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Old 17-11-2012, 10:53 PM
Vulvacious Vulvacious is offline
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

While sharing our sexual experiences with each other, my bf suggested publishing our stories on sbf. I thought it was a great idea.

Our stories will be posted on the same thread. Mine will be titled "The Emancipation of Emily" while his will be titled "The Adventures of Thomas".

I'll go first. Enjoy!

The Emancipation of Emily
Chapter 1

Being from an all-girls’ secondary school, I never had many opportunities at interacting with boys. I don’t attend church, nor any other forms of congregation, which granted me that opportunity. Yet, I was simply contented to juggle between the occasional dates with the cute boy from Chinese tuition and my uncertainty during my “lesbian” phase. Neither forms of relationships led to anywhere beyond simple hugs and pecks on the cheek.

My first sexual experience occurred sometime when I entered into junior college. It was a sexual awakening of sorts, something that my lithe young body had never before experienced.
Old 18-11-2012, 07:08 AM
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

I'm currently still under moderation and only allowed to post up to 1000 characters so I'll break the chapters into parts for now.

The Emancipation of Emily
Chapter 1 Part 1

When I first met Jacob, he was dressed as spiderman.

It was the last day of orientation camp and every orientation group had to put up a performance. Through the thick of the crowd, I looked up from what I was doing to find a pair of eyes watching me. As everyone was rushing around, it felt like we were the only two stationary bodies looking at each other. We locked gaze and his mouth crooked into a smile.

I strode up to him and said, “I see you’re good at squirting sticky stuff.”

Okay, I’m just joking.

I simply smiled back shyly.

In the weeks after, I found my eyes constantly scanning the campus in search for that face in the crowd. But my hunt was fruitless; it was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

Until that fateful day.
Old 18-11-2012, 09:18 AM
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Re: The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Another good thread to set up tent .
Old 18-11-2012, 06:01 PM
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Part 2

“Still haven’t found him yet?” My bestfriend, Olivia teased, as she saw me do my routine sweep of the campus.

“Nay, tough luck.”

“Why are you so bent on finding him? It’s not as if you have a lack of suitors. Right, Ralph?” She gave our classmate a wicked grin and I saw him glare at her as his face slowly turned a shade redder.

I ignored her and turned my attention back to my plate of noodles.

When I next looked up, I almost choked. He was strutting into the canteen with his posse of friends in all his golden glory. He took a seat a couple of tables away and his eyes caught mine. Once again, he smiled at me, as it it wasn’t just the second time that he had seen me.

“Oh… it’s him.” I choked out weakly.

“WHERE?! WHERE?!” Olivia’s head spun wildly in all directions.

Perhaps it was the weeks of fruitless searching that made me so desperate (or brave as some would put it), I jumped out of my seat and approached him. (For real, this time)
Old 18-11-2012, 06:07 PM
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Chap 1 Final

I heard Olivia mutter an “Oh my…”

Me: Hey, um. Do we know each other?

J: Nope. But I would love to! What's your name?

Me: Emily

J: Oh hey Emily, I’m Jacob. Nice to meet you…

Me: “Yeah me too! Well… I’ll catch you around yeah?

I quickly spun on my heels and walked back.

“Oh my…” Olivia started when I got back.

“Let’s get out of here,” I half dragged her away, not daring to look behind me.

When we were safely away from the canteen, we both broke into laughter.

“Omg, you’re insane,” Olivia laughed. “What did you talk about?!”

“Don’t know what made me do that! Just exchanged names.”

She looked on, expecting more.

“That’s it.”

“Chey, he didn’t ask you for your number?”

“No,” I replied crestfallen.

"Don't worry, he will. No guy can resist your charms,” She said loyally.

She proved to be a good prophet. One week later, he made his move.


Apologies for the slow development, esp with the 1000 characters limit!
Old 20-11-2012, 07:29 PM
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

The Adventures of Thomas
Chapter 1 Part 1

My first real relationship began as a 16 year old.

Prior to that I had a couple of puppy-love relationships which never materialised into anything more than furtive kisses in darkened alleys. I studied in a fairly reputable co-ed secondary school, and the girl I met, unsurprisingly was from the same school as me. Her name was Fiona, and it started out as little more than meeting up to study together, especially since the O level were looming close. These meetings quick translated into lunches and dinners and smoke breaks together. We'd also take the same bus back home after school, and that allowed us alot of time to learn more about each other.
Old 20-11-2012, 07:32 PM
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The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Chapter 1 Part 2

She was an attractive girl, and at that particular period she was dating someone else from the school. Given this fact, I didn't harbour any thoughts of actually attempting to woo her.

Things changed though, when she confided in me that her relationship was on the rocks. I did the best I could to offer her the advice, but unfortunately she eventually decided to call it quits with her then boyfriend. Despite this, I didn't regard her as anything more than a close friend, though I have to admit that I was physically attracted to her.

Our friendship was taken to the next level one fine day when we arranged to meet up under her block to catch up.

As we sat down, I couldn't help but realise that her spaghetti strap top was extremely loose, exposing her pink bra.
Old 20-11-2012, 07:33 PM
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The Adventures of Thomas

Chapter 1 Part 3

Being a fairly reserved person, I was surprised that I blurted out 'wow, you're exposing more than you should be, don't you think?'.

To which she replied 'really? So what?'.

I cheekily ventured 'I'm tempted...'.

Hearing this, she moved closed to me and whispered 'tempted to what...?'.

