JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
1 正骨:没有特别的服务。(采耳、耳烛等不算特别服务)[适合带女友、老婆、家人一起去] 2.半邪骨:有特别服务如抓根、打飞机、有些还可以口交,不过没有性交的。 3 邪骨:就是除了第2类所提供的服务外,加上性交。 1 正骨: 新手提示:要真正按摩到位,建议最少拿1小时半的服务。 【Spa Manja】(Holiday Plaza 旁 Mutiara Hotel 对面角头住家改装)价钱偏高 【Bangkok Spa】(顺利Jalan Abiad) 【北京贵足】(大马83Jalan Keris) 【满足爽】(大马Jalan Keris) 【满足爽】(大丰Old town对面) 【满足爽】(Sutera Mall L1-040/41) 【Bangkok】(Permas) 【健足轩】(Tmn Gaya,靠近Old Town) 【ZOUK SPA】(在Molek Old Town后面,molek 1/28角头间) 【ZOUK SPA】(Nusa Bestari) 【泰式按摩】(Jusco Tebrau City Second Floor(最高那层)Pos Office 隔壁;有开分店,就在对面公寓楼下,Block G 【浪漫】(TMN Daya sagu33) 【大家来】(TMN Daya) 【足道】(101,Austin height 3,7-11 隔壁几间) 【Reborn】(五福城古文茶同排) 【皇廷】(五福城) 【Thai按摩院】(IOI MALL) 【西安】 (Taman Sri Pulai) 【东方】 (Nusa Bestari) 【状元榜】(古来24哩) 【帝皇轩】(SERI ALAM public bank 附近,suria2)(PRC) 【意家庄】(johor jaya dedap,RHB同排的YAMAHA音乐学院对面那排店屋楼上) 【东方明珠】(TMN DAYA esso(不是JPJ)油站旁边,pinang52) 【天涯海脚】(MOLEK station1后面,molek2/3角头间) 【印尼式按摩】(皇后东方花园RHB那排的POS OFFICE对面楼上,perwira9) 【天鹅湖】(古来ioi mall 对面,jln merbau3) 【温馨】(MOLEK OCBC后面那排中间, molek 1/28) 【温馨】(Johor Jaya Dedap 8) 【印尼传统按摩】(大马TOTO前面) 【森阳】(perling ) 【萨瓦蒂】(MOLEK天涯海脚前面,33molek2/3) RM53/65/Hr 【泡泡沐足休闲】(Taman Gaya Jln Sasa 5) 【泰皇廷】(Taman Molek靠近Lavender ) 【印尼传统按摩】(Tmn Molek 以前EON Bank 现在Hong Leong Bank,转进去,Tupperware 同一排) 【聚皇庭】(Nusa Bestari) 地点电话价钱在939楼 【皇足轩】(Nusa Bestari ) 【足馨阁】(JJ 保龄球场内) 【家富富侨】(MAA Building底层)-超豪华,像spa,消费高! 【水立方】(Pelangi Serampang) 【足浴城】(Pelangi Lavender 同排) 【幸运保健中心】(Jalan Pingai-Pelangi) 【姿足】(Tmn Pelangi) (#460楼) 【Bangkok3】(new york Hotel) 【爽安康】(KSL City LG-23B) 【爽安康】(JJ 47 Dedap 4古文茶餐室同排) 【美子】(皇后relax & 18同排) 【Thai Odyssey正宗泰式古方按摩】(City Square,MF-20 Intercity Level 3) 【Winnie Massage】(大丰Sutera2 云屯面隔壁)(未证实是否正骨) 60/hr 【天浴足道/天毅足浴】(大丰34Sutera2) 【唐医堂】(彩虹71,73 Jalan Kuning) 【唐医堂】(Jln Abiad 1) 【浴足场】(tebrau jusco后面,对面是空地-很多人放风筝)RM60/70-hr 【古泉】(大丰Sutera2)-55/hr 【康悦】(大马155 Keris 1) 【老地方】(皇后东方花园,GoodHope酒店同排店屋的对面) 【Sawadee】(193,Jln dato sulaiman,century) 【大桶水】(sutera mall附近)) 【世纪足底按摩】(LG-03A KSL City) RM45/hr 【欧曼蒂按摩院】(Kebun Teh 的Traffic Light那里的店屋3楼)RM65/hr 【Royal Holidays Club】Ground Floor,Block i,Plaza Sentosa(大丰) 【皇阿玛】Tmn Mount Austin Overtime 同排,靠近妇科诊所,大大的皇色招牌
我爱美女按摩爱爱打飞机 |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
2.半邪骨: 【天一】 (彩虹185A, Jalan Sri Pelangi) 【小龙女】(大丰马来小学对面住家Jln Sutera) 【小龙女】(nusa bestari old town同排) 【Only One】(彩虹123A, Jln Sri Pelangi) 【彩虹】(TMN PELANGI) 【紫宣阁】-以前的“宫廷” (Nusa Bestari)(KFC,Maybank同排,ayamas的楼上) 【好地方】(BEST PLACE, JLN HARIMAU TARUM)-CRYSTAL CROWN HOTEL 同一排12PM-6AM 【好地方】(皇后东方花园,GoodHope酒店同排店屋的对面) 【好地方】(彩虹KS同一排下面角头楼上) 【Thai Relax Spa】 (Desa Tebrau Petronas油站后面一排,蟹皇同排) 【AMAZING THAI】 (Johor Jaya Dedap 13 alliance bank同排) 【SIAM LEGEND THAI SPA】(M.A.A BUILDING) 【SIAM LEGEND THAI SPA】(Tmn Molek OCBC后面,molek1/28) 【SIAM LEGEND THAI SPA】(Nusa Bestari,75 Jln Bestari 12/2) 【小魔女】(美乐Caltex油站旁边) 【大家爽】(Desa Tebrau) PRC熟女 【Love 9】 (mount austin) (#238楼) 【天涯池】 (TMN DAYA东方明珠隔两间楼上,pinang52) 【蓝月亮】 (Bukit Indah) 【72】 (Nusa Bestari)-[粥杰伦同排] 本地马来风光 【金点】之前的[好心情](大丰 小龙女 对面角头楼上) 【森阳】( 金山园) 【正宗泰式古方按摩】 (Nusa Bestari 72同一排。角头间咖啡店隔几间) 【皇朝】(Nusa Bestari) -警察局对面楼上 ) 【天天】(印尼)古方按摩 (JJ Teratai 7) 【顺 足浴】(大丰don sushi同排)Thai 【康富】(stulang韩国餐楼上) 【未知】(皇后maybank同排角头楼上) sarawak人 【A1】(大丰RHB同排楼上) 【天足】(Pelangi) 【泰式古方按摩】(JJ Dedap香港仔后面,面向草场Dedap 22) 【彩虹】(nusa Bestari Jln bestari 1/5,old town下一排店屋,角頭間是威威咖啡店,隔壁是洗車店) 【小龙女】 (Setia Indah 3/4) 【金点】(permas Mcdonalds对面楼上) 【蓝天使】(NB mp78隔几间,以前的皇朝) 【泰式按摩】(士古来八星广场LG) 【健美康】(JJ ROSMERAH-在PB BANK对面中间角头的) 【安康乐园】(皇后777旁楼上)PRC 【安康乐园】(NB OLD TOWN后面) 【珊珊】(彩虹[天一]那排,黄色招牌) 【天皇居】(Pelangi Serampang) 【心灵】(NUSA BESTARI霸王火锅隔壁楼上) 【金蝴蝶】(Taman Gaya) 【U-Reflexology】(Jalan Sri Pelangi靠近7-eleven) 【幸运坊】(Tmn daya 浪漫同排sagu33)比较少邪骨,所以归为半邪-本地 【康力】(Tmn daya KFC同一排) 【Angel Nine】(Senai坟场对面新店) 马来妹 【Aloha】(Bukit Tiram) 【Horizon泰式按摩】(Tmn Gaya sasa 6) 【万里长城】(Tmn daya Jln Rumbia 20) 【美丽之约】(jalan Austin height3 taman mount austin RHB 银行后面,7/11隔壁福华药店楼上)
我爱美女按摩爱爱打飞机 |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
3 邪骨:就是除了第2类所提供的服务外,加上性交。
3 邪骨: 【青苹果】(Permas) 【青苹果】(masai大街) 【MP78】(Tmn PELANGI) 【MP78】(Nusa Bestari oldtown对面) 【MP78】(Taman U petronas(wet market那个)同排) 【天乐】(JJ anggerik 37)(本地和sarawak) 【青楼】(Johor Jaya PUBLIC BANK同排) 【EK】(Johor Jaya Bakawali Toto 店同一区) 【Pearly珍宝】(Permas 10,在KFC后面那排) 【海伦】(Permas) 【阿财】(旧PERMAS 4/x,文具店和金店中间上楼没招牌) 【樱桃】(皇后ambank同排) 【97】(JJ Seroja ) 【RELAX INN】(皇后长青火锅隔几间) 【湖滨】(mount austin petronas 旁边24HR印度店后面那排austin perdana 3/10) 【足缘】(TMN DAYA)[在maybank后面,POS OFFICE 那排 2N店面楼上] 【Spline古方男女按摩】(Setia Indah 3/3) 老姜+恐龙 【EDEN】(大学城post office楼上) 【18】(皇后relax inn附近) 【按摩】(Danga City Mall5楼) 【一级棒】(JJ Dedap ks后面那排) 【贵宾】(Taman Molek, UOB 的对面) 【莲花阁】(taman gaya jalan sasa 4) 【花仙子】(15 jalan nb2 2/2,tmn nusa bestari 2)(0127717191 小鬼) 【一级棒按摩休闲中心 Bagus Massage】(Jalan Dedap 8, Johor Jaya) Massage + FJ + Cafe
我爱美女按摩爱爱打飞机 Last edited by 我是美女; 25-08-2015 at 10:23 PM. |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
4 Spas In Hotels :
【Bluewave Hotel】 【New York Hotel】 【The ZON Regency Hotel】 Repost the above from another website. And added a few with input from bros. Welcome all bros to help, so we can cheong more !!! Can any kind bro verify if these shops are still available ?
我爱美女按摩爱爱打飞机 Last edited by 我是美女; 25-08-2015 at 10:25 PM. |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
