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Old 10-02-2015, 12:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
A lot of people forget not just food and water but ice in your beverage also can be deadly if water source is contaminated.
Lol,totally agree with you on this one,bro. I learned this ice thingy lesson only in Batam at the beginning of my trips during 2014,i lao sai until no more strength to thats where i learned that Batam pharmacy also sells Po Chi Pills,the Chinese medicine that helps cure diarrhoea,hehehe... if i didnt have diarrhoea,i also would not have known that Batam actually has a pharmacy that is always very crowded during the day (i was surprise by its crowd tho as in EVERYDAY got so many people buy medicine?).

The "Mickey Mouse" incident in Sillypore is most likely the fault of the PRC cook according to what i read from online news. If you are regular to that restaurant,will you still eat in that Sillypore restaurant where the "Mickey Mouse" was found in their food? Statistic on papers has shown that they are already back to business as usual ,so the answers are pretty obvious.

Originally Posted by manicals View Post
1 more question,whats the difference between ST 200k/250k syt & 500k onward syt in batam? I have been reading a couple of pages back & see some bros pays more than 500k for ST,is that a norm rate in batam nw? Pardon my many questions as hasn't been to batam for a bit so tht of doing some catching up.
Ok,this questions are a bit tricky. Beside what bro Rockies has explained.

...which holds some truth. I believe there are other reasons too. One of them being the ambience. Example in Sillypore if you go to Night Clubs around Havelock Road,each bottle of "Marteh" liquor will cost around S$700,but if you go to Geylang,the same bottle of "Marteh" will be less than S$300. So in Batam,even tho they are SYTs,those working inside Hotel massage shop usually ask for more as there are customers who are willing payer and at the same time the environment feels much higher class,cleaner and have better facilities too.

My recommendation is,if you are not into ambience,visit those individual massage shops along the street/road around Batam. But you will want to know which one has special and which one doesnt. Thats what the Batam compilation list is for :

But if you are into ambience and atmosphere,you can either go to Hotel type of massage shop (usually inside the hotel premises) for massage and special service. Thats where the girls will offer L.XL,XXL and XXXL price tag becos they know most of the customers who visit their shops are lesser-informed and most time will pay for it. The better-informed customers will still bargain the price down tho and sometime give them a miss if pricing is over the top.

Then again,if you are like me who are into ambience and atmosphere but yet do not wish to pay $2 for an apple that originally cost $1 within the area,i would visit those massage shops along the streets/roads,and ask them to come to my hotel room to do the massage and special service. After massage session if room becomes messy,i can always get room service to clean it up,hehehe...

In general,you get about 200k to 350k/ST(fj x 1) in massage shops along the street/road and you get 450k-800k/ST(fj x 1) in Hotel related massage shop. Its already in me that in Massage Shops,i will benchmark HJ at 100k and FJ is 200k for MILF,and i should add 50k to 100k more if the girls are SYT standard as according to advice given by a senior bro in this thread ,even tho he did state that the given pricing by him is for Batam locals who speaks Bahasa. I am foreigner,i dont speak indo language,but i am a bit greedy and want at least the closest to local price,hehehe...

Hope i help answered your queries.

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Old 10-02-2015, 01:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Good idea, Magixskin...! KohOnly21, next quarterly gathering in Batam, we're opening 2 tables at either Wey Wey or Marine Live Seafood to honour your ascension to a 4-digit Master...

You're paying of course... Hehehehe...
Not like i received pay increment
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 10-02-2015, 01:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Haha!!!! My grandson was very happy when I gave him 3 stars for his homework....hehe!!!!
Old 10-02-2015, 02:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I learned this ice thingy lesson only in Batam at the beginning of my trips during 2014, i lao sai until no more strength to

The "Mickey Mouse" incident in Sillypore is most likely the fault of the PRC cook according to what i read from online news.
Also have lao sai experience due to contaminated ice but not in Batam.

I live in China so I know very well the hygiene level of the F&B industry.
Relly the KNN!
Old 10-02-2015, 02:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Also have lao sai experience due to contaminated ice but not in Batam.
Once you had the body immune and can tahan all kinds of food...hihi...

I remembered first 3 times I go Thailand back in the 1988-1990...I lao sai till kena glucose well prepared the next time...kena lao sai only take lomotil 2 caps plus 2 tab charcoal with plenty of water or fluids which I had been traveling with the med ever since...but the body immunity can tahan almost all countries...except eating contaminated food posioning...
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Old 10-02-2015, 02:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
Once you had the body immune and can tahan all kinds of food...hihi...
Yes this is true the body immune system will gradually build up its defense against bacteria.
Old 10-02-2015, 09:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

batam trip 6-8 feb.

After my last dec trip, i told myself to try those massage shop around DC mall. Took 1320 ferry to batam and stayed at romance hotel
for 50 sgd 2 nights. No in room wifi sigh, breakfast for 2 day, bread, fried rice and kway teow/long tong avaliable.

