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Old 27-12-2012, 02:55 PM
wahleoweh wahleoweh is offline
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Exclamation rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

returning to cheonging after many years, now single again. so many HC closed so I tink why not "gentleman's escorts". local girl enough oredi, why not white meat? 1 click leads to another and jaw drop at stunning models there. sms OKT (some local number, some Russian), go to hotel (I tell you which one later), get room number, go up, ding dong, door open ...

I expected Kristin Kreuk but instead kena meth addict!

thot I booked a gorgeous, full lips CFM 21yo brunette with 36D rack (drooping a bit, but I like that). instead, teh girl is dishevelled, pale lips CMI 29yo with badly dyed blonde hair and no rack, bad complexion and messy hair ... room is dark, she said she was asleep. I walked away.

sms another OKT who earlier told mi to go same hotel, and ask for 2nd choice, another stunning "elite escort". go to other room expecting T J Hart, instead I get a porker with double chin. then I realised ... the photo on website is probably of pornstar T J Hart herself. the porker refer me to another room, but that fren also CMI. "OKT #1" happen to text me at same time, so I go room #4, but also si bei chia lat ... so I leave. in the lobby cafe which is closed, I see a Russian ah soh with a laptop, she stared at me. I figured she was the one coordinating SMS from the "different" agencies. after leaving, I search some more, find another target but different number, sms and told to go to same hotel ... no way man.

first lesson is:


now thinking with big head above neck, put 2 and 2 together. remember all the Playboy pages I got sticky as a teenager: photos were all soft focus, airbrushed shots of babes with pearls in posh rooms. so don't trust such photos of "Russian escorts" available in SG. at least those OKT who advertise on SBF do not do that, some credit to them.

look lah, if you photoshop the girl's photo, not so bad. but please, the guy lured by fake photo maybe bo pian and go ahead, just cover the face and fire the base, but he will not RTF. that is killing the golden goose. be a bit more honest.


$250 (30 min) for an elite Euro model? unreal. $400 an hour? still sounds too cheap. all this I learned last 2 days. those elite ones start at $600/h if late 20s, $700/h or $800/h for a decent babe, they have their own websites and suggest restaurants to go to with client and list the favourite perfumes/brands/wine in case the John wants to act like BF and get better GFE. think Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.

not to be a price snob, but you should know what you are paying for. and just over 2 days I kena 5 times a switcheroo, when OKT say yes Angelina Jolie is available then you show up and get Roseanne Barr. you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.


also, real elite escorts (Euro or sg gal) only do "in-call" (you visit them) for regulars, and they only visit 5-star hotel for clients dun mind $1,000 for first hour to start. think Richard Gere would visit Robertson Quay hotel for a 30-minute quickie? yes, that was the hotel with the four bad encounters. the other one is Parkroyal near Mustafa, where I met two CMI Russians there and ran too. actually Parkroyal is nice, but heard too many stories about bad service from Euro girls with bad attitude there.


these fake "agencies", I noticed, never pick up calls, only sms. because you wouldn't know any better if it is a Russian babushka (ah soh) who is telling you "I want you to cum to me darling XoX". another example: I arrange with an agency (turns out to be scam one) for an Italian babe who "speaks perfect English" and offers "perfect GFE". so I arrange to meet at hotel lobby (did not book room first, after knowing a bit better). agency gets her to call me. on the phone, she sounds Russian ... and cannot even speak English porperterly hahaha ... should have cancelled right away, but I wait. she shows up, confirm Russian, but try to pretend to be Italian. cancel.

it is important to be civil of course. they are still human, and it is not their fault the OKT send them off to fool a client and kena humiliating rejection. I usually saw sorry I drank too much and cannot get it up so bye bye


like I said, the OKT for Euro gals advertising on SBF are a bit more accountable because of feedback. but the Russian-run scams using fake photos are not. I will provide a list of their websites later so you can buyer beware. if you are still interested, the best is to go independent and contact the girl directly. but then again ...