welldone bro, u make the new join bro easy,
also noted you hardwork. |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Bagus Massage Jalan Dedap 8, Johor Jaya Massage + FJ + Cafe |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Well done
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Can recommend which parlour provide better light room
I don't like to be massage in dim light 😁
I luv amoi |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Awesome, for massage lover
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
a lot already no updated, any brother can give more info ?
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Just to help update:
【美丽之约】(moved to: 15 Jalan Austin Heights 8/3 Taman Mount Austin 81100, same row with Old Town)
PRC: 18; Pho: 10; Boleh: 5; Minah: 1; Penyet: 3; Pinoy: 2; Tomyam: 8; Lorbak: 2; Eurosian: 1; Russian: 1; Dusun: 2 & to be continued~ For upz return pls pm me, having hard time searching your latest post & some cant be found |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Appreciate your hard work to post but many of the places are clean joints.
Some are even spas for women only. What you want us to go there for? |
Thanks for your hardwork, appreciated that.
For easy reference, any bro know which joint provides authentic juagen / batin massage? Not masterbate type but real juagen. Thank you |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Below are 2 different links to jg: 1. https://sammyboyforum.fun/showthread...hlight=meiling She runs at an apartment near The Zon duty free, I've tried it few days ago it's the most painful jg I've tried but the effect is good. Wechat: B01127558747 2. https://sammyboyforum.fun/showthread.php?t=628537 This is a shop at 43A, Jalan Harimau Tarum, Taman Century. No. +60102027447 Wechat:maymentreatment Haven't tried this but u can read the FR.
PRC: 18; Pho: 10; Boleh: 5; Minah: 1; Penyet: 3; Pinoy: 2; Tomyam: 8; Lorbak: 2; Eurosian: 1; Russian: 1; Dusun: 2 & to be continued~ For upz return pls pm me, having hard time searching your latest post & some cant be found |
Re: JB Massage Parlors (In Chinese
Thanks for the effort of finding, posting and sharing it. Some already not in operation.
ONE MAN'S MEAT IS ANOTHER'S POISON "A FR is to give reader an idea of what to expect, the pics and style of writing are to spice things up, to give more space for imagination, most important thing is we share and we enjoy." Bros with rep power are welcome to exchange 162 points daily |
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