Anyway change money at 9300 and off i went to msg.

brief intro,

basically theres a total of 16 msg shop there which i saw. In the red box , there is 9 (28 massage, A3 , good one, sinar kuda mas, elline, peppy, kyngs, beautiful and bintang)

and in green box there is 5 (chinatown , A5, princess, tulip, davant asia). Beside DC theres another one but i forgot name (pink circle) and further down from DC vernessa (yellow circle). blue line is the longkang that seperate the place

my msg usually 1hr , standard room unless stated, start price

tart 216pm Devant Asia. standard 100k , 140 vip. saw 2 album, but counter staff show me 1 n inside theres abt 10grls. was 2 however 2 only avaliable.

choose n was lead in. bullshit, on way in i saw many pretty 1. nvm. worst my grl totally different from pic. fat grl sigh. pop gq, not interested to ask s fat is not my liking. total 110k plus a drink she ordered. end 3pm

345pm A5. ON my last trip, after i finish princess msg, saw a syt step in to this. told myself nxt trip try this shop. good pl. looks well maintain n new. alot syt. standard 60k , vip100k. given syt n she say fhe former bluemoon lol. straight away ask me commando. hosay la
offered 150hj, 350 fj. no take up s i wan to try the other shop which is their same boss , A3. Total 80k plus 2 drink. 445pm end. the funny thing is i ask bbbj n she say 500k lol. i ask huh more ex than fj? say indo grl not much like bbbj so must pay higher. lol pic of standard room

645pm A3. Place not too bad too. given a plump young lady. but saw to syt waiting to go home on way into shop. crap attitude, after find out i dont wan special (nt interest in plump grls). 20min n say finish. while dressing dare say give me tip ah. tip her 20k out of goodwill say nt enough. i say u dont wan i take back n say ok u take back. i stick out my hand n she retreated. went down counter counter saw my unhappy face n saw yes sir? i say crap what 1jam n threw money n left. price same s A5

Last edited by banana81sg; 12-02-2015 at 07:26 PM.
Old 10-02-2015, 09:10 PM
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7 feb

1pm start. peppy msg. standard 60k. given a syt. stomach but not too fat. busty too. offered 100k hj but no take up offer. 240pm end

210pm, beautiful msg, hokkien speaking uncle counter, standard 60k. offered 300fj. see this shop many syt.3pm end

320pm , goodone msg. standard room 60k. syt offered but i find it so so pretty plus she skinny. hj 100k, fj 300k. shop mostly syt. 425pm end

440pm, kyings msg, 60k standard. 130k for vip. a milf shop it seem no see syt. but the milf here are quiet nice body, no fat from what i see. my was quiet sexy i find. refer pic , sorry if unclear s pl nt bright. offered 400k fj, hj200k. 515pm end

540pm sinar kudamas, the cheapest around DC. 50k start standard. saw no syt, al milf, hence maybe cheap. but i could b wrong, s i went late. seem alway saw milf in shop in late hour s syt usually went home liao close to 5 or 6pm but i could b wrong. senior pls advice. 620pm end

day end here. at 320pm, msg grl say my back very red. sigh guess too many today.....but i havent shoot today so....8pm went back A5 n given same grl, took vip , refer pic n end of story lol. endure body redness..errr

Old 10-02-2015, 09:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

8 feb, change money 9200

last day today, can only chooose 1. finally decided on chinatown. saw a syt on way up to vip room. standard 60k, vip 100k. commando service again. offer me 200hj, 400fj. nego 150hj n 300fj. took fj n left. funny thing is , i ask cim she quote 500k lol. guess indo grl really no much like raw blow except maybe milf. unlike in viet, i havent wash straight away bbbj me wakao

ok there ends my trip. i will try the others that i have not tried, including tat gay looking shop that i mention in my previous post lol n maybe give princess 1 more chance. but base on at i saw when i was there on this trip, i saw no syt when their shop door left it open. also i find those cheap standard price 60k, usually grl will order drink. hmmm mayb boss tactic to earn ba.

also s my hotel just a few shop beside massage 28, i also saw no syt. but i could b wrong.

cheers......bro nono for yr update of list, anythin just pm me, i know my fr always nt so good. lol

Last edited by banana81sg; 10-02-2015 at 09:22 PM.
Old 10-02-2015, 10:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
645pm A3. Place not too bad too. given a plump young lady. but saw to syt waiting to go home on way into shop. crap attitude, after find out i dont wan special (nt interest in plump grls). 20min n say finish. while dressing dare say give me tip ah. tip her 200k out of goodwill say nt enough. i say u dont wan i take back n say ok u take back. i stick out my hand n she retreated. went down counter counter saw my unhappy face n saw yes sir? i say crap what 1jam n threw money n left. price same s A5
WTF bro,you tip her 200k w/o having special and she still say not enough ar? And only 20mins massage.(i know,it must be a typo)

Ok,noted the name is A3 massage...thanks,bro.