Having had no prior sexual encounters of any sort, this was a tremendous rush of blood to my head. I remember feeling almost 'dizzy' from this sudden adrenaline rush.

I furtively slid my hand into her bra and, for the first time in my life, touched a female breast.

Her eyes were closed when my fingers made contact with the skin of her B cup mounds, and she inched closer to me, as if begging me not to stop. I caressed the skin of her breasts, and cupped it as best as the constraints of the bra would allow me to, feeling the fullness and warmth of her fleshy globes.
Old 20-11-2012, 07:34 PM
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Re: The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Chapter 1 Final

Feeling emboldened, I proceeded slowly to her twin peaks. I sneaked a peek a found that they were small and round, and very sensitive. As soon as my fingers made contact with the coarser skin of her brown nipples, she let out a soft sigh.

My teenage penis was rock hard and this point. I tried rolling her nipples between my fingers and was rewarded with more soft moans of pleasure.

Given that it was a public place, we decided not to continue further for fear of being seen, and with eyes glazed with lust we hugged and bid each other farewell. I certainly looked forward to our next meeting.
Old 21-11-2012, 03:43 AM
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The Emancipation of Emily

The Emancipation of Emily
Chapter 2 P1

Olivia was dating a senior in the school’s soccer team and she persuaded me to accompany her for the soccer tryouts, which her boyfriend, Alex, was helping out with. It was a Saturday and since I had nothing to do anyway, I agreed. Besides, I figured it would be nice to pretend that the 20++ guys out there were trying to impress me.

That was when I spotted him.

“Oh, he’s trying out for the soccer team!” I said to Olivia, sitting up so I could get a better view.

He only noticed me halfway through; during the water break. He smiled at me and Olivia excused herself by looking for Alex. Seeing as I was alone, he came up to me. “Wait for me after the tryouts?”

I nodded, “all the best!”

I watched him streak across the field, counting down the minutes to the end of the tryouts.
Old 21-11-2012, 03:45 AM
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The Emancipation of Emily

Chapter 2 P2

He made the team.

After the debrief, as everyone was scrambling to exchange contacts, he came up to me.

“Hello,” he smiled.

“Hey, Jacob right? Congrats,” I replied.

“Yup. Wanna hang out sometime?”

“Sure,” not knowing what else to say, I closed the slightly awkward conversation. “Yeah, I have to go…” I gestured at Olivia.

“Oh wait,” he extended his phone out to me. “Can I have your number?”

“Yeah sure,” I keyed in my number and handed the phone back to him. “Alright, text me. See you around!”

“I’ll text you, bye!”

I walked towards Olivia. She said… (Okay, I’m pretty sure no one cares about the conversations between Olivia and me so I’ll just fast forward)

My phone vibrated as I was on the bus home.
Old 21-11-2012, 03:51 AM
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The Emancipation of Emily

Finally out of moderation, no more posting in parts!! Anyway, I hope that this thread and our stories will be able to entertain you throughout the day (and night). Not sure if it may be too slow moving, but I'll get to the sexual bits soon enough (:

Feel free to leave comments and feedback! Any form of support will be greatly appreciated.

The Emancipation of Emily
Chapter 2 Final

J: Hey Emily… It was nice seeing you…! This is my number… Jacob

Me: Why do you type with so many dots?

J: Haha… habit =)

Me: Haha okay. Are you home yet?

J: Nope… I’m at Parkway Parade having lunch with the boys… You?”

Me: Right. I’m on my way home. The bus is extremely crowded”

J: Will you be free later? Wanna hang out? =)

Me: I can’t tonight. Already have dinner plans ):

J: After dinner?

We agreed to meet at 9.30pm. I was 15 minutes early and decided to buy a box of mints just in case…

I tossed a couple of mints into my mouth and hastily crushed them with my teeth as I rode up the elevator to meet him.

He was simply clad in a plain polo t-shirt and a pair of crisp bermudas.

J: Hey, you look really nice.

Me: You too

J: Haha liar. I’m sorry I’m in slippers, the alternative would be my soccer boots.

Me: Oh, you didn’t head home first?

J: Nope, lazy.

Me: Oh where do you stay?


Me: Oh wow, that’s far from school. Why did you decide to go to XJC then?

J: Haha, I’m not a student there. I only crashed your PAE.

Me: You’re kidding. Why would you do that?

J: Make friends. Find girlfriend.

He looked at me and laughed.

J: Haha, no lah. I’ll probably be going to poly. My coach knows the XJC soccer coach so he asked me to attend their tryouts during PAE, train with them and maybe I can appeal in when O level results come out. I know a couple of the DSA soccer boys, so they just asked me to crash your orientation.

That explained why I did not see him much in school.

Our conversation drifted off to the usual ice-breaking topics and before we knew it, time beckoned us into the cinema.
Old 21-11-2012, 03:52 AM
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Re: The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Originally Posted by InnocentStar View Post
Another good thread to set up tent .
Thanks for the first comment! Hope the story has been up to your expectations so far
Old 21-11-2012, 04:47 AM
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Re: The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

Looking promising

Especially scanning e crowd for that one reminiscent of my own JC days!
Old 21-11-2012, 04:53 AM
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Re: The Emancipation of Emily & The Adventures of Thomas

3rd camper here!
Although I would suggest separating them into 2 separate thread. If didn't read carefully or want to read fast might get mixed up tho.
Anyway, just a suggestion ya. Keep up!
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