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Old 09-01-2009, 07:36 PM
Raynall Raynall is offline
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Euros at Geylang

Just wanted to share my joy at discovering European babes at Geylang!

I know, I know. The more seasoned ones amongst you probably know this for a long time already. But since 2007, I haven't been able to find the Eastern European working ladies despite searching from Lorong 10 to 16. I even told my friends not to bother searching probably because the Chinese pimps and the fiercer PRC variety probably pushed the Euro girls out from the streets.

But just a couple of nights ago, I struck gold outside a hotel at L10! Found my blonde Euro fix!

Now, this is not a proper FR btw. But I shall try to describe the girl I had.

Name: Samira? (I know it doesn't sound European but that's what she told me)

Hair color: Dark shade of blonde

Distinguishing feature: Really large breasts and a tatto on her back. The tatto is sorta heart-shaped and has the Chinese characters of 'Angie' within the heart. Don't ask me why she has 'Angie' carved on her back when she said her name was Samira something...

Cost: 100 bucks plus 12 bucks for hotel room and condom (112 bucks total)

Return to f**k? Yeah sure. 'Cause I dig Euro chicks.

One question here for the seasoned players. As far as I know, the retail price for a white girl in Singapore (if you go through escort agencies) can go as high as 500 bucks, so why is it that those Spanish chicks I saw only cost me 112 bucks?

Raynall prefers blondes
Old 09-01-2009, 07:38 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

btw, before any brothers whack me for posting a Geylang thread in the FL forum, let me explain by stating that the Euros in my thread are not licensed sex workers. So any discussion of 'street-walkers' really belongs here...
Old 09-01-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Got number? PM me pls. Thanks.
Old 09-01-2009, 11:28 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Originally Posted by Raynall View Post
Just wanted to share my joy at discovering European babes at Geylang!

One question here for the seasoned players. As far as I know, the retail price for a white girl in Singapore (if you go through escort agencies) can go as high as 500 bucks, so why is it that those Spanish chicks I saw only cost me 112 bucks?
then u still dare to bonk??
Old 09-01-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Just got back from Geylang and there are two things I want to say.

1) Firstly, because I hate inaccuracies, I shall correct 2 mistakes in my earlier post. The Euro chick I got is not blonde. The other night I thought her hair looks kinda shiny but tonight I noticed she's really a brunette. But her friend is blonde though.

Her name is not Samira either. Either she has issues with being too familar with first time customers or she was just pulling my leg (not just my cock). Her name is Angel something I think...

2) Second thing I want to say is KNNBCCB! Sorry for the outburst. But something unfortunate happened at Geylang tonight.

The girls were harassed by police officers on patrol. Sorry to tell you that. But anyway, even though I got served by the big breasted Angel, I left the place feeling sad. Why? Because even though the brave girl put up a cheerful front at the lobby, the moment we entered the room, she just broke down and started crying... When I left, the girls left their post and was just waiting by the main road, probably for a taxi home. Because the police officers were still loitering around the hotel. Don't the cops have real criminals to go after?!? Why do they have to ruin our fun? If they really have to arrest some people (to meet quota or whatever), why not go after the annoying ones. You know, the China girls who like to grab you as you pass by... Scary...

I don't think the girls will be around tomorrow. The Angel who served me was so scared she cried... There weren't any arrests but I think the girls were really scared. I think it was unfair though. And you wanna know why? Because just meters away from where the white girls were, I saw dozens of China mei meis doing sentry duty. AND some of them were openly stopping passer-bys and pestering them. I still think the white girls were picked on because there were just a couple of them hanging around. That and I noticed the white girls were more docile than the China mei meis. So that means easy to makan lah!

Raynall is so pissed!
Old 09-01-2009, 11:52 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Originally Posted by KINGor75 View Post
then u still dare to bonk??
Well, I thought about it. And I have 3 good reasons.

1) I really really dig white girls.

2) I used latex condoms. I did not kiss her vagina or anus. So the risk of catching HIV or STD is minimal. But think about it... With the very low standards of morality nowadays, even if your girlfriend is only 16 and you have sex with her for the first time, there is still no guarantee that you won't catch anything from her...

