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Old 28-05-2015, 03:15 PM
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Mayflower KTV

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Been to Mayflower, place looks promising. It's true girls are all in KJ uniform and can choose from a big room.
Even though girls strength are less than 100, quality is rather good as it's CP after all. Party till late with no disturbance. Will surely be back again
Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Ya, only just started. Hope it will last.
But very discreet, only allow one person from each room at a time.
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
when they first start last month, djs has blue n red uniforms,
Had to see it for myself since can choose girls without doing line-ups in the KTV room.

The girls are in White/Blue DJ unform. About 60-70 daily. Quality bordering above average looking only. More or less the same as Man Heng Dun KTV. At least the overall quality is so much better than Danshui KTVs where it's hard for me to choose.

Picked 2 girls and had a crazy time. Police checks are getting lesser and lesser.
Weather so hot!
Old 29-05-2015, 11:22 PM
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Re: Mayflower KTV

Originally Posted by Tencent View Post
Had to see it for myself since can choose girls without doing line-ups in the KTV room.

The girls are in White/Blue DJ unform. About 60-70 daily. Quality bordering above average looking only. More or less the same as Man Heng Dun KTV. At least the overall quality is so much better than Danshui KTVs where it's hard for me to choose.

Picked 2 girls and had a crazy time. Police checks are getting lesser and lesser.
Sound promising thks for the info
Old 30-05-2015, 11:28 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

seems like the korean went to huizhou to cheong via 永东from hong kong
Old 30-05-2015, 12:45 PM
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MERS! Contact authorities if you were on same plane/bus/car as MERS patient!

Hope nobody here came into contact with the Korean MERS patient.

Please note details of his travels – contact authorities/get yourself checked out if you were also a passenger on his various modes of travel.
Hong Kong orders 18 into quarantine after Korean traveller is diagnosed with Mers
Search continues for dozens more people who were in close contact with Korean confirmedto be first case of the deadly disease in China

PUBLISHED : Friday, 29 May, 2015, 4:19pm
Hong Kong was on high alert yesterday as 18 people were ordered to undergo quarantine and scores more were being traced after coming into contact with a Korean man who was confirmed as China's first Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) patient.
Three others were admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital with mild respiratory symptoms after coming into contact with the index patient, who flew into Hong Kong from Seoul on Asiana Airlines flight OZ723 on Tuesday and took buses to Sha Tau Kok and Huizhou, Guangdong.
All three tested negative for Mers.
The Centre for Health Protection and the Hospital Authority announced yesterday that the 44-year-old Korean man had been confirmed by the mainland's National Health and Family Planning Commission as the first case of the killer virus in the country.
But officials urged the public not to panic.
"The virus does not transmit human-to-human sustainedly. Therefore, there would not be a major outbreak now," said Centre for Health Protection controller Dr Leung Ting-hung.
Authorities concluded that at least 29 of the 158 passengers on the flight - 14 Koreans and 15 Chinese - were in close contact with the patient, sitting within two rows in front of or behind him.
Of those, 18 were to be put under quarantine at the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village in Sai Kung for 14 days. The other 11 were believed to have left the city.
"They have gone to the mainland, South Korea and other countries," Leung said.
The information was passed on to authorities on the mainland and in South Korea, as well as the World Health Organisation for further contact tracing. Hong Kong officials said last night that they had managed to contact a total of 40 people.
Health minister Dr Ko Wing-man said: "I am very concerned about the outbreak of Mers. The most important thing for us now is to concentrate our efforts to search out the passengers on the same flight who have been identified as close contacts."
Two of those sent to hospital yesterday were among 52 passengers who were not in close contact with the patient on the flight. A third was a ticketing employee involved when the Korean caught a bus with the licence plate number PJ2595 from Chek Lap Kok airport to Sha Tau Kok. He then took a bus, with licence plate HN5211, to Huizhou.
Health authorities were trying to contact more than 20 people who shared the buses with the patient. Some of the passengers switched to a car, with licence plate NF4501, travelling to Danshui, Guangdong.
Health authorities are appealing to the people they are looking for to call the Centre for Health Protection's hotline at +852 2125 1111.
Secretary for Security Lai Tung-kwok said the Immigration Department would help health officials track down the people.
The Korean patient, who was put under isolation in a Huizhou hospital, had a temperature of 39.5 degrees Celsius and symptoms of pneumonia. Thirty-eight people who had close contact with him on the mainland were also isolated, although they did not show unusual symptoms.
South Korea's health ministry apologised for letting the patient leave the country and put others at risk while he was under quarantine orders. His father and sister were also confirmed to be infected with Mers.
"We should have checked more actively and broadly on family related issues. We are deeply sorry about that," said Yang Byung-kook, director of the Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
Three more Mers cases were confirmed in South Korea yesterday, bringing the total to 10.
Mers, a respiratory illness which was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012, has afatality rate of about 40 per cent. There is no vaccine or treatment.
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-06-2015, 03:17 AM
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CP Crack in the door.

Just left China and was able to visit CP again, but only for one night. The MF is operating in a low down mode, but operating still. No flower street but a reasonable selection of girls. (Note that I may not be as picky as some others). Only sat one girl while my pard sat two. At the end of the evening a second girl came into the room and asked if I wanted a double. As the girl I was sitting with, while really cute, did not seem to be into it as much as I would have liked, I said OK. (After all this was my first night in China after about a three month drought.) Turns out that I was right about the one I chose first, while not quite a dead fish, she certainly had very little life in her.

