Originally Posted by y238992
I had a very good group of core friends that I know since poly. They introduce me to KTV. I did not like to go KTV at first but after getting stressed and bullied in the working world, I became addicted to KTV..maybe we went once every 2 to 3 months, though got a short period of time we went almost every month.
Since then, I became total male loner. I tried joining meet-up groups for hiking and book reading clubs but only managed to form passing acquaintances and not genuine friendship. I am heartbroken that my male friendships of over 20 years turned out to be so shallow.
Look at it from their perspective, you know them quite "close" so probably you know their girlfriends/wives. Last time you play in mud together.
Now you are "clean" but they are still playing in the mud. one day you can bao doh them. I think they are afraid of you more than anything.
Anyways, if friendship cannot survive trust, then no point holding. Go make new friends.