kena one independent one who use photos from 10 years ago. I like experienced 35yo women, but 35 for Chinese is different than 35 for ang moh. so this 35yo independent looked like she ws 50 cancel straight away, but politely. anyway she sounded nothing like a young girl on the phone, and not as bubbly as her profile described, so I should have known I was getting a grandma for $600/h. no thanks.

have not explored more independents so I cannot really say, I am sure there are many genuine ones out there with excellent svc, and at least they are not part of one of those scam agencies.


after all that in 2 days, 9 rejected girls, what did I get? many lessons, but no release yet. oya and blue balles too .. just kidding I can wait, and figure out this stupid game the scam agencies are playing, or be prepared to blow Xmas bonus on a short-time experience ... or focus energies on being a good guy and finding a good girlfriend again.

so be warned bros, I just want no one else to fall into this trap laid out for horny men. be safe, be smart!
Old 27-12-2012, 03:33 PM
whitecometfc whitecometfc is offline
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

wow. thats very unfortunate bro. and nice advice you have given.

quite a few times i was very tempted to try to book a russian/euro girl to try. but due to other issues do not have the time. and now that i see your post and other post with negative reviews about euro girls. I guess i was lucky that i didn't manage to make any appointments. and now will really think twice or thrice before i make any bookings with them.

thanks for sharing and inform everyone here bro. hope you will be able to find a girl of your liking for release soon! cheers
Old 27-12-2012, 06:27 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

not to worry bro, got fallback plan, so won't worry about release problems but this new territory must recce swee swee then can venture forth, charge forward and cheong ahhhh

Old 27-12-2012, 07:22 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

yes, identify and weed out OKTs who try to pull a fast one. The cheongster gets zero value from them
Old 27-12-2012, 10:10 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Just for share...
For ang mo fl, I use service from one okt in 3rd dome and the gals is alwsys as advertised.
Old 27-12-2012, 10:22 PM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

TS, thx for the warning, up ur rep!
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Old 28-12-2012, 12:00 AM
js005 js005 is offline
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

i feel for u bro
Old 28-12-2012, 12:08 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by wahleoweh View Post


$250 (30 min) for an elite Euro model? unreal. $400 an hour? still sounds too cheap. all this I learned last 2 days. those elite ones start at $600/h if late 20s, $700/h or $800/h for a decent babe, they have their own websites and suggest restaurants to go to with client and list the favourite perfumes/brands/wine in case the John wants to act like BF and get better GFE. think Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.

not to be a price snob, but you should know what you are paying for. and just over 2 days I kena 5 times a switcheroo, when OKT say yes Angelina Jolie is available then you show up and get Roseanne Barr. you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
Although it's mostly true that when "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys", it doesn't mean that u will get fairies when u pay gold bars.

I know of an OKT who has 2 websites with 2 different brand names. Escorts r given different names for the 2 websites n each website has a different pricing for the same gal.

Those who choose to pay more for quality in this case, r merely overpaying for the same dish
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on...
Old 28-12-2012, 12:52 AM
luvityoung luvityoung is offline
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

TS that was indeed an insightful review of your 'euro experience'. I've only tried 'white meat' once and guess i was lucky to get a babe that looks the real deal (in fact young & prettier than photo) from OKT Mr P***.

Damage at $150 somemore.. a bargain to be honest.

Wonder where is he now... seems a tad too quiet for liking..

Will not venture to 'euroland' in the meantime after reading your reviews
Old 28-12-2012, 01:45 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by bonkster View Post
Although it's mostly true that when "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys", it doesn't mean that u will get fairies when u pay gold bars.

I know of an OKT who has 2 websites with 2 different brand names. Escorts r given different names for the 2 websites n each website has a different pricing for the same gal.