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post
cheers......bro nono for yr update of list, anythin just pm me, i know my fr always nt so good. lol
Thank you for sharing,bro..i shall share more views on your FR 2mrow or later,hehehe...meantime it looks like you just give me a lot of things to do in my coming CNY trip. Remember,a person when he try one girl in one joint and is no good,does not mean the whole joint is no good. I shall slowly walk your trail in time to come when i am in Batam. Thank you bro.

Your FR improved a lot comparing it to the last 2 ones,hehehe...keep it up,bro. Shall re-summarize it for you if time allows. And i sincerely thank you for sharing.

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Old 11-02-2015, 09:31 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by banana81sg View Post

basically theres a total of 16 msg shop there which i saw. In the red box , there is 9 (28 massage, A3 , good one, sinar kuda mas, elline, peppy, kyngs, beautiful and bintang)
wow I enjoyed reading your MassageMarathon FR. Juz like you I am so into "Massage". Up you my humble points
Now in the 0940 ferry, gonna go for some massage later
Old 11-02-2015, 09:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

How is the M2 ktv like? Wondering any senior been there before?
Old 11-02-2015, 10:56 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by manicals View Post
Honest opinion here,i think information posting should be full & complete hence i can accept it exceptional long. The small chat/questionnaire post should be shorten to sweet & sharp w less quoting. No one likes incomplete information & it becomes misleading.
I dont agree but yet agree with you. Reading from different perspective,no information will ever be complete in a single post especially when it comes to travelling oversea.


Just 2014 alone,new joints MM appears,Happy Massage 8 took over another joint,Dolly breaks out from Memory to start its own and later closed down,then there is New Berry moving away from the same location as Indah2,Blue moon turns itself from Massage place to massage and booking joint,new joint Paradise Night beside Goodway is born later part of 2014,and there is Shellina which is beside Dolly(closed down) that is pretty neat but do not have a license. Not forgetting the all time favourite Gold Bird aka Sedona kena raid. And there is one that receives the MOST COMPLAIN from netizen,Morena for short-changing their See,things keep changing in Batam just in 2014.

And as things changes,info change too. And that makes a posting incomplete unless someone can pick all the pieces together. The best one could do is to be as detail as possible,and to me,the more detail the sharing,the more in depth the information will be conceive.

The last part which i totally agree is, "No one likes incomplete information & it becomes misleading." ....yes,incomplete or i called it Half-Baked information is indeed Misleading. If you read my previous postings,I post a photo on Pepy Massage with another massage place's name card (D'avant Asia) that mention the word Nagoya,and end up many went to Nagoya Hill area to look high and low for Pepy Massage. I didnt complete my information sharing in a post with "Details",and it becomes misleading and end up with some misunderstanding surfacing. My bad,my mistake and i apologize.

Originally Posted by Rockies View Post
Tats y i say in my last previous post tat bro nono1973 has garner a very detail scene in batam.
You have been to Batam before,bro. You just need to know where to find what you go there for will do,hehehe...

Join in the fun to bargain if you like what you see.

Originally Posted by Rockies View Post
Hope u hav a gd cny trip & will b awaiting new fr from u.
Hope you have a good trip too!


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Old 11-02-2015, 10:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ianlim View Post
Bro, PRC is going to burn you SGD300 for a pop over there, better to get 1 in SG with that price you can get Korean model quality.
yup. prcs think in indo their bottom made of gold.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 11-02-2015, 11:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
THat was YEARS AGO when I went there. Bad service. Run down. Gal keep going out to do things, makan sweet, and lousy special service. Not too sure about now. Maybe they changed management and gals. Or renovate.
Thank you for your reply.

After your reply,some has PMed me asking for its location which i dont know.(i only pass by this place but didnt know the location) They wish to try PAS Massage out and hopefully when they are back ,will be able to get some information of this place.

When someone reputable (or regular) blacklisted a place in the public,it means it is definitely "no good",after some time i think should give the blacklisted place a chance to revive. It will be a good to reach a win-win situation for both the joint and cheongsters. For myself,i will skip MM massage,Happy Massage 8 and Indah2 booking joint for the time being as their service standard (and number of girls) has dropped quite a bit. But will be back to them in a couple of months.

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
I live in China so I know very well the hygiene level of the F&B industry.
Relly the KNN!
I used to stay in Shenzhen,GuangZhou and GuangXi (at their countryside small town area) for a while in the past,no lao sai situation for me. So i am guessing the city area are less hygienic. Come to think of it,i have never taken ice made from tap water in China before but i do drink lots of water from the well when i was there. The only time i went to see a doc there was when i was down with seasonal flu at GZ,where i need to buy a queue ticket from the people waiting outside. And collecting the medicine from their hospital was a rather hilarious sight to me at 1st,becos i feel like Santa Claus carrying 2 big paper shopping bag of medicine issued to me from the

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