into the classroom , I never looked up , just find a rearward sat down.

" Hello everybody , my name is Sun , you can call me Sun, I was graduates of our school ,
Now in our college as student teachers . "

This is the sweetest sound I hear from small to large , I can not help but looked up. This look directly to me
Eyes attracted to , a Qing-Xiu Zhang oval face , hair dyed a pale yellow , the brain behind the plate , bun
Delicate, dotted with the white ear lobes very unassuming little pair of earrings, clear and bright eyes , nose straight,
Small mouth , lips very sexy, like a well- designed features of the ratio . Really have to admire her parents,
Can actually give birth to such a stunner . Look at that figure , since October day is not cold , she wears a pink piece
Slim lace shirt , under a one pure white pencil pants. Overall figure slender , slim waist , lordosis after Alice ,
Especially in the chest, because the breast is too large, softened gap between the buttons , you can vaguely see pure white bra.

See this, my crotch flew support from a tent , and is large , in order not to arouse
Note that I deliberately put the book on his chest to see , blocking the crotch , in order to avoid embarrassment. "This is a proud princess, may
Look inviolable , " This is my first impression of her . But in my mind, these teachers have been secretly produce
The idea of ​​the difficulties, side was Invisible Target , or 18 cm long are sorry God-given big chicken
Pakistan , Big Cock is designed for beauty services.

Opportunities will always bump into , or that week 's Sunday, I idle boredom , a man on campus
Walk. Suddenly, a familiar and beautiful shadows caught my eye , I saw immediately that it was Mr. Sun .
Have not thought about how to say hello , my body would meet up .

" Sun, Hello , you walk ah ! "

"Yes ah , you walk ah , Xiao Song ! "

" Hey ! How she knew I surnamed Song ! ! I did not introduce myself in that class ah ," I thought to myself, "first
Regardless of this , the cotton , the most important opportunities . "

"Yes ah , I did not lesson , did not work, they went out shopping, happen to you that I was going to ask you next week
Teach about some of the issues of money and banking . "

"That's just today I have the time, you and I go to my house , I'll teach you ," the Sun Road, the teacher invited me to pretend
I'm sorry, but reluctantly agreed to , in fact, my heart is ten thousand happy .

Sun teacher's house next to the school , a temporary hire , because do not know is not to be stayed , now
In just a practice, a standard suite small apartment house , Sanshiyiting , clean very clean , went in feeling incense
Incense may be Aiwujiwu it .

Sun teacher out textbooks, living room sitting at the table , to be honest , I only stood behind her and ask questions
Then I accidentally glanced to her chest as he felt his throat smoke, she did not even bring a bra , and wearing
A low-cut T-shirt, breasts accompanied by breathing with a V, can also be seen faintly pink areola a
Angle , my face became burning , crotch flew support from the big tent , I can not wait to find a hole to dig into , playing
After the plane out again.

She seems to know me uncomfortable and asked me if I was uncomfortable, but also asked me not to help, after all
Graduated from college, than I am good old, this area is certainly more than I know .

" This time goner , I secretly thought, in such a beautiful teacher in front of a fool , shame it lost big time ."

Just as I was thinking all the time, do not suddenly feel a big dick about bondage , but also feel warm, I
Looked down , Sun has put my pants zipper pull , pulled out my big dick to get a glove with two small .
I suddenly froze , staring at her.

" You see, are so hard , not daring to tell me something? Teacher ah you are not wanted ! "
Sun teacher grin on his face looking at me , while also playing with my big dick hand .

" A big dick ah, had never seen such a large, into my pussy hole some cool "
Sun teacher himself.

Old 01-06-2014, 09:44 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

I would have been intolerable desires , she was such a tease , but horny , I picked up the direct Sun,
Took her into the bedroom into bed . Because of her scantily clad , I took her neat and quick stripped , a
Mature woman with perfect carcass unreservedly show in front of the breast very tall , tall pink nipples
Projections , areola pink and relatively small , typical of oriental women Breasts .

Although it is the first time and women having sex , but I'm not unfamiliar , yellow film study for several years, technology has been
Was not a problem, 100 full- Sex in the chest , in the magic of the big dick fit , must allow women
One tough battle .

I leaned over the teacher's mouth licking pussy , and I think the same , a little odor at all. I stretched tongue
Stir into between two abalone , and hand tease the clitoris , and soon , the teacher began to twist waist Sun , moaning even
Even .

" Plug me ...... fast ...... " Where I tickling , good emptiness , I deliberately continue to tease her pussy and use
Circle your finger on the nipple is not inserted big dick .

"You little rascal, you deliberately entire teacher ah today, but I deliberately did not wear a bra to campus and you clever
Case , I already know you have the habit of wandering the weekend , the school I 've seen you, you fall in love , looking for a
You for a long time , did not think you did is what I want to teach the students, because like you , I keep in mind your
Name, you now so full you teacher! " Sun teacher while moaning , while complaining .

"You little tart , a guy I had spotted earlier , also deliberately tempt me not wearing the hood cover crime , I do not see
Kill you ! "

But this time I also desires unbearable , and direct straighten big cock into the teacher's beauty points , only to hear , "Oh ."
Is heard, the teacher hands grabbed the sheets .

"Your dick is really big , good enrich ah ."

" Really? Then the next you'll Gengshuang ! "

I began vigorously thrusting , each and all into the deepest , the glans straight top cervix , then slowly pulled out,
So to get the 100 , she has reached a climax , body limp , but this time I really began .

Then, I did not retire regardless of the teacher's climax , it is a violent thrusts , directly put the whole was beautiful child
Only the mouth and nose breathing . I rolled over to the teacher , another position , inserted from the back , which allows a woman
The pleasure is more intense . Is more than one hundred and out under the Sun teacher has sexual secretion DC , the whole body is lying
On the bed , he was my mercy . My big dick is not covered , how can I insert a three rounds let me lead .

I pull out the dick, took her to the desk , lifted her beauty feet again deep into big dick , big
Cock " crackling " and out in the teacher's pink hole in the United States , my other hand pitching , play
Get her a pair of breasts , and rubbing and rubbing , the kind of soft and flexible feel absolutely fabulous .

100 inserted in the table to the next , I finally have to go, I'm forced to move one , the thick semen
Deep penetration of the teacher's womb. Then pull out into the teacher 's mouth , the teacher will be happy to lick clean
Residual semen, also made ​​a still want to eat expression.

Finish this round , both she and I chatted about the day in bed , talking to our past , our future chat ,
She told me she is 24 years old , three years older than me , ever had a boyfriend, but broke up, and then tell
Me she liked me , of course , I am also very fond of her .

Although I compare the color , but I'm also a tradition of soul -minded guy , I first fell in love with this
A teacher, she is so far the only thing I was tempted girls , in fact, it will not prevent me love her. I
Unconventional sex when she knows just an instinctive manifestation of self-love that she was a very good girl.

So , my first as a man , said: " As long as you can wait for me , I love you in this life one ."
Looking at this little three -year-old boy than she made ​​such a solemn promise , she excitedly into my arms .

Since then, we became weekends and holidays , I went to her house and his secret underground lover,
Crazy sex , although I do not know what the future , at least at this moment , we are to love one another .

[ End ]
Old 01-06-2014, 09:47 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


  我和我姐上了中专以后学的是现代舞专业,我们的班主任是一个很年轻也很帅的小夥,有许多女生都暗恋他, 他时常到我家来家访。从那次他与我母亲在家中的那一幕被我们撞见以后,他每次见到我们都躲着我们,可有一次 ,他叫我下午到他的办公室去我便去了。

  一进去,他正在批作业,屋里只有我们两人,他说:「你先坐一会我我一会就好」我坐了了一会,他批完后, 起身把门反锁上了,我坐在椅子上说:「老师你锁门干什么」我站了起来,他向我走来一只手揽着我的腰一只手在 我的百折裙里捏我肥厚的屁股,轻声的说:「做这事能不锁门吗」我猛的挣幵他,跑到门前刚要幵门 。

  他一下跟到我身后,从后面楼住我的腰,把我拉到墙边舞蹈老是的落地大练功镜前,我双手扶着把杆在他怀里 挣了几下,可是没用,他爬在我背上,下巴放在我肩上,在我耳边说:「我第一天见到你们姐妹就有了这种冲动, 但我没有勇气」边说边把我上身的欧板紧身衬衣的扣子全解幵了,有把我那122厘米的巨乳从我那无带如托中掏 了出来扶摸着。


他说:「自从那回和你母亲干完我就有了勇气」说完一手把我的百折裙撩到我的腰间一手解我下身的解带式小兜裆 布,我忙用一只手想阻止他解说「不要这样,老师不要」但他的劲比我大,他还是把我两边的系带全解幵了后把我 的兜裆布,从我双腿间抽了出来搭在把杆一边,他说:「来吧,宝贝」说完他从我背后把我乳托解幵脱了下来搭在 把杆上后。

  他的双手抓住我胸前的两个巨乳又捏又揉说:「怪不得叫巨乳妹,你的奶子太大了」说完托了几下后,我的巨 乳抖了几下,


他说:「还有更羞的那」说完把我拉到一边,把我推到一把靠背椅上,他在我面前脱光衣服,一根我从没见过足有 6寸多长的大鸡巴在我眼前一挺一挺的,我把头扭到一边说:「老师,你的……好……大……」

  说完我把我穿着短皮靴的大腿尽量叉幵,双手尽量把大腿往两边掰,他把我的裙子撩到我的腰间说:「你说什 么」我说:「老师,你的……鸡巴那么长那么粗我怕……我的逼受不了」

他说:「我会很温柔的」说完凑进了我双擡起我的双腿,我双手扶着他的大鸡巴,对准我的逼,我说:「好了老师 」他对我一笑,我把头扭到一边。


他说:「怎么了」我说:「里……里面……好涨」他连顶了几下后他的大鸡巴全进到了我的阴道里,他低头看着我 说:「这回怎么样……刘畅……大鸡巴爽不爽」

说完幵始连续的抽插了。木制的椅子在我们前后的运动中发出「吱噶吱噶」的响声我被他干的也叫起床来:「啊啊 ……恩恩恩……哦哦……用力……快,,快用力插……啊真。好。真……舒服……嗯……嗯……嗯……嗯……快… …好……好……子。好……好……的……干……干……用力……」

  干了十几分他停了下来把我的双腿扛在间上更加卖力的快速的抽插,干了我十几分钟后他放下的双腿,拉起我 说:「来我们换个姿势」我们又来到了那面大落地练功镜前,我双手把着把杆,我从镜中看见他把我的裙子撩到我 的腰间,我说:「老师是要来狗式吗」他擡头看着镜中的我说:「是的」说完他用力一顶就顺利的插进去,我的身 子也随着他的那一插往前一挺,我尽量把腰往下压,屁股往上翘。

  他边插我边说:「太棒了,,姿势太棒了」他扶着我的腰卖力的抽插着我,我的身子前后小符度的晃动来迎合 他的每一次抽插,我擡起头看见镜中的我的巨乳在我胸前猛列的晃动着而他也专注的干着我,我又浪叫了起来:「 啊!阿…你…你好利害啊…好喜欢…好想多要啊…哦哦…别停…用力…推…推…哦哦…啊啊啊…啊… 」

  这样有干了二十几分钟后,他体力不足了,趴在我背上双手揉捏着我的巨乳慢慢的一下一下的狠狠的尽量把他 的大鸡巴从我的阴道中抽出来再狠狠的快速的插进去,的干了十几分钟,他说:「我不行了……我要射了……」他 把他的大鸡巴抽了出来,我跪在地上双手托起我的巨乳,他一用力射了出来,全射在我的巨乳上了。

  他用我的兜裆布擦净他的大鸡巴后穿好衣服说:「不好意思把你的内裤弄脏了」我托着我的巨乳,舔净上面的 精液,说:「讨厌」我从我的背包里又拿出一条同样的穿好把乳托放进背包,我把我的衣扣系好,他把我搂到怀中 我坐在他的大腿上,他的手在我的大腿和屁股上又揉又捏说:「你可真棒」

  我一扭身骑在他的大腿上解幵我的衣服扣子把我的巨乳拿出来说:「你说你对我姐也想干这个。 」



  我一手揽住他的脖子一手把他的裤链拉幵掏出他的鸡巴在手中就撸了几下就勃起了,我说:「那我奖利你一下 !」

  说完我拨幵我的兜裆布梢微擡起一点身子一手把他的大鸡巴对准我的逼往下用力一坐,「吱」的一声全进去了 我双手搂着他脖子来回上下快速的坐动我的巨乳在他眼前上下的甩动着。

  后来他也用力的往上顶,双手抓住我的巨乳又揉又捏的,后来我紧紧把他的头夹在我的巨乳中间来回的坐动我 们,这样又做了十几分钟,他在我阴道里射完精后我才一擡身把他的大鸡巴拔了出来,我跪在他的双腿中间舔干净 他鸡巴上的精液后,又给他口交了一会才正理还衣服。

他一看钟说:「时间不早了你回家吧,以后我再找你」我吻了他一下又在他鸡巴上轻轻的扶摸了几下说:「那我先 走了」我转身边走,他在我屁股上拍了一下说:「再见宝贝」我猛一转身,我的巨乳左右的晃了一阵一撅嘴说:「 讨厌」后走了,后来我们常在他的办公室里,教室里,小树林里,他家里做爱。

Old 01-06-2014, 09:48 PM
lipe lipe is offline
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

translation by google

Big sister 's campus

Me and my sister after school on a college is a professional modern dance , our class is a very young and handsome guy, there are a lot of girls are in love with him , he often visits to my house . From that in the future he and my mother was at home, we saw that scene every time he saw us all keep us , may have once , he called me into his office in the afternoon I would go.

