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Old 06-04-2011, 08:11 PM
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HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Saw a report on news yesterday about China major cities hit by such HIV negative but when the human is affected, there will be symptoms just like suffering from AIDS.... anyone can update?
Can't help but keep cheonging!!!!!
Old 06-04-2011, 09:25 PM
dugger dugger is offline
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Just for some reason, some healthy individuals immune system
count becomes very low and it is not due to any type of infection / virus.

This symptom is called ICL and what causes ICL is still unknown.
Old 07-04-2011, 05:09 PM
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Bro dugger, thanks for sharing, but it looks to me from the web link that it mentioned this ICL is not transmittable... which the news report I saw says its can be transmitted even via saliva... which is quite serious...
Which means by kissing, it will transmit.... wonder how true is it...
Can't help but keep cheonging!!!!!
Old 07-04-2011, 06:38 PM
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Originally Posted by daydevil89 View Post
... transmitted even via saliva... which is quite serious...
Which means by kissing, it will transmit.... wonder how true is it...
wtf..... like that more fierce than AIDS leh.. on top of that it says..

"Non-AIDS" Illness and Death

Now that people with AIDS are living are longer, there is more research on other causes of illness and death. These "non-AIDS" causes of death include liver disease, non-AIDS cancers, and heart disease. Overall, these deaths are decreasing. However, research shows a clear link between lower CD4 counts and the risk of death.
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Old 07-04-2011, 11:45 PM
dugger dugger is offline
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

I would be cautious at what the media says since they tend to sensationalized things.

Now based on the symptoms, from

<The "patients" said they had displayed symptoms very similar with AIDS, such as swollen lymph nodes, subcutaneous bleeding, joint pain, fatigue, nights sweats and emaciation>

Swollen lymph nodes means there is some sort of infection that you body is fighting against. It does not mean necessary AIDS. Syphilis can cause the lymph nodes to swell. Even having a cold/fever may cause the lymph node to swell and even cause joint pains or fatigue

emaciation - Don't know whether these patient have been dieting or starving themselves due to depression or something.

To put AIDS in the simplest explanation, it means the human body has very very low immune system count or non at all and due to this the human body is not able to fight even the simplest of infection like a cold. Basically your body is open season to all types of diseases/infection.

For now,

China has down played this to just phobia.

So far as I read, non have reported that these patients have compromised immune systems which is AIDS. They just report of them having all the indications of some sort of infection. There is also no official word on any transmission method other than what is speculated.

We'll just have to wait and see what the CDC finds since HIV is not detected and it could just be some new super bug.

Or it may be some form hepatitis, since there are some hepatitis have the so called potential to transmit through saliva but it is still consider a small risk. example

Important thing is to remain calm, be level headed and not jump to any unfounded conclusions as this will cause more harm.
Old 09-04-2011, 12:02 AM
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Ystd news reported not to get too excited...this disease has got nothing to do with AIDS or HIV...Hopefully it will not explode like what SARS did, start with normal fever, cough and flu.. Keeping fingers cross...
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Old 10-04-2011, 05:00 PM
xdjpriboy xdjpriboy is offline
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Originally Posted by hella21 View Post
Ystd news reported not to get too excited...this disease has got nothing to do with AIDS or HIV...Hopefully it will not explode like what SARS did, start with normal fever, cough and flu.. Keeping fingers cross...
The China MOH has said that it is due to psychological effect.
Old 19-04-2011, 12:07 PM
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

Wow so dangerous.
Old 25-04-2011, 12:04 AM
prose prose is offline
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Re: HIV Negative but with symptoms like AIDS

A lot of times we mistake AIDS for anxiety, especially, when we think that we got AIDS. Its a very vicious cycle. So relax. Likely is that you are too worried. If you really scared, then next time don't chiong.
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