3) 100 bucks per bonk may not be such a strange price. Because some pimps around here offer Euro (Russian) babes at 150 bucks and that's by appointment only AND they are in-house. Classy operation mah... The Spanish babes are 'street-walkers' so the operation is less classy. Same thing for the China mei meis. They will charge you 60 dollars if you pick them up along Geylang, but if you go into a health center, the price is 100 dollars.

Old 09-01-2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Hey ive been looking everywhere for some euros with big naturals.
Can you please pm me with her phone number.
cheers bro
Old 10-01-2009, 12:16 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

hey bro any chance of her phone number...i been chasing some euros for a while...cheers!
Old 10-01-2009, 12:59 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Thanks for the info!! now i know where the Euros can be find... although i have not seen any before, i will check that area more often. and btw do u know where the pimps for the russian girls are??
Old 10-01-2009, 03:35 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Raynall, good work on finding Euros...
But I think since they had left.

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Old 10-01-2009, 09:37 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

To the person/persons who deducted my points: WHY? Have I unwittingly broke some unspoken rule here? I say unspoken because no one has told me why my points dropped from 10 to 6! Not even a warning.

To those bros asking for numbers, I shall be honest and not beat around the bush. I did get a number from the big breasted girl. BUT, and this is a big BUT, I think she is not as 'open' as the China girls. I used to dig the China mei mei scene and every time a China mei mei gave me her number, I could always be sure of a eager reply when I call back. A China mei mei will even take the initiative to call me back.

With that Spanish chick, I actually called her twice in one day, but nothing from her... Mind you, I even offered to pay her double if she would meet me outside of Geylang by herself but she didn't seem interested. Either because she's new so she trusts only her pimp or she's one of those operators who will follow the rules to the letter (it is actually against the unwritten rules of Geylang to ask a working girl out on a date without the pimp's consent).

To cut long story short: Forget about getting her number. She doesn't even reply to a person who offered her double pay and returned to fuck. Just visit the area yourself and hope to run into them. Based on the cold response from that one girl (and she's the only one who can speak basic English), I deduced their operation is strictly walk-in only.

Will I return to fuck? Maybe. Because I really dig white chicks and they are so rare here. But not in the near future because I already spent more than 200 bucks this month on this one girl...

Yeah bro makelove, I know what you mean. But you know, it is so hard to weed out the working girls and their 'managers' even after numerous raids, so chances are that the girls will be back or the pimp will just get new ones from his source! So take heart! And let's keep this thread going. For us Euro lovers!

Old 10-01-2009, 09:42 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Originally Posted by lyndonenig View Post
Thanks for the info!! now i know where the Euros can be find... although i have not seen any before, i will check that area more often. and btw do u know where the pimps for the russian girls are??
Russian girls? I think their pimps run a classier operation. Check out this forum yourself. There are cyber-pimps offering membership for their yahoo clubs. Sign up and call the pimps directly.
Old 13-01-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Updates on my Euro adventure.

First of all, I managed to get the big breasted Angel on the phone. It seems that after her scary encounter with cops in Geylang, she moved out of the area but not the trade.

I called her last night and got an answer. She was suddenly willing to meet me outside, so we arranged to meet around Orchard. I got her on the phone just as she was waking up and about to take a shower, so I became her first customer for the night. I waited for her some where in Orchard and after 30 minutes, she came up to me dressed like an AV type office worker with short black skirt and a matching jacket.

Price quoted was 150 for one whole hour. And it's worth it if you look at the bigger picture. There are lots of China mei meis who quote 100 dollars for half an hour but according to first hand experience and hearsay, it is really like 5 minutes. Because the China mei mei will just take off her clothes in super quick time once she's in the room, lie down on her back and ask you to do your thing. Not even chit chat a bit or blowjob! And no shower either btw.

In contrast 150 dollars for a hot big breasted Euro babe for a full one hour is very very worth it. Actually the OKTs for Russian girls charge the same amount but the time limit is 45 minutes.