Once inside, he was awarded the job , the house is only two of us , he said: "You sit down before me I'll be fine ," I sat for a while, he was awarded finished, got up and locked the door , and I sitting on a chair , said: "Teachers do you lock the door ," I stood up , and he came up to me one arm around my waist with one hand pinching my ass hypertrophy in my pleated skirt , the whisper : " can not lock you do it ," I shoved him earn Jian , went to the front door just to Jian .

He told to look behind me , my waist from behind floor , pulled me into the wall of the dance floor is always great practice before the mirror , leaning on my hands to earn the pole in his arms a few times, but useless, he climbed on my back , chin on my shoulder , in my ear , said: " the first day I saw you two had this impulse, but I have the courage ," said as he put my upper body panels in Europe shirt buttoned tight the whole solution Jian , and there put my 122 cm Boobs from my care in strapless as help dig out feeling .

I said: "That's how you dare to me ," he said: "Since it back and finish your mother I had the courage" Having put my hand to my waist pleated skirt tease my pants hand solution the solution belt small loincloth , I am busy trying to stop him with one hand to explain , " do not do this , the teacher should not " but his strength is greater than me , he put me on both sides with full system solution幵after my loincloth , from between my legs pumping out ride in the bar side, he said: " come on, baby ." Then he asked me behind my milk solution幵after take off down the pole.

His hands grabbed my chest and pinched two Big rubbed said: " No wonder called Big Sister , your breasts too ." Having asked a few times , my Big shake a few times, I said: " Come on, people die of shame ," he said: " there are more ashamed of that ," Having pulled me aside and put me up on a handful of chairs, he undressed in front of me , I have never seen a over 6 inches long enough to have a big dick a machine of a machine in front of me , and I turned her head to the side , said: " teacher, good for your big ...... ...... ...... "

Then I put my thighs try wearing short boots fork Jian , try to put his hands on both sides of the thighs to breaking , he lift up my skirt to my waist , said: " What do you say ," I said: "Teacher , you ... dick so long ... I'm afraid ...... so thick I can not stand the force , "he said:" I'll be gentle . " then scrape into my double lift my legs , my hands leaning on his big dick, right quasi- forced me , and I said: " well, the teacher ," he told me smile, I turned her head to the side.

His waist a force, half of what went where , I " grace " bang frown , he said: " how the " I said : ' li ...... ...... well up inside , " he was not even the top a few times after he the whole big dick into my vagina , he looked down at me , said: " this time how to ...... Liu Chang ...... big Cock cool unhappy " Having Jian successive thrusts the beginning . Issued wooden chair in front of our sport , " squeak squeak Karma Karma ' sound I was also told he did get up to : " Ah ...... Enen En ...... oh ...... hard ...... fast , fast plug ...... ah really hard . well. really ...... comfortable ...... ah ...... ah ...... ah ...... ah ...... fast ...... well ...... well ...... son. well ...... well ...... the ...... dry ...... dry ...... hard ...... "

Did ten minutes he stopped to carry on my legs between rapid thrusts harder , I did ten minutes later he put down his legs , pulled me said: " We come from another position ." we went to the front surface of the large floor exercises that mirror, I put both hands to the bar , I saw in the mirror he lift up my skirt to my waist , I said: "The teacher is the style you want to come to the dog ," he lifted head and looked in the mirror and I said: "Yes ." then he forced a smooth insert on top of my body which is inserted along with his forward a machine , I try Bayao pressed down , ass upturned .

He put it in my side says: " great , great gesture ," He held my waist hard thrusts me, before my body shaking a small degree symbol to cater to his every thrusts , I looked in the mirror and saw my Boobs shaking in my chest and shoved out of the dry and he focused me , I Langjiao up : ! " ah Ah ... ah ... you ... hello stakes like a good ... good would like to ah ... oh ... do not stop ... hard ... push ... push ... oh ... ah ah ah ... ah ... "

This has done twenty minutes later, he lack of physical strength , and lying on my back with my hands kneading slowly look at what Big fiercely try to pull out his big dick come again from my vagina insert fiercely fast , dries ten minutes, he said: "I want to die ...... I shot ...... " he put his big dick pumping out, I hold up my hands and knees on the floor Busty , he shot out of a hard , all shot on my Boobs up .

He used to wipe my loincloth after his big dick dressed , said: " I'm sorry to put your dirty underwear ," I held out my Boobs , licking the net above the semen , said: " hate ," I my backpack and took out a similar breast care put into the backpack, I put my buttoned department , he pulled me into his arms I sat on his lap , his hand on my thigh and rubbing and pinching on the ass and said: "You can be awesome ."

I ride on a twisting his thigh solution幵my clothes buttoned my Boobs out and said: "You said you wanted to do this for my sister ."

He squeezed my Boobs said: "Yes ."

I pouting , said: " Hello bother ."

I twisted twisted around his body can pinch tightly hold my Boobs , said: " I ​​was wrong, it still does not work ."
I hand Lanzhu his hand to his neck and pulled幵Kulian pulled out his dick on the line and in the hands of a few on the erection , and I said: " ! That interest you about my prize ."

Then I dialed my loincloth Jian tip slightly raised his hand to his little body aligned with my big dick forced forced to sit down , " squeak " sound wholly into my hands around his neck back and forth up and down quickly Big move my sitting in front of him swinging up and down .

Later, he also forced the top up , grabbed my hands and rubbing and pinching Boobs , then I firmly put his head caught in the middle of my Big Sit back and forth move us, so it did ten minutes, he after my vagina after ejaculation I lift the body to pull his big dick out, I knelt in the middle of his legs dick lick semen on him , and gave him oral sex for a while before Nyaya also clothes .

He looked at the clock , said: " The hour is late you go home, then I
Find you , " I kissed him on his dick and gently stroking a few times , said:" I go first , " I turned around to go, he patted me on the butt saying : " Goodbye Baby " I turned around and shoved my Boobs shake around for a while a pouting , said: "After hate " is gone, then we remain in his office, classroom, small woods, his home for sex.

[ The End ]
Old 02-06-2014, 09:36 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


在网上我认识了一位桂林的女孩叫阿琴,说实话我有点爱上她了,在qq上,她叫我过去,我连夜开 车去了桂林。

到了桂林已经早上6点了,我找一家宾馆住了下来,接着我给她打了手机,她说我马上到。我太困了,洗个澡就躺 在床上就睡了。


门开了,我的阿琴出现在我面前。她太美了!比我想像的还要美,她今天穿着一件白色紧身的休闲短衫,将她一对 毫乳托在胸前,纤腰下是弹力牛仔短裤,把她那肥肥的阴唇勒了出来。好肥的阴户呀!我的老二有些硬了,这时我 才发现我只穿着短裤。





可我搂的更紧了,阴茎抵着她的丰臀。我的手已经伸进她的上衣里,穿过乳罩我摸捏着她的乳头。说实话她的乳房 的手感真好!


我开始亲吻她的颈项,渐渐的我抚摸了一会,觉得该向下面进攻了。我把手慢慢的想下游移,当我的手到达她的腰 部时,我突然加快了移动的速度,我的手伸进了她的短裤,哦!天哪,真是尤物,我的手感受着她的耻毛,轻轻的 用手指摩擦她的阴蒂。

这个时候,她突然伸出了它的手抓住我想要继续探索的手,说:‘不要了,你怎么那么坏?我不能。’我说:‘没 听说吗?男人不坏女人不爱。’


阿琴被我弄得浑身趐麻酸软,渐渐地身体开始不安的扭动着,嘴里也开始发出叫春般的呻吟声,再也不挣扎了,她 的手也自然的伸到我的胯下……‘好大啊!比我见过的大多了。你比我想像的帅多了。个子好高,肩 好宽……’

我没听她下面讲什么,三下五除二把她的衣服剥下来。我清楚的可以看见呈半钟状黑色蕾边胸罩以及36c坚挺巨 乳和小得不能再小的三角裤,透过薄纱,浓密的黑色阴毛在那件又窄又小的黑色蕾丝网状镂空三角裤 里。

我不能自持了,脱下她的内裤,分开她的双腿,哇!阿琴的阴唇正缓缓的流下淫水,我爬上床将脸贴上阴户,用舌 头顶开那大阴唇,不断的舔着阿琴的小穴。

‘啊……啊……啊……好……好……’阿琴终于忍不住说了声好。我更加卖力的用舌头舔吮,两手往上伸紧握着双 乳拚命的用力揉捏。

随后阿琴的小穴不断的抖动着,每抖一下就溢出一股淫水,不一会整片床单都湿了。一旦心房打开,办起事情也比 较方便多了,原始肉欲战胜了理智、伦理,文静的她沉浸于我煽情的攻势。

半响阿琴不胜娇羞、粉脸通红、媚眼微闭轻柔的娇呼道︰‘啊……白纸……我好舒服……’我一听阿琴动了春心, 乐得动作更加快。抛弃了羞耻心的阿琴感觉到她那肥穴嫩深处就像虫爬蚁咬似的又难受又舒服,说不出的快感全身 荡漾回旋着。

于是我将阿琴的双腿挪开,握着我的肉棒放在阿娇的阴核上缓慢的磨蹭着,点燃的欲火情焰,促使阿琴爆发风骚淫 荡的本能,她浪吟娇哼、朱唇微启,频频发出销魂的叫春声‘喔……喔……哥哥……好……好舒服……你……’阿 琴被我逗得痒入心底,阵阵快感电流般地袭来,肥臀不停的扭动往上挺、左右扭摆着,全身阵阵颤动,弯起玉腿把 肥臀抬得更高,小穴更为凸出。

阿琴正处于兴奋的状态,急需要大肉棒来一顿狠猛的抽插方能一泄她心中高昂的欲火,看阿琴骚媚淫荡饥渴难耐的 神情,我不再犹豫的对准穴口猛地插进去。

‘滋!’的一声直捣到底,大龟头顶住阿琴的花心深处,我觉得阿琴的小穴里又暖又紧,穴里嫩肉把肉棒包得紧紧 真是舒服透顶。或许阿琴久未挨插,娇喘呼呼的说︰‘啊哟!哥哥……你真狠心啊……你的肉棒这么大……也不管 人家受不受得了……就猛的一插到底……’

阿琴的小穴天生就又小又紧,看她楚楚可人的样子使人于心不忍,不禁流露出疼惜的神情对阿琴说︰‘阿琴娇…… 我不知道你的小穴是那么紧窄……让你受不了……请原谅……’‘哥哥……现在轻点儿抽插……别太用力我怕…… 怕受不了……’为了使阿琴能适应肉棒的抽插及快感,我先使出九浅一深或九深一浅忽左忽右地猛插 着。

大约五百多下后,阿琴原本紧抱我的双手移动来到我的臀上,随着上下起伏的动作而猛力的压着,她浪吟娇哼、檀 口微启,频频发出销魂蚀骨的呻吟︰‘喔……喔太爽了……好……好舒服……小穴受不了了……你……哥哥……好 神勇啊……’强忍的欢愉终于转为治荡的欢叫,春意燎燃、芳心迷乱的她已再无法矜持,颤声浪哼不已︰‘嗯…… 唔……啊……哥哥……你再……再用力点……’‘叫我亲哥哥的……叫亲哥哥……不然我不玩穴了……’我故意停 止抽动大肉棒。

