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Old 17-03-2009, 08:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri View Post
some of the coffee shops charge 5000r to 6000r (65 to 78cents) for kopi is almost like in sing....when their staff only paid about S$100...
Haha...sama2 oso in TBK. U know tambah (extra) nasi puteh (plain rice) how much? RP6000K!

KTV lounge juz a bottle of aqua water, cost u RP30K!
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Old 17-03-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thanks bros. newyorker88 and lextaxy for the advice.

Since there is no hotel or KTV in Muka Kuning. Well, bros newyorker88, I will take your advice, just take the extra 15/ 20 mins to Nagoya in the evening and have cheaper hotel and more fun. Anyway, I am more familiar with Nagoya, Jodoh and Peniun area and all this years, I feel very safe and easy. Touch wood…….

I have never stay in Batam Centre area before, so bros. thanks again for the information and advice.


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Old 18-03-2009, 02:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

bro ny88
sori about the infos on the gaming machines,you're right.the raid has caused panik n most (nagoya hill,bcs,lucky plaza) was closed as the indo translation gaming n gambling got messed up up!

nasi padang@puri garden:thats old name in batam (80's)had made the monies so price go higer!joins the ranks of RM Kediri,Pondok Kuring etc for expensive but so-so try the one few doors from serves sunda food;definately different with what House of sundanese back home serves.RM Sederhana at windsor (rumoured that marijuana is added) RM Bundo kanduang serves pretty good padang food.
istimewa and yong kee fishsoup are only for sucks n damn ex.very crowded cause locals entertain govt. officials there.

prices have been going up(exchange rate also up right cheogsters) due to inflation but rp6k for kopi+susu at a kopitaim is a ripoff cost 4.5k at most
Old 18-03-2009, 03:21 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia View Post
Still got a few places in Batam where can get RP250k for girls without driver.
U need to be able to talk confident.
Try not to visit Batam until the election is over next month.
Might have some tension there.

Cheers !
Pemilu Damai!(peaceful election)
key political parties signed a MOU on it.some reps were seen pushing/shoving on stage later and few hours later wiranto's henchman was having some boxing match with other supporters.i seriously doubt about the 'tension' in batam as most were seriously cari uang and scoring points.i.e Kalla the jerk arrives on 13/3 and the raid carried out on jackpot gaming was done on sat(14/3) by the newly promoted Kapoltabes Barelang AKBP Leonidas(formally from TBK where he has done much havoc)18/3..also new promoted head of criminal ChristianTory personally spearheaded raid on cd/vcd shops at nagoya hill.2 striptease was arrested during one of their shows..guess there would be much backroom negotiations to be follow up by parties involved..$$$

than again,i think our alert level ought to move one level up from cheong at will to cheong with care
Old 18-03-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Why look for PRC in BATAM? You get much chepaer deal in singapore then here. PRC asking for 1 Million RUPIAH. Think their CB made of GOLD?
PRC here got RP1 juta meh?

I go ask, its SG$350 lor! Hahaha...
Old 18-03-2009, 10:24 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

PRC for $350? might as well i can get 5 indo girls and good service there.hehe
Old 18-03-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Michael View Post
PRC here got RP1 juta meh?

I go ask, its SG$350 lor! Hahaha...
can always get cheaper ones in Singapore. Why go all the way to batam? Anyway, never like them. Prefer indo chicks who give better services.
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Old 18-03-2009, 10:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
Hai Ow....gonna try it one day. But hotel 89 is so popular. I for one can only decide on the spot and whenver I try to check into tis hotel, its always fully booked for std and superior rms. I suppose wkdays wouldnt have such problem.
Hai ow is closed on thursdays. Just a reminder. The olden days, people use to call it the "lang Kang"side resturant. He had since move deeper into the residential area, and a bigger space under roof.

Hotel 89 is a nice place, since in front got so many food and it got class. behind is Mutiara Hotel. Near Peniun100 is also a cheap budget hotel name Astro. Overall, that place damm full of chinese and food.

There are many resturants that are good. If talk about morning food, the hawkers at Peniun Centre( next to the market) has many good food too, but they sell in the morning only.

Currently, they are building a new condo there, next time, this place will be more crowded.
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Old 18-03-2009, 10:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post

.RM Sederhana at windsor (rumoured that marijuana is added) RM Bundo kanduang serves pretty good padang food.
One of the best Nasi Padang is at Raffesia, or Should I call it Mahakota area, you go down from Sydney Hotel towards Batam Centre, it is on the left. called Pak Datok. Nasi Padang.

The redang Beef is the best ever. can go and try.

Marijuana? It is said that if you add this in, the people can eat alot. Kind of open up your appetite. Not too sure, since I have not tried it before
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Old 18-03-2009, 10:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post
also new promoted head of criminal ChristianTory personally spearheaded raid on cd/vcd shops at nagoya hill.2 striptease was arrested during one of their shows..guess there would be much backroom negotiations to be follow up by parties involved..$$$

than again,i think our alert level ought to move one level up from cheong at will to cheong with care
I agree, all these are just wayangs. things will go back to normal after a while. All about $$$.

Especially say no to pills. Take care.
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Old 18-03-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
Sorri to cut in....300K juz to fetch us to/fro jetty/hotel, bring us for dinner and bring us "bird" shopping at farmhouse?

I prefer those drivers who ask me to engage them and when ask how much shld I pay for their services, they would reply any amount would do.

Old 18-03-2009, 01:28 PM
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Virgin Trip to Batam

Hi All,

I'm planning my virgin Trip to Batam.
I"m trying to find out info (hotels, transport, prices, cheong places) etc.... but the info links at the beginning of the thread appear to be dead.

Anyone have links to updated info sites?

Also, any brothers possibly interested in going to Batam on a WEEKDAY? Please let me know. I have a flexible schedule where I can take tome away on a weekday where I think it would be less busy.

Is 1 night the usual, or 2 nights etc???
Old 18-03-2009, 01:34 PM
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Virgin Trip to Batam

Sorry if this is a repost- I didn't see my orig post come up.

I'm planning my Virgin Trip to Batam, would appreciate info on travel, prices, hotels etc... The links at the top of the thread look dead or not active

Also, please let me know if anyone interested in going on a WEEKDAY, yes Weekday, when less busy I think.

Appreciate the help.
Old 18-03-2009, 05:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
One of the best Nasi Padang is at Raffesia, or Should I call it Mahakota area, you go down from Sydney Hotel towards Batam Centre, it is on the left. called Pak Datok. Nasi Padang.

The redang Beef is the best ever. can go and try.

Marijuana? It is said that if you add this in, the people can eat alot. Kind of open up your appetite. Not too sure, since I have not tried it before
you mean near the main road?
where you go to and from batam center to town?
Old 18-03-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
One of the best Nasi Padang is at Raffesia, or Should I call it Mahakota area, you go down from Sydney Hotel towards Batam Centre, it is on the left. called Pak Datok. Nasi Padang.

The redang Beef is the best ever. can go and try.

Wooo. My favourite. Tks.

When in BTM/TBK, not juz good bonking, we need good and nice food too.

Btw hows the charges (Pak Datok) compared with the one next to Puri Garden hotel?
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