So anyway, we got into a cab and I took her to a budget hotel outside of Geylang (because she is so afraid of Geylang now). We went in, sat on the bed, and chatted while she made herself a cup of coffee. As we talked, I slowly kissed her over her body, inhaling her perfume and feeling up her breasts. This went on for about 30 minutes and during the time she talked about her travels (think she worked in Japan too) and her life back home etc. She also said she actually didn't want to see any of her clients from Geylang (reason I will explain later), but she heard from her friend (whom I nicknamed the Blond Pixie) that I went back to the alley to look for her, so she thought that was cute or something.

After I got aroused enough, I went to take a hot shower (she already showered at home before coming out to meet me) then came back into bed. What happened after was just a lot of breasts sucking/licking on my part and blowjob (with a condom) from her, and finally I flipped her on her back and did it. Then followed by more chit chat.

She told me the real reason why she didn't want to meet her ex-clients from Geylang. Because this smart girl, after moving away from her Geylang-based pimp, went freelance in the Orchard area. Her fee now is actually around 300 bucks per bonk. And she only services like around 3 clients per night. Last intake was 1000 dollars per night for just a few hours work because she got a few johns to give her 350-400 per bonk. That sounds plausible because 300 dollars is what the Filipino (and some are fugly) babes would charge tourists at Orchard Tower. Now, her clients from Geylang will actually expect the usual 100 dollars fee, and she said she wouldn't do anything for under 300 (now that she knows rich tourists around Orchard will pay her that much).

So how did I get away with 150? She said purely because she heard the cute story of how I went back to Geylang to look for her, and how I wouldn't take any of her friends working there but insisted on her even after a long talk with the pimp. Her friend who was standing next to me as I talked to the pimp apparently thought it was cute and went back to her with the story so she decided to meet me (for half-price service).

No frenching btw. She did relent to kiss me on the lips but no tongues. When we left the room, we even exchanged emails.

So the moral of the story is even in Geylang you run into unappreciated gems. This girl used to make only 50 bucks per bonk because out of the hundred you pay the pimp, she gets to keep only half. Now all of a sudden she is making 300 (and gets to keep everything) for doing the same amount of work. I can only consider myself lucky I ran into her while she was down at the 100 bucks level.

Old 13-01-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: Euros at Geylang

Bro,that's such a touching story...
that babe has got some heart after all,or maybe she likes you.Lucky boy!
Looks like we have to go OT in order to meet this bae of yours,but $300 per bonk is to steep for me lo....
Old 13-01-2009, 02:35 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Euros at Geylang

Hi Raynall,
Can I have her nos? cos I like white chicks also....& dun mind to pay the price she want...


Originally Posted by Raynall View Post
Just wanted to share my joy at discovering European babes at Geylang!

I know, I know. The more seasoned ones amongst you probably know this for a long time already. But since 2007, I haven't been able to find the Eastern European working ladies despite searching from Lorong 10 to 16. I even told my friends not to bother searching probably because the Chinese pimps and the fiercer PRC variety probably pushed the Euro girls out from the streets.

But just a couple of nights ago, I struck gold outside a hotel at L10! Found my blonde Euro fix!

Now, this is not a proper FR btw. But I shall try to describe the girl I had.

Name: Samira? (I know it doesn't sound European but that's what she told me)

Hair color: Dark shade of blonde

Distinguishing feature: Really large breasts and a tatto on her back. The tatto is sorta heart-shaped and has the Chinese characters of 'Angie' within the heart. Don't ask me why she has 'Angie' carved on her back when she said her name was Samira something...

Cost: 100 bucks plus 12 bucks for hotel room and condom (112 bucks total)

Return to f**k? Yeah sure. 'Cause I dig Euro chicks.

One question here for the seasoned players. As far as I know, the retail price for a white girl in Singapore (if you go through escort agencies) can go as high as 500 bucks, so why is it that those Spanish chicks I saw only cost me 112 bucks?

Raynall prefers blondes
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