阿琴娇急得粉脸涨红︰‘嗯……羞死人了……亲……亲哥哥……我的亲哥哥……’我闻言大乐地连番用力抽插肉棒 ,粗大的肉棒在阿琴那已被淫水湿润的小穴如入无人之境地抽送着。

‘喔……喔……亲……亲哥哥……美死我了……用力插……啊……哼……妙极了……嗯……哼……’阿琴眯住含春 的媚眼,激动的将雪白的脖子向后仰去,频频从小嘴发出甜美诱人的叫床声,她那肥臀竟随着我的抽插不停地挺着 、迎着。

‘哎哟……哥哥……你的那个好……粗……比起我见过的大多了……’阿琴摆动着头,开始胡天乱地的呻吟着。妹 妹……你的小穴……好温暖夹的大鸡巴……好舒服……喔……喔……我……要干死你……要天天……唔……干你… …干死你。’我拚命的像头野兽用力的插、再插,愈插愈快、愈快愈插……‘喔……喔……太爽了……好……好舒 服……小穴受不了了……你好棒呀……啊’春意燎燃、芳心迷乱的阿琴已再无法矜持,颤声浪哼不已︰‘嗯……唔 啊……你再……再用力点……亲亲……喔亲……亲哥哥……美死我了……用力插啊……哼妙极了……嗯哼……’阿 琴的小穴在我粗大的肉棒勇猛的冲刺下,连呼快活已把贞节之事抛之九宵云外,脑海里只充满着鱼水 之欢的喜悦。

我的肉棒被阿琴那又窄又紧的小穴夹得舒畅无比,改用旋磨方式扭动臀部使肉棒在阿琴肥穴嫩穴里回 旋着。

‘喔……哥哥……亲……亲哥哥……我被你插得好舒服……’阿琴的小穴被我又烫又硬的大肉棒磨得舒服无比,尽 情发挥淫荡的本性,再顾不得羞耻只舒爽得呻吟浪叫着。

阿琴兴奋的双手紧紧搂住我,高抬的双脚紧紧勾住我的腰身,肥臀拚命的上下扭挺以迎合我肉棒的旋磨,她已陶醉 在我年少健壮的精力中!浪声滋滋满床春色,小穴深深套住肉棒如此的紧密旋磨是她过去做爱时不曾享受过的快感 。

阿琴被我得娇喘吁吁、香汗淋淋、媚眼微闭、姣美的粉脸上显现出性满足的欢悦,小嘴中只懂哼哼唧唧的呻吟︰‘ 哎哟……哥哥……我好好爽……亲哥哥你可真行喔……喔……我受……受不了啊……喔……哎哟……你的东西太… …太劲了……’阿琴放荡淫秽的呻吟声从她那性感诱惑的艳红小嘴频频发出,滑潺潺的淫水不断向外溢出沾湿了床 单。

我俩双双恣淫在肉欲的激情中!我嘴角溢着淫笑说︰‘我的阿琴,你满意吗?你痛快吗?’‘嗯嗯……你真行啊… …你的也太大了……喔……太爽了……唉唷!’阿琴被我挑逗得心跳加剧、血液急循、欲火焚身、淫水横流,她难 耐的娇躯颤抖、呻吟不断。

我促狭地追问说︰‘你说什么太大呢?’‘嗯……讨厌……你欺负我……你明知故问的……是你……你的……肉棒 太……太大了嘛……’阿琴不胜娇羞的闭上媚眼细语轻声说着,这使成熟的阿琴深感呼吸急促、芳心 荡漾。

我存心让端庄贤淑的她,由口中说出性器的淫邪俗语以促使她抛弃羞耻,全心享受男女交欢的乐趣。‘阿琴……你 说哪里爽啦……’‘嗯……羞死啦……你……你就会欺负我……就是下……下面爽啦……’她琴喘急 促的说。

我装傻如故︰‘下面什么爽?说出来……不然亲哥哥可不玩啦!’阿琴又羞又急的说︰‘是下……下面的小穴好… …好爽、好舒服……’阿娇羞红了脸呻吟着说。

我却得寸进尺的问︰‘唔……说来我听,你现在干嘛?’‘唉……羞死人了……’性器的结合更深,红涨的龟头不 停在小穴里探索冲刺,肉棒碰触子宫口产生更强烈的快感,阿琴红着脸扭动肥臀说︰‘我……我和你做爱……我的 小穴被你插得好舒服……我是个淫乱好色的女人……我……我喜欢哥哥的……爱你的大肉棒……’

阿琴太舒畅得语无伦次了,简直成了春情荡漾的淫妇荡女,她不再矜持,放浪的去迎接我的抽插。从有教养高雅气 质的阿琴口里说出淫邪的浪语已表现出女人的臣服,我姿意的把玩爱抚着那两颗丰盈柔软的乳房,她的乳房愈形坚 挺,娇嫩的奶头被刺激得耸立如豆,浑身上下享受我百般的挑逗,使得阿娇琴呻吟不已,媚眼微闭,淫浪媚的呻吟 狂呼、全身颤动淫水不绝而出,娇美的粉脸更洋溢着盎然春情。

Old 02-06-2014, 09:37 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


‘阿琴你……你的穴……好……好紧……好暖……夹的……小弟弟……好爽……吸的……龟头都……都趐了……’ ‘哎呀……美死我了……啊……小祖宗……快……再快用力……我被……被你干上天了……不行了……我要……要 泄了……’大肉棒在骚穴上狂插狠抽的数百回,已快到极限要射精了,看到阿琴双腿在抖动,屁股向上一挺,一阵 阵的阴精洒在龟头上,我再也忍不住的大叫︰‘啊……我也要射了……’

一股滚烫的元阳,似箭般的射向阿琴的穴心上,爽得阿琴紧抱着射精后趴在身上的我,一阵狂吻……我虽然射了精 ,但肉棒却仍硬挺挺的插在阿娇的骚穴里!我将头埋在阿琴坚挺的双峰之中,一身是汗的喘息着趴在她身上,稍作 片刻休息。

阿琴拿起毛巾爱怜的替我擦去满身的汗及湿淋淋的肉棒,满足而撒骄的说︰‘你这冤家是想干死人家是吗?也不想 想你这肉棒又长又粗,像发疯似的拚命狠插猛抽,骚穴都被你干烂了,现在还一阵阵火辣辣的……’

突然阿娇眼睛发亮似的望着我那儿︰‘咦!你不是射精了吗?怎么肉棒还这么大、这么硬?我那死鬼以前只要一射 精就软趴趴的,你怎么……真奇怪?’我略带喘气的说︰‘我也不知道。以前每次打完手枪小弟弟也是软下来,今 天怎么会这个样子?我也一头雾水……我想可能是你的穴穴太迷人、太可爱了,才会如此吧!要不要再来干一回? ’

阿琴语带关心的说︰‘唉,你这么远太累了。歇会吧!’‘没事,没事,你看小弟弟还威风不减,一定是还吃不饱 ,面对你这位娇艳似花、又紧又暖的骚穴,我永远都吃不够……’‘你真会灌迷汤,是不是我的淫水吃多了?嘴变 得这么甜……唉……你真是我命中的克星!来吧!骚又开始骚痒起来了,快拿你的大肉棒来给小亲亲止止痒,可是 得轻点,骚还有点痛……’听到阿琴的话,我起身站在床边,拉着阿琴的双腿架在肩上,使阿琴的肥臀微微向上, 整个骚穴红肿的呈现在那。

此时我只将大龟头在骚穴口那里磨啊磨的、转啊转的,有时用龟头顶一下阴蒂,有时将肉棒放在穴口上,上下摩擦 着阴唇,或将龟头探进骚穴浅尝即止的随即拔出,不断的玩弄着,就是不肯将大肉棒尽根插入……阿娇被逗的是骚 穴痒得要死,大量的淫水像小溪般不断的往外流!

‘嗯……嗯……哥哥啊……别逗了……你想痒死人家啊……快……快插进来给我止痒……痒死了我……你可没得干 了……’我似老僧入定,对阿琴的淫声浪语、百般哀求,似充耳不闻,只顾继续忙着玩弄。看着骚穴口那两片被逗 的充血的阴唇,随着阿琴急促的呼吸在那一开一阖的娇喘着,淫水潺潺的从穴口流出,把肥臀下的被单给湿了一大 片……阿琴每当我的大肉棒插进时,就忙将屁股往上迎去,希望能把大肉棒给吞进,偏偏我不如她的愿,只在穴口 徘徊。

‘嗯……哼……哥哥啊……别这样逗我……我实在受不了了……快插进来吧……我知道你厉害了……快啊……痒死 我……啊……’在‘啊’的一声中,我终于将大肉棒给全根插进去直顶着子宫口,继而是一阵研磨,使得阿琴浑身 一阵颤栗。我这时两手把她的双腿抱住,大肉棒缓缓的抽插着骚,每顶到子宫口时屁股就用力一挺!缓慢的进几步 退一步,活像个推不动车的老汉!我用的正是‘老汉推车’这一招,配上‘九浅一深’这一式!

经过刚刚的性交,我深深了解对付阿琴这种久旷的怨妇、天生的淫娃,狂风暴雨式是喂不饱她的,只有用这循序渐 进的方式,才能将她这长久的饥渴给一次喂饱……‘喔……喔……好涨啊……啊……快……快插深一点……别…… 别只插一下……我不……不怕痛了……快……快用力插……啊……’这一声‘啊’是我又把大肉棒给全根插进,抽 出前龟头还在子宫口转一下才拔出来!

我已不似先前的横冲直撞,将‘九浅一深’的九浅,分成上下左右中的浅插,只见肉棒忽左忽右、忽上忽下的顶着 ,中是在穴内转一下再抽出,到了一深才狠狠的全根插进,顶着子宫磨一磨才慢慢的拔出,周而复始 的大干着……

阿琴被插得不知如何是好,骚穴先被九浅给逗的痒死,再被一深给顶个充实!那深深的一插将所有的搔痒给化解, 全身舒爽的像漂浮在云端,但随之而来的却又是掉到深渊的奇痒无比,就像天堂地狱般的轮回着!

‘啊呀……哥哥你……你是哪里学……学的……这……这整人的招式……太奇……妙了……一颗心被……抛上抛下 的……啊……又顶到……啊……别……别拔出来……再……再顶一下……’阿琴被干得半闭着媚眼,脚丫子紧勾着 我的脖子,屁股不断的向上迎合、着,骚穴周围淫水决堤似的溢出,两手抓着丰满的乳房揉着,口中不断哼出美妙 的乐章︰‘啊呀……美啊……多插……多插几下……到子宫……痒……痒死我了……啊……爽死了……老公……插 死我吧……啊……好……快……’我就这样插了二百多下,觉得时候差不多了,开始加快速度,大肉棒毫不留情的 尽根而入、次次到底的用力着!

‘阿琴……我怎么舍得痒死你……干死你!这招的滋味就是这个样……现在就来帮你止痒了……爽不爽啊……还会 痒吗?……’阿琴被我这突如其来的冲击,使她一阵阵猛颤,全身有如被烈火焚烧,周身颤抖而趐麻。这超然的大 肉棒,这别具滋味的招式,使阿娇不顾一切的奉献,用尽所有力量迎凑着肉棒,还娇呼着︰‘啊……哥哥我……我 爱你……我爱死……你的大肉……大肉棒了……别……别怕……干死我吧……我愿……愿死在你……你的大肉棒下 ……快……快用力……再快一点……’

我看着阿琴扭动的身躯,知道她已进入疯狂的状态,遂抽插得更急更猛了,像汽车引擎的活塞,将龟头不断顶着子 宫撞击着,撞得阿琴便似暴风雨中的小舟起伏不定!阵阵的冲击由阴道传至全身,阿琴被我插得已是陷入半昏迷状 态,口中呻吟着自己也不知的语言,配合着肉棒不停的抽插骚穴所发出的声音,奏出一首原始的乐曲 ……

我狂插狠抽的足有二百来下,阿娇突然大叫︰‘啊……不行了……死我了……唷……又泄……泄泄了……啊……’ 一股浓浓的阴精冲向我的龟头,我连忙舌尖顶着上颚,紧闭着口深深吸了两口气,眼观鼻、鼻观心的将受阴精刺激 得想射精的冲动给压下。

阿琴从极度的高潮中渐渐醒转,发觉可爱又可恨的大肉棒仍然深插在穴中,半张着媚眼喘着说︰‘嗯……真被你给 死了!从来没有尝过这种滋味,怎么一次比一次强?这次连精也没射,大肉棒比刚才更粗更烫了,还在骚里跳动着 呢!’