Anyway, did both together, (same bed, but no interaction between them), and sent the first one home after ST. While the second one was not as pretty, she was was alive and active. Much noise and chasing her around the bed as she was screaming (with pleasure I am sure), she swears she came 5 times at night and 4 more in the morning.

Split the room costs but forget how much. Gave the first girl 1100 RMB for ST and gave the second girl 1500 + 100 tip for LT. Again a little pricey but it was my first night.
Old 02-06-2015, 12:58 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Still in CP, going back tomorrow. Went MF for a night but to me the selection was bad for me but my 2 other friends are ok. So I get my own supply anyway.

Met a wechat nice gal yesterday and score Going to continue her today
Old 07-06-2015, 04:55 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Ahhhh….. Chang Ping!!!

I guess it is still great for someone who’ve never been before, but for those of us who experienced its heydays……. Sigh!!

Seems like the only action that’s about the same as before is PZL. Prices still RMB 79/hr, 69 second hour, the clay-pot rice still free and something to look forward to, the girls still all flirty and the mongers still being manipulated - physically as well as mentally with sweet words; and of course mongers still being carrot headed by these skilled courtesans! Oh well, it’s only money!

Mayflower was a disaster – like partying in an empty Fort Knox where they will NOT even allow you in unless the person you’ve made reservations with, comes out to the front and leads you in. Yeah, I know that in the past this was also supposedly the modus operandi, but going into a cavernous, empty haunted house?

Led into your room and you have a choice of them bringing in girls in groups of 3 or 4 or else go to a room God Knows where to view their stock of 70 or so gals. But they would only allow ONE guy each period to go in this room and ONLY do so without one’s mobile and Identity documents (HUH? And no if’s or but’s – you want to see that are the requirements!). Elected one of us to do the choosing as the rest couldn’t be bothered and he came back with 4 less than stellar specimens! He told us it was so weird and ridiculous being led around and around to this quite hidden room, walking in to a room of supposed DJ’s sitting around all bored, uninterested and just plain ugly! But yeah, they allow rejection and so we kicked out 2 of them and chose others later when they brought in the gals for viewing. And did I tell you? The mommy who my friend made reservations with actually nonchalantly grabbed his phone and deleted all conversations with her on the set.

Party atmosphere? Errr… more like a tortuous, forced evening of TRYING to enjoy oneself with a bunch of jittery and aloof beauties (NOT!) who couldn’t be bothered to create the atmosphere that Chang Ping was famous for. And at RMB500 a pop for just sitting around poker faced? Sheesh! And oh yeah, them all of a sudden disappearing en-masse for about 15 minutes as management had spotted the GA coming. Luckily, all they did was checked the guest registry instead of checking each room - apparently, the GA making an appearance each evening is de rigeur these days.
But at least the KTV charges were quite cheap and even a free hotel room when our bill goes over RMB 1,000!

And at least the BBs mommies are still out in force! Openly waylaying guys coming out of PZL, walking about streets and even welcoming themselves to your table when you’re just sitting around 85! And oh yeah, 85 is still THE place for us to meet up! Depending on the mommy and your negotiating skills, it’s still 200 – 300. But since the crack-down last year, no more BBS rooms for your viewing and they will just send ONE girl to your room (RMB 10-20 rejection fee). The girls I’m pretty sure comes from a common pool that these mommies call when they get a customer…which makes me wonder how is it that some pimps can justify 900 – 1,100 for their supposedly “higher quality” gals. Hmmmm….!!

You still want to go to Chang Ping, DO manage your expectations and avoid abject disappointment.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 07-06-2015, 11:17 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Probably going into SZ this coming weekend but can't decide between re-visiting CP or trying DS.

So far I've gathered DS seems to be more expensive while CP is crawling back to its earlier state? Is the quality in CP really bad compared to before?

Any bros got any lobang for CP or DS?
Old 07-06-2015, 11:32 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

You still want to go to Chang Ping, DO manage your expectations and avoid abject disappointment.
CP, DG, CA all dead without us rich singaporeans throwing money there!
think many of the girls from the heyday now selling backside back in their own kampong like anhui, guilin

my massage girl from Zhuhai still crying everyday for 2 years now as I ask her to fuck off
Old 11-06-2015, 02:24 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

I will be staying in Guangzhou for 2 nights from 19 to 20th June
Any Bro interested to cheong together in chang ping let me know and please PM me. fine for me

But note that I am new to chang ping.
Old 16-06-2015, 08:25 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

MF girls supply increase to 100 during the weekend, quality so-so but 个花入个眼。Only the price very steep now.
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Old 16-06-2015, 08:44 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by goo_ey View Post
MF girls supply increase to 100 during the weekend, quality so-so but 个花入个眼。Only the price very steep now.
Thanks for the update.

But poor poor CP.... just think about this; I believe 140 odd rooms at Mayflower?
At least a couple or so capable of accommodating at least 100 pax in one go..... versus just 100 gals even on a weekend night.... Sigh...!!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 17-06-2015, 01:12 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

I would love to visit CP one of these days... it was such a fun memory....
Old 17-06-2015, 05:13 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I would love to visit CP one of these days... it was such a fun memory....
Yo yo yo bro,
when will u going? My last trip in cp was last year Jan, it has changed so much...
Old 17-06-2015, 05:28 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2 and Dongguan Happenings

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
But at least the KTV charges were quite cheap and even a free hotel room when our bill goes over RMB 1,000!

This never happen in the history! The offer applying for everyday?
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