还泡在骚穴的大肉棒,被泄了精的骚穴紧紧包裹着,子宫口像个顽皮的孩子吸吮着龟头……你没事吧?看你一时像 失了神似的一动也不动,还吓了我一跳!看你慢慢醒过来才放下心,是不是被我得爽死了?’‘是被你给干死了一 次,不过骚穴里……哥哥,我要你动一动!’,说着,阿琴是一脸娇羞。

我奇道︰‘为什么?你不累呀……’‘不累,不累,我的骚穴又再痒了……再帮我止止痒吧!’阿琴 赶忙着说。


‘好……会你过够的!等一下……’说完抽出大肉棒,用毛巾将沾满淫水与阴精的大肉棒擦干,再细细的擦着阿琴 的骚穴.

‘嘻……痒死了!你怎么拔出来了?啊……别擦了……擦的人家痒死了!’阿琴浑身抖动着,像被人搔痒似的嘻笑 着。

‘不要乱动嘛,等一下给你尝尝另一种滋味!’放下阿琴的双腿,将大枕头垫在她的肥臀下,使骚整个突出,阴唇 一张一合的充满了淫靡的感官刺激!

我翻身上床趴在阿琴的肚皮上,两人成69式,大肉棒迳自插进她的樱桃小嘴!同时也用嘴吻着阿琴的阴蒂和阴唇 ,吻得她是骚穴猛挺狂摇着,黏黏的淫水泊泊自骚流出,我张嘴吸入口中吞下!阿琴也不甘示弱的吹起喇叭来,只 见张大着樱桃小口含着半截大肉棒,不断的吸吮吹舔!双手一只握住露出半截的肉棒上下套弄,一只手抚摸着睾丸 ,像玩着掌心雷似的!


我不禁用舌猛舔阴蒂、阴唇,嘴更用力着吸着骚……阿琴终被舔的吐出大肉棒,含糊的叫道︰‘唉啊……受不了了 !快来干我吧!’我存心整整阿琴,想起美好的的乳交!遂翻过身跪坐在阿琴胸前,粗长的大肉棒放在丰满的双峰 间,双手将乳房往内一挤,包住大肉棒开始抽动起来……

阿琴心知肚明我这冤家不搞得自己痒得受不了,大肉棒是不会往骚里送进去的,知趣的将每次抽动突出的龟头给张 嘴吸入……‘唔……妙啊……娇……这跟骚有异曲同工之妙啊……乳房又软又滑的……嘴吸的更好……啊……妙… …’我很爽的叫出来,速度也越来越快。

阿琴吐出龟头,叫道︰‘好心肝!骚穴痒得受不了……这乳房也给你干了……喂喂骚穴吧……真的需要啊……’看 着欲哭无泪的阿琴,心疼道︰‘好!好!我马上来你……’说着起身下床,抱住大腿夹在腰上,龟头对着骚磨了两 下,臀部一沉,‘咕滋……’一声插进去。

阿琴被鸭蛋般大的龟头顶着花心,骚穴内涨满充实,喘一口气说︰‘好粗好长的大肉棒,塞得骚穴满满的……’忙 将双腿紧勾着我的腰,像深怕他给跑了,一阵阵‘咕滋’、‘咕滋’的声响,得阿琴又浪声呻吟起来 。

‘啊呀……嗯……子宫被……被顶的麻麻的……唷……啊……麻啊……又痒又麻……啊……别太用力啊……有点痛 啦……喔……喔……’我干着干着就把阿琴的手搭上自己的脖子,双手托住她屁股,一把将阿琴抱起︰‘阿琴…… 我们换个姿势,这叫‘骑驴过桥’,抱紧脖子,脚圈住我的腰,可别掉下去了。’说完,就怀里抱着阿琴在房中漫 步起来。随着我的走动,阿琴的身子一上一下的抛动,大肉棒也在骚穴一进一出的抽插着!

由于身子悬空,骚穴紧紧夹着大肉棒,龟头顶着花心!再说不能大刀阔斧的干,龟头与花心一直摩擦着!阿娇被磨 的是又趐又麻!口中频呼︰‘嗯……酸死我了……花心都被……被大龟头给磨烂……捣碎了……太爽了……小祖宗 你……你快放……我下来……我没力了……快放我下来吧……喔……’我才走了几十步,听阿琴喊没力了,就坐在 床边,双手将她的屁股一上一下的抛动着。阿琴双腿自勾住的腰放下,双手抱紧我的脖子,双足着力的抛动臀部, 采取主动出击。

阿琴双手按着我的胸腔,把我推躺在床上,然后她的屁股就像风车般旋转起来。如意一来,到我支持不住了,只觉 得龟头传来一阵阵趐麻酸软的感觉,与自己抽插骚穴的快感完全两样,也乐得口中直叫︰‘啊呀……亲亲你唷…… 好爽啊……喔……好骚太棒了……喔……’‘嗯……嗯……怎么样哥哥……还可以吧?啊……啊……你的也顶得我 ……好酸……酸啊……’你一言我一语的乱叫乱嚷,乱做一团。

Old 02-06-2014, 09:39 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

Sex and Guilin Nvwang

Online I met a girl Jiaoa Qin Guilin , to be honest I am a little in love with her on QQ, she called me over, I drove through the night to go to Guilin.

Guilin has to 6am , I find a hotel to live down , and then I called her cell phone, she said to me immediately . I was too sleepy, take a shower and sleep on the bed .

I do not know what , when suddenly a burst of rapid knock on the door woke me . I realized achchen came, hastened to open the door .

The door opened , and my achchen appeared in front of me . She is so beautiful ! More beautiful than I imagined , she was wearing a tight white today 's casual shirt , a pair of milli her breast care in the chest, under the elastic waist denim shorts , put her labia Le fertilizer out . Good fat pussy Yeah ! Some of my dick hard , and then I found I was wearing only shorts.

' I'm sorry. '

' Haha . Hungry. ' She will eat a bag to me, closed the door behind .

I was a bit hungry , but achchen before I forget everything. In her the package on the table , I live from behind a newspaper with her .

'No ! No! I was a joke on the Internet . ' She thought I broke away .

I hug tighter, penis against her buttock . My hand has reached into her coat, I Monie through her ​​bra nipples . To tell the truth of her breasts feel nice !

'You're more beautiful than I imagined ! I can not stand it. ' I said.

I started kissing her neck , and gradually I stroked for a while , I feel that the next attack. I think the next hand slowly wavering , when my hand reached her waist , I suddenly accelerated the speed of movement of my hand into her panties , oh ! Gosh , really stuff that I feel is being affected by her pubic hair , gently rubbing her clitoris with your fingers .

This time , she suddenly stretched out its hand caught me want to continue to explore the hand and said : ' No, how are you so bad ? I can not. ' I said:' never heard of it? Men are not bad women do not love . '

Ah ...... ah ...... do ...... do not ...... ah ...... ah ...... " As I put your finger achchen vagina , she cried like Mengyi Ban waves .

Achchen was that I got covered MOUNTING EAR Ma knees, gradually began uneasy writhing body , his mouth began to groan issued Jiaochun like , no longer struggling , her hands naturally into my crotch ...... ' big ah ! Than I've seen most of it. You handsome than I imagined and more . Tall good high , good shoulder width ...... '

I did not hear what she was talking about below , neat and quick to tear off her clothes . I clearly can see the bell-shaped black semi Lei strong side bra and 36C Big and small despicably small briefs, through tulle, thick black pubic hair in that narrow little piece of black lace mesh hollow triangle the pants .

I can not self-sustaining , and took off her panties , her legs apart , wow ! Achchen labia are slowly shed sexual secretion , I climbed into bed to face pasted pussy with his tongue to open the top of the labia majora , constantly licking the pussy achchen .

' Ah ...... ah ...... ah ...... well ...... well ...... ' achchen could not say the sound is good. My tongue lick and suck harder with his hands clasped breasts stretched up desperately hard kneading .

Then achchen 's pussy constantly twitching , shaking every click on an overflow sexual secretion , and soon the entire film sheets are wet. Once open atrium , run from things more convenient and more primitive lust overcame reason , ethics, she was immersed in the quiet of my sensational offensive.

Quite a while achchen very shy , Fenlian red, flirtatious Weibi gentle Jiaohu ︰ ' ah ...... White ...... I'm so comfortable ...... ' I'm a achchen move lust , happy action more quickly. Abandoned the achchen feel deep shame her fat pockets tender like insects crawling like ants bite and uncomfortable and comfortable, indescribable pleasure rippling body swing forward .

So I will achchen legs move away , holding my cock in a slow dawdle on Gillian 's clitoris , flame ignited desires love , prompting achchen outbreak flair lustful instincts , she waves Yin Jiaoheng , lips slightly parted , frequently issued ecstasy caterwauling ' brother ...... Oh ...... Oh ...... well ...... so comfortable ...... you ...... ' achchen amused by my itch into my heart, bursts of pleasure camel current hit, Buttocks kept up quite twist around a torsion pendulum , the body bursts trembling , bent legs to Buttocks lift higher, more protruding pussy .

Achchen is in the excited state, the urgent need to meal ruthless big cock shoved thrusts order a high vent her heart desires , lustful hunger and thirst to see achchen Sao pro look , I will not hesitate to align Xuekou suddenly insert .

' AIDS ! 'Bang destroy in the end , a large penis to withstand depths of bother achchen , I think achchen 's pussy inside and warm and tight , dens tenderloin tightly wrap the cock really comfortable in the extreme . Perhaps achchen suffer from lack of interpolation Jiaochuan whirring said, ' Uh-oh ! You really cruel brother ...... ah ...... your cock so big ...... regardless of people affected is not got ...... it shoved a plug in the end ...... '

Achchen 's pussy inherently small and tight, the way people look at her Chuchukeren too harsh , can not help showing affection look for achchen said, ' achchen Johnson ...... I do not know your pussy is so constriction ...... let you stand ...... please forgive ...... '' little brother ...... light thrusting ...... now I'm afraid ...... Do not be afraid to stand firmly ...... ' in order to be able to adapt to the cock thrusts achchen and pleasure , I first resorted to nine shallow a depth or nine deep and shallow Huzuohuyou thrusting forward .

Over $ 50 under after achchen hug my hands had moved to my butt cheek , with the ups and downs of the action while pressing violently , she waves Yin Jiaoheng , Tankou slightly parted , frequently issued ecstasy osteoclasts moaning ︰ ' Oh ...... oh so cool ...... well ...... so comfortable ...... pussy stand up ...... you ...... good brother ...... ah ...... brave ' fight back the joy of finally swing into governance the joy, spring burn burning , heart confused she is no longer able modesty, warble endless waves hum ︰ ' ah ...... Well ...... ah ...... brother ...... you then ...... then forced me point ...... '' pro- brother ...... brother called pro ...... or I do not play the hole the ...... ' I deliberately stopped twitching big cock .

Achchen Johnson anxious Fenlian reddened ︰ ' ah ...... people die of shame ...... ...... kiss kiss kiss my brother ...... brother ...... ' I heard this great music to repeated hard thrusting cock , thick cock in achchen that has been wet pussy sexual secretion into the no man's position as the pumping .

' Oh ...... Oh ...... pro ...... elder brother ...... America is killing me ...... hard ...... ah ...... Well ...... plug terrific ...... ah ...... Well ...... ' achchen squint to live with spring -mei eyes, white neck excited to go to the back , frequently issued from the mouth sweet seductive sexual moans , her Buttocks actually kept thrusting with my bulging , facing .

' Oh brother ...... you ...... that ...... well ...... coarse than I've seen most of the ...... ' achchen swinging his head and began to moan Hu Tian mess with . Sister ...... your big dick pussy ...... good warm clip ...... so comfortable ...... Oh ...... Oh ...... I ...... to dry out and die every day ...... you ...... want to fuck you ...... Well ...... you dry out and die . 'I'm like a beast desperately hard plug , then plug , plug the more the faster , the sooner the better plug ...... ' Oh ...... Oh ...... too cool ...... well ...... so comfortable ...... pussy can not stand ...... you're great ah ...... ah ' spring burn burning , heart confused achchen has re not restrained , warble endless waves hum ︰ ' ah ...... ah ...... Well ...... then forced point you then kiss ...... Oh ...... pro ...... ...... U.S. dead elder brother forced me ...... ah ...... hum plug terrific ...... ah ha ...... ' achchen 's pussy in my thick cock fierce sprint , Lianhu happy chastity has already Jiu Xiao Yun throwing things outside , my mind filled with the joy only fish to water Huan .

My cock was achchen that narrow and tight pussy clip was extremely comfortable , twisting the hips instead atherectomy way to make fat cock in achchen point Nenxue in a roundabout .

' Oh ...... brother ...... pro ...... elder brother ...... I was comfortable ...... well you plug ' achchen 's pussy was hot and I was a big hard cock worn very comfortably , enjoy the play lustful nature, then Gu Relax shall only shame was moaning waves cried.

Achchen excited my hands tightly clasped , exalt feet firmly hooked my waist , twisting down Buttocks quite desperately to meet my cock atherectomy , she had to revel in my young strong effort in ! Zizi sound waves Manchuang Spring, pussy cock deep trap so close atherectomy is never enjoyed the thrill of having sex when she was in the past .

Achchen is I have to Jiao blow , Xianghanlinlin , flirtatious Weibi , Jiaomei pink face showing sexual gratification joy , the only know whining moaning mouth ︰ ' Oh brother ...... I take cool ...... you can really elder brother ...... Oh ...... Oh ...... OK I can not stand by ...... ah ...... Oh ...... Oh ...... you something too ...... too fresh a ...... ' achchen debauchery obscene moans from her sexy temptation red mouth frequently issued , gurgling sexual secretion constantly slip out overflow soaked the sheets.

Old 02-06-2014, 09:40 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

Unbridled passion for both of us in the flesh of kinky ! My mouth bubbling Yin Xiao said, 'My achchen you satisfied? You yourself? You're OK '' huh ...... ah ...... you have too ...... Oh ...... too cool ...... Ouch ! ' Achchen was I was flirting heart intensified blood circulation anxious , horny , sexual secretion crossflow her intolerable Jiaoqu trembling , moaning continuously.

I said, mischievous ask ' What did you say too much of it ? '' Ah ...... hate ...... you bully me ...... you rhetorical ...... you ...... you ...... cock too much ...... Well ...... ' achchen very shy whispered softly closed winks with, which makes sophisticated achchen deeply shortness of breath, heart waves.

I mean to make her solemn virtuous , by the mouth of genital immorality prompted her to abandon shame in saying , fully enjoy the pleasure of sexual intercourse . ' Achchen ...... where you say it ...... cool friends die of shame '' ah ...... ...... you ...... you'll bully me ...... ...... Here is the next cool it ...... ' shortness of breath , said her piano .

I play the fool as before ︰ ' below what cool ? Say it ...... otherwise elder brother may Wanla ! ' Achchen Xiuyou anxious said, ' is the next ...... well ...... thrilled below pussy , so comfortable ...... ' A shy blush moaned .

I was insatiable asked ︰ ' Well ...... I say listen , you are now doing ? '' Well ...... people die of shame ...... ' combined genital deeper , exploring the red rose of the glans kept in the sprint in pussy , cock touching the cervix produce a more intense pleasure, achchen said, blushing twist Buttocks ' I ...... I make love to you ...... my pussy is you plug it well ...... I'm comfortable with promiscuous lust woman ...... I ...... I like the brother ...... love your big cock ...... '

Achchen too comfortable too incoherent , simply become a passion rippling swing adulteress woman , she is no longer reserved, Unconventional to meet my thrusts . From the elegance of achchen educated mouth to say immorality waves language has shown women surrender my wanton abundance of playing two soft caress breasts, her breasts become increasingly strong, delicate nipple is stimulated was standing , such as beans , covered me in every possible way to enjoy flirting, making Gillian piano moan incessantly , flirtatious Weibi , Yinlang pro moaning Scream , body trembling sexual secretion without a break out, filled with charming Fenlian more exuberant passion .

Roubang sexual secretion from the show will continue to bring out , like water pumps like to issue ' poof AIDS ', ' poof AIDS ' voices.

' Achchen you ...... your point ...... well ...... good tight ...... good warm little brother clip ...... ...... ...... ...... suck ...... thrilled glans are ...... have a ...... '' Oh MOUNTING EAR America is killing me ...... ...... ah ...... small ancestors ...... fast ...... then quickly forced ...... ...... are you doing I was a heaven ...... die ...... I want ...... to vent ...... 'big cock on骚穴mad plug Henchou hundreds of times, has been approaching the limit to ejaculate , see achchen legs jitter , a machine ass up , bouts of sex fluid spilled on the glans , I could stand it no live shouting ︰ ' ah ...... I have shot ...... '

One hot Yuanyang , like Jianban the point of shooting achchen heart, cool too achchen hugging lying in the body after ejaculation , I burst kissed ...... though I shot a fine , but still Roubang very stiff inserted in Gillian 's Saoxue in ! I will head buried in Aqin Jian Ting bimodal among a sweat gasped lying on her, a little rest.

Achchen lovingly picked up a towel to wipe the sweat and wet for my cock covered , to meet and arrogance of Caesar said, 'You want to do this enemy is dead people , right? You do not think about this long, thick cock , like a whip inserted frantically tried hard , Saoxue are you doing rotten , and now waves of burning ...... '

Suddenly I looked at Gillian 's eyes light up like there ︰ ' Hey ! You do not ejaculate it? How Roubang also so big, so hard ? As soon as my devil before ejaculation limp , how do you ...... really strange ? ' I said, slightly gasping ,' I do not know. Before each kick pistol brother also soft down today, how would this look like ? I am also confused ...... I think it might be your point hole so charming , so cute, so it will be ! Do not come back to dry ? '

Achchen words with concern said, ' Oh , you are so far tired. Xie Hui it ! '' Nothing, nothing , you see little brother also diminished prestige , must be still hungry , facing you, the blooming like flowers , tight and warm Saoxue , I will never eat enough ...... '' You really will fill knockout soup is not my sexual secretion eat more ? Mouth became so sweet ...... Oh ...... you really hit my nemesis ! Come on ! Show up and start itching , quick to take your big cock itching to give a small kiss ended , but too light point, show a little bit of pain ...... ' hear achchen , I got up and stood beside the bed, pulled achchen legs on her shoulders , so achchen Buttocks slightly upwards , rendering the entire Saoxue swelling in that .

At this point only the big penis in my mouth where骚穴grinding mill ah , ah turn turn , sometimes with Top glans clitoris , sometimes on Xuekou cock , rubbing up and down the labia , or the glans probe into骚穴tasted that ended immediately pulled out , constantly playing with that big cock refused to do root insert ...... Gillian is funny is Saoxue tickled to death, a lot of sexual secretion continuously like a stream to flow out !

' Ah ...... ah ...... brother ah ...... Give me a break ...... itch you want people to die quickly inserted ah ...... fast ...... ...... itch itching to give me death ...... I can not have you done ... ... ' I like Laosengruding on achchen kinky noise words , all sorts of pleading, like a deaf ear , simply continue to busy playing . Na Liangpian mouth was funny watching骚穴labia congestion , shortness of breath with achchen which opened a whole family of Jiaochuan , sexual secretion gurgling flow from Xuekou , Buttocks under the sheets to a large wet whenever ...... achchen inserted my big cock , ass up on Mangjiang welcome to the hope that big cock to swallow , but why I'm not as good as she would like , just hovering Xuekou .

' Ah ...... Well ...... not so funny brother ah ...... I ...... I really can not stand ...... Come quickly inserted into the powerful ...... I know you're itching to die ...... Come on ...... I ...... ah ...... ' in the ' ah 'sound , I finally big cock to the whole root insert straight against the cervix , followed by a burst of grinding , making achchen whole body shiver . I then put his hands clinging to her legs , big cock slowly thrusting the show, every ass on top of a machine to force the cervix ! Step back into the slow steps , like a car could not move the old man ! I use what ' Laohantuiche ' This move , coupled with 'nine shallow a depth ' of this type !

After just sex , I deeply understand this for a long time to deal with achchen Kuang Jour , born Yinwa , storm type is unsaturated feed her , only with this gradual approach to her this long hunger to a feed ...... ' Oh ...... Oh ...... ah ...... ah ...... good up fast ...... push deeper ...... do ...... do not just plug in what ...... I do not ...... afraid of pain ...... fast ... plug ...... ah ... fast hard ...... 'This say' ah 'is my big cock again to the whole root insert , extract the glans before the cervix is still only turn about to pull out !

I do not like the previous rampage, the 'nine shallow a depth ' of nine shallow , divided vertically and horizontally in a shallow plug , saw Roubang Huzuohuyou , the ups and downs wore , is turn it over and then in Cave drawn , to the whole root was severely inserted a deep , wore a grinding mill uterus was slowly pulled out, the cycle of big ......

Old 02-06-2014, 09:42 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story

Achchen be inserted as knowing what to do , is to tease骚穴first nine shallow itch to die , and then to the top one is a deep full ! That 's a deeply inserted to resolve all the itching , body floating in the clouds like freshness , but the attendant but fell into the abyss of the itch is like heaven hellish reincarnation !

' Oh ...... ...... Where are you brother you learn ...... learn ...... this ...... this whole person moves too odd ...... ...... a ...... a wonderful heart was thrown on throwing the ...... ah ...... top to ...... ah ...... and ...... do ...... do not pull out ...... then ...... Zaiding ...... ' achchen be done half-closed flirtatious, foot tight Gouzhuo my neck, keep up the ass cater to , with, Saoxue surrounding sexual secretion burst like overflow , rubbing both hands with plump breasts , mouth constantly hum wonderful music ︰ ' beauty ah ...... oh ...... ...... multi- multi- plug to plug a few ...... uterine ...... ...... itch itch is killing me ...... ah ...... Shuangsi ...... husband ...... Chasi me ...... ah ...... well ...... fast ...... ' so I jumped the more than two hundred , the feel time is running out, began to speed up, big cock mercilessly do root infiltration, the hard times and in the end with !

' Achchen ...... how I die you ...... dry itchy willing to die for you! It is this kind of trick the taste ...... now itching to help you cool the ...... not great ...... will itch it? ...... ' Achchen was my sudden shock waves shoved her chatter , the body is like a fire burning , the whole body trembling and MOUNTING EAR hemp. This transcendent big cock , this unique taste moves so desperate Gillian dedication , strength exhausted all welcome to join in Roubang also Jiaohu the ︰ ' brother ah ...... I ...... I love you ...... I love dead ...... your big cock big meat ...... ...... do not ...... do not be afraid of the dry dead ...... me ...... I wish ...... you ...... willing to die in your big hard cock ...... fast fast ...... ...... and then a little faster ...... '

I looked achchen writhing body, know that she has entered a state of madness , then thrusting more urgent violent , like a car engine pistons , the glans constantly hitting against the uterus , the storm knocked achchen Piansi ups and downs in the boat ! Bursts of systemic shocks spread from the vagina , achchen was I was already plugged into a semi-conscious state , I do not know myself moaning mouth language , combined with the cock kept thrusting sound骚穴issued , play a the first original song ......

I'm mad enough to have two hundred plug Henchou to the next , Gillian suddenly exclaimed ︰ ' ah ...... die ...... killing me ...... yo ...... and ...... vent vent vent ...... ah ...... ' one deep sex fluid toward my penis , I quickly tongue against the palate, mouth closed with a two-tone inhaled deeply , Big nose , nose view of the heart will be affected by sex fluid was thought to stimulate the urge to ejaculate depressed .

Achchen from extreme high tide gradually awoke and found lovely and hateful big cock still deep in the hole , the half open flirtatious panting said, ' ah ...... you really are to die ! Never tasted that feeling once again how strong ratio ? The fine did not even shoot , big cock thicker more than just hot , still beating Sao go again ! '

Also soak in a big cock骚穴was fine骚穴vent tightly wrapped , uterine mouth like a naughty child sucking penis ...... are you okay ? Look like you sometimes lose the likeness of a motionless , still scared me ! See you slowly wake up just calm down , I was not being too Shuangsi ? '' Are you doing to die once, but Saoxue years ...... my brother , I want you to move a bit ! ' Then , achchen a look shy .

I Csida ︰ 'Why ? You do not Leiya ...... '' not tired, not tired, my Saoxue itch again ...... help me stop itching it ! ' Achchen rushed forward said.

I thought ︰ really a big tart ! Excessive thirst or want a Bon appetit ? Or feel bad I do not ejaculate , I'm afraid it up too uncomfortable .

'Well ...... you too will be enough ! Wait a minute ...... ' Then draw big cock , covered with a towel sexual secretion with big cock sex fluid dry , then carefully wiping achchen of Saoxue .

' Hee ...... itch is dead ! How do you pull out ? Do not rub ...... ah ...... rub people the itch dead ! ' Achchen whole body quivered , as was itching like a laugh with .

'Do not tamper Well , wait a minute for you to try another flavor ! ' Lay down achchen legs, large pillows under her Buttocks , so prominent throughout the show , one of a labia Yinmi full of sensory stimulation !

I turn over in bed to lie on achchen belly , into two 69 -style , runoff from large cock into her cherry mouth ! Also mouth kissing achchen clitoris and labia , kiss she was quite mad Saoxue fierce shaking , sticky sexual secretion Bobo outflow from the show , I mouth suction mouth to swallow ! Achchen blew the horn to be outdone , his mouth half saw dilating Yingtaoxiaokou big cock , constantly licking sucking Blow ! Hold hands a half cock exposed Taonong down , a hand and stroked the testicles, like playing like Palm Thunder !

I was sucking whole body relaxed , especially horses eye is achchen tongue roll , it is very happy !

I can not help with a fierce tongue licking the clitoris , labia , mouth sucking harder the show ...... achchen eventually lick the spit big cock , vague cried ︰ ' Oh ah ...... can not stand it ! Come fuck me now ! ' I deliberately full achchen , think better of milk delivery ! Then rolled over and knelt in achchen chest, thick long big cock busty placed between two peaks , his hands inside the breast to a squeeze , big cock began to twitch wrap up ......

Achchen know very well I do not own this enemy can not stand the itching , big cock is not going to get into the show inside , got the message, every twitch of the mouth to inhale prominent glans ...... ' Well ...... wonderful ah Johnson ...... ...... this echoes the show ah ...... breasts with soft and slippery ...... mouth suck better ...... ah ...... wonderful ...... ' I called out so cool , the speed is faster .

Achchen spit glans , cried ︰ 'Well darling ! Saoxue tickled breasts stand ...... It also gives you did ...... Hey Saoxue really need it ...... ah ...... ' watched tears achchen , distressed Road ︰ ' good ! Good ! I'll come to your ...... ' Then get up out of bed , clinging to the thigh caught in the waist, the glans against Sao grinding the two, hips sank, ' goo AIDS ...... 'soon insert .

Achchen be as big duck penis against polygamous, the骚穴swell enrich breath said, ' good thick long big cock , stuffed full of ......骚穴' Mangjiang my legs tight Gouzhuo waist , like fearing he ran , waves ' goo AIDS ', ' goo Zi ' sound, the sound waves have achchen and groaned .

' Oh ...... ah ...... was the top of the uterus is ...... ...... Yo Ma Ma Ma ...... ah ...... ah ...... itchy and Ma ...... ah ...... ah ...... Do not be too hard a little pain in it ...... Oh ...... Oh ...... 'I'm doing the doing the hand put achchen catch his neck, hands and lift up her ass , one will achchen picked ︰ ' achchen ...... we change posture , called ' ride donkey bridge ', hold the neck , feet encircled my waist , do not fall down . ' Then , on her arms achchen stroll together in the room . As I walk around , achchen body of throwing one last look , also Saoxue a big cock into one of the thrusts forward !

As the body floating , Saoxue tightly tucked big cock , penis wore bother ! Besides not drastic dry , rub the glans with Mahogany has been ! Gillian was grinding is another MOUNTING EAR and Ma ! Mouth -frequency call ︰ ' ah ...... acid bother me dead ...... are ...... big penis is mashed to masticate ...... ...... ...... little too cool fathers ...... you ...... you put me down ... fast I did not force ... put me down fast ...... ...... Oh ...... ' I just walked dozens of steps , shouting did not listen achchen force , sitting beside the bed , his hands on her ass a bit of throwing forward . Achchen hooked his legs from the waist down , his hands clasped my neck , feet hip focus of the parabolic move , to take the initiative .

Achchen hands grabbed my chest and pushed me in bed , and then her ass like a windmill -like spin. Wishful way, to support him , I just felt numb limp penis came waves MOUNTING EAR feel the thrill with his thrusting Saoxue completely different , would be happy to mouth whining ︰ ' oh ...... kiss you yo ... Oh ... well it was great ...... ...... good show great ...... Oh ...... '' ah ...... ah ...... how about my brother ...... can also be right ? Ah ...... ah ...... you also get top ...... I ...... good acid acid ah ...... " you made me a language screamed out , do a random group.

After all, both of us have to get a lot of time on in my campaign, and pretty soon we were again while climbing the peak sexual bliss ......
(End )
Old 03-06-2014, 09:38 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


那是六年前的事了,记得那个时候我二十多岁回到村里老家过暑假,这号堂哥家的女儿知道我回来了,每天都到我 家去玩,又是很晚才回去,那天我还没起床他就过来找我了,因为晚上很晚才睡,所以不想起床,他一个劲的叫我 ,因为她只比我小两岁所以就直呼我的名字,“王振明你还不起来是吧,再不起我就把你揪起来”

我还是一句话不说,虽然我已经醒了,可是我有裸睡的习惯,心想让怎么起床呀,下意识的拉了拉毛巾被,不巧的 是被他看到了,她以为我是不想起床呢,直接把我的毛巾被来走了,空气仿佛静止了,她一声不吭,我也不看睁眼 ,也不敢动,大概30秒吧,她又把毛巾被给我放到身上,坐到床边不说话了,

这可把我吓坏了,怎么办呀,我急死了,脑子一片混乱没不知道在想些什么,过了十几分钟她推了推我,然后很轻 声的说起来礼物我有话给你说,我还没想好该怎么办,所以还是不敢出声,等了会听到她说,

我先走了,你的身体我都看到了,如果你觉得不公平我也让你看,什么时候都行,我还是不说话,静,真静,过了 好长时间我才睁开眼,没人了真的走了?

我赶紧穿上衣服,想着她刚才说的话,幻想着她的样子,我这个小侄女怎的很漂亮,而且身材又好,那叫亭亭玉立 。我可以随时看他的身子是什么意思呢,想了半天也想不明白,不想了出去玩,到了发小家玩电脑,乱翻居然把a 片翻了出来,我就考了下来,晚上自己在家看,看的我是欲火上升呀,不自觉地自己就玩起了自己的大鸡巴,不知 为什么就幻想着和小侄女做爱,啊啊射了,好爽啊。

过了两天那天爸妈都去城里了说事又是晚上就不回来了,我洗完澡,把内裤洗了,直接穿着大裤头在屋里玩电脑, 没一会我那俊俏的小侄女来了,

因为过了两天了已经没了当时的尴尬,很自然的她坐在我的旁边,突然我就闻到了她那独有的体香,处女的体香, 下面的老二也不争气,有了感觉就想起来和人家打招呼,为了避免尴尬,我就转移视线继续玩游戏,

她可好,看着我玩他也想玩,可我正玩得高兴呢那肯给他玩呀,她不依了上来就推我,我肯定反抗呀,不着怎么的 她就骑到了我的身上,我的老二正好在他胯下,经过杠杆的接触,我的肉棒已经像根铁条了,可她好像没注意和骑 马一样在我身上动来动去,

突然,她脸一红不动了,眼睛直直的看着我,我也不敢动了,可是我的老二不听话还在跳动着,我说你下来吧,她 还是不动,突然说,叔你想看我的身子吗?,

我支支吾吾说想,她说那你先把你的衣服脱了,我愣了一下,不过还是把我唯一的遮羞布拖了下去,然后她说,你 帮我脱吧,我的手不听话的就真的去解开它的纽扣了,没穿内衣,好白好大的乳房,好想摸,可是又不敢,内裤就 剩内裤了,

我抬头看她,得到她的示意最后的内裤特被我脱掉了,好美的身体,我把她抱住亲她,她刚开始还是反抗,可是我 当时已经是一头野兽了,哪里还管他愿不愿意,上手抚摸那对大胸,她啊的轻轻叫了一声,我继续用力,学着a片 里的样子,把手伸到她的阴户轻轻地抚摸起来,同时我的舌头也没闲着,和她的舌头缠绵在了一起,听到她嘴里啊 。嗯。。的声音我好兴奋,

抱她放到床上就把我的大鸡巴对准她的阴户来了个长驱直入,她啊的一声惨叫可把我吓坏了,她说痛,轻点,我放 慢了速度,感觉她的阴道紧紧地包裹着我的大鸡巴,真的好舒服,过了会我加快速度,看她不疼了,就使劲的干了 起来,她流了好多的水,还带着这点血,过了会她的叫声越来越大,并且说着,不疼了,好舒服,我 好舒服。

我看到她这个样子猛用力抽插,射了,压在她的身上,紧紧地抱着她,心里又高兴又害怕,,她气喘吁吁柔柔的说 以后怎么办呀,我们能在一起吗?能结婚吗?是呀我猛的一惊,好严重的问题,我的侄女和我怎么可能在一起并且 结婚呢,我坏坏的说随便只要你愿意怎么都行,我们穿好衣服,她回家去了,我把床单收了放洗衣机 里。。。。

第二天我告诉我让我准备一下去相亲,天呀,我该怎么办,想了又想,还是顺其自然吧,下午我和小侄女见面说了 相亲的事,她笑着说没事你搞搞队象搞对象,我永远都和你好,就这样几乎每天我们都会最一两次,慢慢的她也来 越淫荡,我们不分场合不分地点的在一起做爱,

现在我结婚了,她还没有,我俩还是会在一起,只是没以前那么频繁了,她现在怎是个大美人了,奶子大,水蛇腰 ,屁股翘,在我的身边做我的助理,每天忙于两个女人这间,也不知道我到底是不是畜生。


Old 04-06-2014, 10:16 PM
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Re: 2012 - New Chinese Story


我与小敏是在大学时认识的,我高她两届,后来我们先后被留校任教。结婚8 年了,小敏还一直不考虑要小孩的问题,这一点我也没有很大的意见。但是自从2010年开始,她好像迷上了聊 天,天天晚上趴在电脑旁敲打着键盘,眉飞色舞,很是投入,甚至到了废寝忘食的境界。这让我多少有些失落和不 解,难道这就是人们常常说起的「七年之痒」吗?我们的激情在爱情的结晶还未到来之前就匆匆消退 了吗?

  周末的午后,小敏照样玩她的电脑,我照例独自躺在床上午休,两不相干,各自行事。这时候听到小敏的手机 响了,然后好像被邀出门的样子,最后小敏说:「我还有事呢,咱们快去快回啊韩姐。」哦,原来是韩老师,教务 处郑处长的妻子,购物狂,一定是让小敏陪她逛街买东西的。

  听到小敏的关门声,我睡衣渐去,却有一丝好奇,我想看看她是否关了电脑,在电脑上做的什么。于是我走进 书房,粗心的小敏连家里的钥匙都没有带上就匆匆的出去了。

  我坐在电脑边晃动着鼠标。qq并没下线,一个戴眼镜的男人头像在不停的闪烁,我点击这人头像,找到聊天 记录,看到我老婆说:「我好友喊我出去看衣服,一会儿就回来了,你等我哦!」切!什么情况啊?还那么缠绵? 我不仅生出一丝醋意,我继续往上翻着聊天记录,什么亲爱的了,什么我想你了,我忍不住紧咬牙关,牙根子都有 些发痒!

  我想了解一下这是个什么样的男人,便打出一串字:「你是哪里人?在什么单位工作?现在在哪 里?」

打好了却没有发出去,我忍了忍,别弄巧成拙,穿帮了,老婆回来一定与我不会善罢甘休,毕竟属于私人空间范畴 ,虽然有些暧昧的言语,但毕竟网络是虚拟的,没有证据有能怎样。但我抵挡不住窥探的欲望,出去将房门反锁后 ,回来细细的翻着他们的聊天记录。看着前面的内容,貌似感觉这个男人离我们很近的样子,再看下去,听口气应 该是我们学校教务科的郑处长,讲一些学校里的桃色新闻、风流韵事什么的,夸我家小敏如何如何年轻,如何如何 漂亮,从见到我家小敏第一眼就按按的喜欢上了,每次和老婆做爱的时候都在幻想着是在跟小敏做爱,幻想着小敏 的身体、小敏的乳房、小敏的阴毛,否则他就会疲软。

我老婆小敏的态度也很暧昧,还傻乎乎的问郑处长「是吗?」「真的吗?」看到这里我又是气愤又是有些说不出的 感觉,下身却莫名其妙的硬了起来。

  他还赤裸裸的向我老婆表白:「我什么时候有福气有机会和你在一起,让我好好的品味和享受你那美妙的身体 ……说实话,亲爱的闵老师,你们都结婚那么多年了,你就没幻想着享受一下你老公之外的男人给你带来的不一样 的感受吗?」

小敏回了个害羞的表情,把我气得咬牙切齿,接着她说:「想过……但我有老公啊……虽然我们现在很平淡,没有 以前的激情了,但我不能做对不起我老公的事情啊!郑处长,如果你老婆跟别的男人有那么一腿,你 愿意吗?」

「我愿意!只要你家小艾愿意,我拱手相让!要不,先让你嫂子和艾老师接触接触?捂住他的嘴了,就不会反对咱 们了,闵闵你看怎么样?」操!闵老师也不喊了,喊闵闵,气死我了!

  tmd ,我右手晃动着鼠标,左手不由自主的伸进内裤撸起了硬梆梆的老二。想一想郑处长的老婆韩姐,虽是半老徐娘, 却穿着花哨,风韵犹存,他郑处长真的愿意让我给他戴顶绿帽子?如果有可能,嘿嘿,我还真的愿意 奉献自己。

  这时候外间传来了小敏的叫门声,我慌忙关了聊天栏,但屏保还得几分钟才黑屏呀,怎么办?有了,强行关机 ,然后跑出书房,回到卧室,慢腾腾的在卧室门口伸了个懒腰问:「谁呀?」


「哦,那么不精心……大中午的干嘛去了啊?耽误我午睡!」我在打开房门的同时,顺手将旁边的电源开关给关了 。


我装作不屑的瞥了一眼说:「哼,小市民,贪便宜!」说着,我自顾自的回到卧室躺在床上,闭目回忆着小敏的聊 天记录……






到外间推上电源说:「原来是漏电保护器跳闸了,现在好了,你试试。」想了想,还是敲打她一下吧:「玩电脑可 以,但不要沉迷哟,现在网页见面劈腿的比比皆是,我可不想失去我亲爱的闵晓敏同志哟!」

  回到卧室,继续躺在床上,想着他们的对话,想着郑处长的老婆韩老师,想着韩老师撅着屁股让我尽兴的抽插 着她的肉洞,啊!我能和郑处长的老婆爱爱?哈哈哈哈……可我的小敏就让那个郑处长得手了?想到这里,心中还 是有些隐隐作痛。呵呵,我都在想什么啊?我愿意,我的老婆也不一定同意呀!

  下午5 点多钟,小敏笑眯呲的过来了,说:「刚才和韩姐一起逛街,韩姐说晚上准备请咱们吃饭呢,你去吗 ?」



小敏欲言又止,最后说:「韩姐说,郑处长很欣赏你,他侄女在你们系,经常向郑处长提起你授课有方,韩姐也夸 你人长的帅气,年轻有为……管他呢,他们有钱,咱们顺水推舟吃他一顿也不多……」

  「哼!估计你像顺水推舟的不仅仅是一顿饭吧?也好,郑瑞金郑处长,你在网上勾引我老婆,看我怎么着摆平 你老婆!」

我心里恨恨的念叨着,嘴里却说:「行,我听老婆的,老婆指东我不打西,别是韩姐喜欢上我了吧? 哈哈……」

老婆一听我答应了,顿时喜形于色,说:「我去关电脑…」屁颠的跑了,我摇了摇头,估计是通过qq向郑处长通 风报信去了。

  我们收拾停当,打的去了距厦门大学有一段路程的小岛酒店,郑处长夫妻已经在包间里等着了,寒暄之后入席 上菜,郑处长掂了两瓶洋河蓝色经典,天之蓝什么酒,郑处长举杯作开场白:「今天把艾教授(汗!我什么时候升 职到教授了啊?)和闵老师请过来小聚,一呢,是因为艾教授是我校年轻有为最具实力的后起之秀,是我们学校的 骄傲,也是我们院的自豪;二呢,小闵和家属关系一直不错,形同姐妹,所以呢,于公于私我们两家都应该多联系 ,多走动,以相互帮助,交流感情,促进友谊。来,让我们共同举杯,干!」韩姐也附着在:「来来来,小艾、晓 敏妹妹,干一个!」我连声道谢:「谢谢郑处长的厚爱,谢谢韩姐!」心中则暗暗骂道:「哼!你这摆的是鸿门宴 ,醉翁之意不在酒,就你这样跟瘦猴似的,还来勾引我老婆……」我瞟了韩姐一眼,韩姐正笑眯眯的看着我,今天 她穿着花色汗衫,长发梳起,一缕被染成棕红色的头发垂至左颊,一脸的妩媚让我心旌荡漾,我想:今晚有戏吗? 一切来的就怎么突然?郑处长真的会把他的老婆推到我的怀中?

  酒过三巡菜过五味,推杯换盏,酒至酣畅。别看郑处长那麻杆身材,酒量还不能小视,说话间他打开了第二瓶 天之蓝,韩姐也热情有加,频频劝酒,第二瓶喝到一半,我便推说不胜酒力,不再喝了。郑处长也没有十分的硬劝 ,吃了主食,郑处长看着小敏说:「听说你的歌唱的不错,他们这里有kdv ,咱们也给小闵老师一个一展歌喉的平台,哈哈哈哈……」那韩姐也附和着说:「好啊好啊,咱们一起去热闹热闹 去!」

  我们四人从餐厅走进kdv ,服务员端上来了几小碟瓜子水果,临走时还问了句:「请问几位老板要啤酒和饮料吗?」郑处长脱口而出:「先 来一打……咱们边喝边乐……白酒没喝好,啤酒封封顶……」

  服务员屁颠的抱来12瓶啤酒,赵处长打开几瓶,咣当一下,一饮而尽,我也只好陪着喝一些,郑处长拉着小 敏边喝边唱,我有些愤愤不平,也不好说其他的,不过还有韩姐在一边没话找话的陪着我聊东扯西,偶尔碰一瓶, 一会儿功夫,韩姐说她晕的厉害,我提出结束这次相聚,郑处长却说说:「好不容易赶上个周末,大家玩尽兴,我 有这里的老板给我的包房卡,小艾你送你嫂子去房间休息一下,然后你赶快回来,608 房间……」妻子小敏笑着说:「去吧,我陪着郑处长唱着歌等你。」

  听到这话,我一下子酒醒了多半,但为了下一步的假戏真做我还是故作醉态的说:「好……好吧 ……」

我扶着韩姐,韩姐一把挎着我的脖子,晃晃悠悠的上了电梯,进入房间,韩姐身子一歪,刚好把房门锁上。我把韩 姐放在床上,她挎着我脖子的手却没有松开,我顺势压在她身上,乖乖!好大的咪咪,只顶得我血脉膨胀,淫心肆 虐。但是我小小的副教授怎么敢轻易对上司的老婆下手?我欲挣脱她的搂抱,却被她欲抱欲紧,胸前的两只肉球刺 激着我的神经,想着中午看到的她老公开导我家小敏露骨的淫荡话语,我的报复心里伴随着熊熊欲火,我快速的思 考着权衡着利弊:虽然现在不确定郑夫人此时是真醉还是假醉,但占她这个小便宜应该是没有问题的。如果她是装 醉,那么说明她心有此意,我何不顺水推舟也一睹处长夫人的妖娆和妩媚?如果她是真醉了,那么就凭她老公与我 老婆那样的对话,我也应该早下手为好!

  想到此,我便迎合着韩姐,挺胸挤压着她丰满的酥胸。韩姐也不甘示弱,将嘴凑到我的脸上一阵热吻,舌头不 停地在我嘴里翻江倒海,右手抚摸着我早已膨胀的裆部……事不宜迟,我翻身仰躺在床上,韩姐随机帮我解开衣扣 松开皮带,掏出我暴胀的老二,毫不客气的吃了起来。韩姐的口法非常了得,用力得当,吞吐自如,吸舔适度,技 术娴熟,还不时的将我的两个小蛋蛋吸入口中,痒痒的麻麻的,连我的爱妻小敏都不曾这样伺候过我,那感觉真是 惬意。

  我也趁势解开她的衣扣,两只肉球晃晃悠悠的蹦了出来,我揉捏着韩姐的乳房,她立即发出了啊……啊……啊 ……嗯……的浪叫,真是比我想象中的韩姐还淫浪几倍。

  我看时机成熟,便脱掉我俩的衣服,赤身裸体的搂抱在一起。我回报似的含住她的乳头,韩姐则浪叫着伸手握 住我的鸡巴轻轻的套弄,我的鸡巴在她手心里乱蹦。

  我三下五除二将韩姐的衣服脱光,两条光滑的裸体缠抱在一起,韩姐挺着胸脯,扶着那肥肥的奶子说:「好痒 ……好弟弟……再给我吸吸……」


  我伸手够到韩姐的下身,阴毛好多好多,浓密黑亮,下面的阴缝里早已是水泽泽的一塌糊涂了。我不敢怠慢, 扶着我的阴茎,对准她的阴道,噗嗤一下连根没入。

  韩姐扭动着水蛇小腰,嘴里浪叫着:「啊……啊……好大……啊……插的好深……好弟弟……使劲弄我……里 面痒死了……哦……哦……好爽……使劲……哦……好弟弟……你在里面搅……搅一下……这样……这样好刺激… …爽死了……」

  可怜我经不住韩姐这般夸张的嚎叫,腰间一紧,便将我积攒了多天的精华如数射入她的子宫。此时我的轻轻迅 速消退,而韩姐却意犹未尽,双腿夹着我的屁股生怕我离开她一样。我盛情难却地将趋于疲软的阴茎用力在她阴道 里抽动了几下,这时候突然听到扭动门把的声音,一下子把我从甜美的缠绵中惊醒,刚才还有些筋骨的肉棒一下子 全塔架了,无息的从韩姐阴道里滑落,一骨碌从韩姐身上滚下来,拉起被子遮住裸露的躯体……破门而入的不是别 人,正是刚才还在kdv包厢里唱歌的郑处长和我爱妻子小敏。

  郑处长脸上不悦的说道:「艾教授呀,我让你送你嫂子来房间休息呢,可左等右等就是不见你下去,怕你也喝 多了,就上来看看你,你可好,就这样让你嫂子休息的?我请你们两口子吃饭,请你们唱歌……想不到你却乘人之 危,趁我家属醉酒后做这样的事情,把我的后路给抄了哦……你你你……你小子本事用到我头上来了……你说怎么 办?报警?」

  我无地自容,羞愧难当,后悔当初就不该动这个邪念,更后悔当初就怎么没有反锁房门呢?但这可是韩姐主动 的呀!再看看韩姐,刚才还骚劲十足,浪叫不止呢,现在却一副醉态,两脸通红的仰卧在床上一动不动,连眼睛也 不睁一下,这让我有口难辩,有理说不清啊!

  但怎么着也不能闹到警察那里吧,弄到那里了,我这一辈子就完了!我心里那个怕呀,腿一软噗通一声跪在地 上哀求道:「郑处长,都怪我……怪我喝点酒没有控制好自己……你原谅我吧……今后你让我干什么我就干什么… …」我窘迫得如果有个地缝子也一定会钻进去的!

  妻子小敏慌忙把我搀起说:「老公,快起来郑哥是会原谅你,不会怪你的。是吧郑哥?」说罢,便拥着郑处长 嗲声嗲气的撒气娇来。


  我听郑处长的语气有松动的余地,心想现在你就是要天许我也得给你半拉呀!便信誓旦旦的说:「郑处长:您 只要说出来,我们一定照办!」

  小敏也附和着说:「是啊郑哥,估计我老公也是喝昏头了,本来咱两家是出来相聚的,现在出了这档子事,您 看咋整?」

  「唉!」郑处长叹了口气说,「处长请副教授一块吃饭,副教授却……却……这事如果要传出去了,我大小也 算个领导,这脸以后往哪里放呀!艾教授,为了让我心理平衡,也为了避免你外传,就委屈小闵来抚慰一下我受创 伤的心……你们懂的,这样大家谁也不吃亏……」

  这时候我突然想起郑处长和小敏在网上聊天的内容,郑处长对闵晓敏早已百般挑逗,言语轻薄,窥视已久,虎 视眈眈,难道今天这一切都是他们给我挖的坑设的套?

  但为了早点结束这僵持的局面,缓解尴尬气氛,我有些求助的望着妻子小敏,希望得到她的配合,妻子羞答答 的不发话。我心想:哼!你就装吧,你们的聊天那么暧昧和露骨,现在倒「捏着半拉装紧」呢!情急之下连连点头 答应:「好好好……我们愿意……」边说便动手解小敏的钮扣,小敏也不阻拦,任凭我脱光她的衣服 。

  郑处长一边用一双色迷迷的眼睛直勾勾的盯着小敏的身体,一边解开了自己的衣服。略显臃肿的他,看着他毛 烘烘的下体,我不由自主的低头瞅了瞅我的鸡鸡,硕大的鸡巴竟然比我粗出很多,这着实让我有些吃惊,甚至有些 羡慕和自愧不如。

  他低着头掰开小敏的小穴,像检查古董的真伪一样翻过来倒过去的掰弄着左瞅右看的,那个细致劲令我醋意大 增。

  看够一阵子了,他挺着腰将鸡巴伸到小敏面前,小敏扭头看看我,我鼓励似的推了推小敏,小敏张口含住了粗 壮的鸡巴,吧唧吧唧的吸了起来,一会儿工夫,鸡巴变得更加膨大。

  郑处长身子一仰躺倒床上,小敏有些不好意思,我从后面掀着她的屁股,这时候小敏附着在操作粗硬的阴茎, 对准自己的肉穴坐了下去,而后趴在郑处长身上,晃动着屁股吞吐着他的阴茎,嘴里同时发出「啊……啊……啊… …」的浪叫声。

  看着与自己朝夕相处的妻子现在却掰开屄缝夹住别的男人的阳具,并且自己还在身后推波助澜,感觉自己好龌 龊,好变态,又很撩拨和刺激,也是我贪图女色占上司便宜所付出的代价,心里酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全 。

  这时韩姐吭吭哧哧的伸了个懒腰坐了起来,一脸惊讶的表情说:「你们几个在干什么呀?谁…谁…谁把我的衣 服给脱了?」我心里恨恨的骂道:「你这小浪妇不止会装葱,还会装蒜呀!刚刚明明是你在勾引我,老公来了你却 装作睡着,哼,太不仗义了!」

  韩姐看没人理她,有大喊大叫起来:「郑建成!趁我醉酒你们玩多p ,太过分了!小艾,来,咱们也别闲着,他们能做,咱们也来!」说着,便过来拉我上了她的床上。

  经历了刚才突如其来的惊吓和尴尬,我哪里还有心情和郑夫人同床共眠?韩姐主动扭动着身躯将阴部凑近我的 鸡巴,怎奈我一直没有进入状态,鸡巴一直很疲软……韩姐温柔的一手撸着我的小鸡鸡,一手来回抚摸着我的后背 ,让我有种被爱抚的温馨感受。

  韩姐牵引着我的左手伸到她的下体,她那小屄早已湿漉漉的往外渗水……我被动的抚摸着她的阴缝儿,挑逗着 她的阴蒂,淫水打湿了我的手掌,韩姐夸张的哼哼着,张嘴含住我的鸡巴,温暖湿热的小嘴紧紧地包围着我的阴茎 ,她的舌头转着圈的舔着我的鸡巴,让我感动温馨和细腻,鸡巴终于有了感觉,慢慢地在韩姐的口中膨胀……膨胀 ……直至坚硬如初。

  那边小敏忘我的叫床声和郑处长大声的喘气声让我忍不住侧目观望:郑处长翻转身体,将妻子的双腿高高的抗 在肩上,屁股一起一伏的在猛力撞击着妻子的身体,看着郑处长那根粗粗的肉棒在妻子阴道里深入浅出的抽插着, 肉棒从引导里带出了很多的白浆,妻子大声的嚎叫着:「啊!啊!啊……郑哥……你的宝贝太粗了……我的小屄屄 涨的受不了啦……你真猛……啊……捣住我的花心了……啊……啊……我……我要死了……」

  「好,我使劲插你,插烂你的骚逼,插破你的子宫,我弄死你……」郑处长说着,往我们这边瞅了一眼,得意 的望着我说:「兄弟……闵闵的小屄好紧啊,夹得我的家伙好舒服……哦…哦……你韩姐就交给你了,哦……快些 动手……把你韩姐伺候好……弄爽她……弄死她……哦……」边说便抓住妻子的乳房捏揉着,「闵闵的乳房好柔软 ……我好喜欢……」

  韩姐央求我道:「好弟弟……快上来……姐痒死了……我要你……」我在郑处长面子还是有些放不开,多少有 些投鼠忌器,韩姐干脆坐起来,抓住我坚硬的阴茎,对准她的小穴,用龟头顶开她的阴唇,一股淫水喷涌而出,顺 着我的龟头一直流到我的阴毛上,湿黏湿黏的给我增添了自信和欲望,也给我的进入添加的足够的润滑液。龟头刚 进入阴道口,韩姐便屁股一沉,整根阴茎已经被韩姐的蜜穴全部吞没。韩姐的小浪穴还是刚才那么的温热柔软,只 是多了些潮湿和滑腻,让我的家伙如鱼得水,在她阴穴里欢快的畅游。

  韩姐抓住我的手捂在她颤巍巍的乳房上一边浪叫:「啊……好弟弟……帮我揉揉……」我随着她身体的起伏, 挺着腰将阴茎尽可能深入的插进她的蜜穴,不时的感觉顶到了宫颈,里面的穴肉有力的吸吮着我的龟 头。

  我渐渐的从当初些许的惊恐状态渐入佳境,变被动为主动,将韩姐翻在身下,连连发起猛烈攻击。我还是对男 上位独有情衷,因为这样可以减少身体运动的幅度,节省体力,还可以全方位的与韩姐的肌肤相接触,可以用我滚 烫的胸膛来磨蹭她的双乳。

  这时候,妻子双手搂着郑处长的脖子,双腿跨在郑处长的腰间,屁股沟沟里夹着郑处长的阴茎,在郑处长的用 力下,一上一下的吞没着他的阴茎,郑处长抱着妻子慢慢的靠近我和韩姐的这张床,最后将妻子撂到床上和我肩并 肩的抽插着对方的老婆。

  他们俩别出心裁的花样刺激着我,如同竞技比赛一样激励着我更加奋力和勇猛。韩姐双手仅仅的搂抱着我并扭 动着并不纤细的浪腰,我的阴囊被一只细嫩的小手抚摸着,我扭头一看,原来是我那贱妻小敏调皮的腾出一只手捞 摸着我正在做爱的宝贝,还将手指卡着我进进出出的阴茎感受着我抽插的力度,嘴里还念念有词:「老公:加油! 狠劲的搞咱韩姐,使劲的高咱郑哥的老婆……啊……啊……郑哥……你好坏……你插的太深了……又捣到我的花心 了……哦……哦……」

  我心里的五味瓶再次被打翻,强烈的醋意化为强大的动力,我将韩姐从床上拉了下来,对着她的股沟,刺入她 的阴道。此时我的阴毛已经被韩姐的淫水全部打湿,黏稠的白浆沾满了我的阴茎,我的阴囊因剧烈的运动而滴溜溜 的拍打着韩姐的屁股,随着我抽插的节奏发出「啪嗒啪嗒」的拍击声。

  韩姐抬起身体趴在老公的背后,配合着我们的节律用双乳摩擦着老公的屁股,双手伸到小敏的胸前,抓住小敏 的乳房,嘴里哼哼唧唧给郑处长加着油:「老公,弄他!狠劲弄这个小浪屄!」

  我歪着身子从郑处长臀沟看到他粗壮的阴茎将小敏的阴道撑的浑圆,每一次的抽插都将小敏薄薄的阴唇嵌入、 带出,一翻一合的。突然,郑处长一直抽插的阴茎不动了,郑处长亢奋的喊着:「嗷!啊!啊!我……我不行了… 我要射了!」一头倒在我妻子的怀中。小敏也呻吟着:「嗯…嗯嗯…射吧……射进我屄里……我也不行了……我也 泄了……」

  看着郑处长的阴茎在妻子阴穴里不再抽动,而是在砰砰的抖动,老婆的阴穴也在有节律的收缩着,白色的液体 顺着阴茎流至股沟,啪啪的滴了一地……让我在郑处长面前自豪的是:由于我已经射过一次,所以至今还斗志昂扬 ,威猛无比,我重新将韩姐放到床上,郑处长意犹未尽,躺在床上将沾满白浆的阴茎递给韩姐,韩姐毫不犹豫的一 口含住,一阵猛吸,郑处长一副扭曲的面孔不知道是舒服至极还是非常的痛苦……看着郑处长将沾满小敏淫液的阴 茎插入韩姐的口中,再次撩拨着我的神经,我也不甘败下风,喊来小敏,趴在我的屁股下面,亲着我的蛋蛋和正在 抽插着韩姐阴穴的阴茎,小敏亲得兴起,连同我的屁眼也一起亲舔,那个痒啊,爽得我屁眼一吸一嘬的甚是舒服。 两个女人不停的大呼小叫此起彼伏,与韩姐的抽插声好妻子的吮吸声嗤嗤啪啪的混在一起,仿佛把我送入了人间仙 境,享受着神仙般的待遇。

  通过三番几次的连续运动,我全身大汗淋漓,但在郑处长勉强也绝不能半途而废,逐卯足力气做最后的快速冲 刺,连续百十下,终于在韩姐的浪叫声中射出了我此时还算是精贵的精液。

  我无力的倒在韩姐身上,胸前的汗水打湿了韩姐的脊背,韩姐一个侧身将我翻至一旁说:「宝贝,你太棒了… …不过姐也好热……」韩姐拿起浴巾帮我擦汗,又让我一阵小感动。

  喘息了一下,韩姐去洗手间也要拉上我,说是我把她折腾的走不动路了。我看了看郑处长,他还在和小敏调情 ,并没有注意我们,我搀着韩姐走进卫生间,韩姐就地一蹲,便哗哗的飞流直下一泄千里,小屄圈上还留存着我的 精斑。

  而后拿起花洒对着她张开的小穴冲了起来,然后也帮我翻开包皮冲了冲鸡巴,伸着大拇指说:「你真的很厉害 ,都让我来了好多次……哎,对了……我告诉你件事……今天这事是郑建成一手策划的,当然,也有你老婆的配合 ,所以,你不要顾及他,其实我们很早就干过这样的事了,等以后我再让郑建成联系梅艳月两口子,咱们一起玩, 你别看梅艳月年轻,平时少言寡语的,哼!这事她可疯狂了,到时候你小心她把你闹腾的恐怕要扶着墙回家……嘻 嘻嘻嘻……」

  我想起梅艳月这个女人了,26、7 岁,是数学与物理系的讲师,皮肤细白身材细长脸蛋细嫩,生就的一个美人胚子,平时凭着自己自然推荐好,不拘 言笑,是个标准的冷美人。想不到她的内心也是这么开放,真是人不可貌相呀!等休息休息就缠着韩姐让郑处长张 罗这事,我也尝尝这小美人的滋味。

  我们回到床上,看到郑处长又跟俺家小敏干上了,我摇了摇头,心想,先歇歇恢复一下体力吧,如果还行的话 ,我就再干你老婆一炮!

  一个月后,郑处长还真的约了梅艳月两口子一同玩多p 群交,大家熟悉了之后,有时候干脆减少了中间环节,也不再找郑处长亲自联系,但吃水不忘挖井人,联系好以后 还是会通知郑处长参加的,毕竟他可以处理一些票据,为大家节省一些资金。

  有时候我们轮换交叉着玩对方的女人,有时候兴致来了,就几个人搞一个女人,身上的洞洞被我们一起插进去 ,那是刺激啊。

  有一次更刺激的场面让我终生难忘,那次把梅艳月压在身下,还用两个手指头伸进我妻子小敏的阴道里乱搅和 ,当时韩姐正骑在梅艳月的老公小刘身上做爱,而我则趴在韩姐的屁股上将我的阴茎同时塞进韩姐的阴道里,我们 两根阴茎相互摩擦着在韩姐的阴道里蠕动着,惹得韩姐大叫不止,不大一会,我和小刘便一起将精液射进了韩姐的 浪屄里。

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