Those who choose to pay more for quality in this case, r merely overpaying for the same dish
Well said, bro bonkster. I think some are overpaying, in fact, over priced I woud say. Just that few OKTs are bad cons. I don' want to name names. Old timers would have already known and identified the fishy ones. Fact is, I tried a few decent regular and reliable OKTS in the past. Based on my experience, they are pretty good. Also, not over priced. Forget what fucking elite models crap, if the stocks are good, it will be good especially coming from the regular, reliable OKTs. Again, I am not going to name names. Old timers would know for sure which are the good ones. Heh!

Also, I actually never even called for booking for Euros before. I just SMS as per the clear instruction by the TS. Works fine all the time, everything was smooth and I had a good time. So, i feel for bro wahleoweh. My suggestion is cost more does not mean good for sure. This is website, not a fish tank. You should read more and gather more info and pick wisely. Saves a lot of unpleasantness. It's just my 5 cents.

All the best in yr future hunts ya. Cheers!
Old 28-12-2012, 05:49 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Hahaha ya all the photos are fake and I already investigated. Especially those at robertson quay hotel. I think the asshole pimps need to be taught a lesson on not to mislead and waste customers time and money especially parking. And the lesson is very simple :P The only good one is MrP.
Old 28-12-2012, 05:29 PM
wahleoweh wahleoweh is offline
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Lightbulb Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

Originally Posted by air raven View Post
Just for share...
For ang mo fl, I use service from one okt in 3rd dome and the gals is alwsys as advertised.
cool bro air raven, hope you can share. if not comfortable naming, PM pls if you don't mine.

Originally Posted by bonkster View Post
Although it's mostly true that when "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys", it doesn't mean that u will get fairies when u pay gold bars.

I know of an OKT who has 2 websites with 2 different brand names. Escorts r given different names for the 2 websites n each website has a different pricing for the same gal.

Those who choose to pay more for quality in this case, r merely overpaying for the same dish
true, true. I will endeavour (like a silly army unit motto) to research more and not overpay. I also realize yesterday when I met a gem Korean babe who wasn't overpriced. superb.

Originally Posted by wally888 View Post
TS, thx for the warning, up ur rep!
cheers bro. and tks to bros who upped me, I will return the pts over coming days.

Originally Posted by js005 View Post
i feel for u bro
it's cool bro, I did not get too upset and feel lucky I did not waste vitamin-M on a CMI skank ... I used my qi to force didi down hahaha ... now trying to be smarter about what to do next.

Originally Posted by luvityoung View Post
TS that was indeed an insightful review of your 'euro experience'. I've only tried 'white meat' once and guess i was lucky to get a babe that looks the real deal (in fact young & prettier than photo) from OKT Mr P***.

Damage at $150 somemore.. a bargain to be honest.

Wonder where is he now... seems a tad too quiet for liking..

Will not venture to 'euroland' in the meantime after reading your reviews
ya does not seem good landscape now. accd to the Korean babe CG I met, demand for ang moh low in mass market so scam agencies are filling the void. the real Euro babes charge MBS rates to cater to KuDeTa crowd

Originally Posted by blank View Post
Well said, bro bonkster. I think some are overpaying, in fact, over priced I woud say. Just that few OKTs are bad cons. I don' want to name names. Old timers would have already known and identified the fishy ones. Fact is, I tried a few decent regular and reliable OKTS in the past. Based on my experience, they are pretty good. Also, not over priced. Forget what fucking elite models crap, if the stocks are good, it will be good especially coming from the regular, reliable OKTs. Again, I am not going to name names. Old timers would know for sure which are the good ones. Heh!

Also, I actually never even called for booking for Euros before. I just SMS as per the clear instruction by the TS. Works fine all the time, everything was smooth and I had a good time. So, i feel for bro wahleoweh. My suggestion is cost more does not mean good for sure. This is website, not a fish tank. You should read more and gather more info and pick wisely. Saves a lot of unpleasantness. It's just my 5 cents.

All the best in yr future hunts ya. Cheers!
true, and I m new to this domain so welcome any recommendatons. and good stocks is good no matter elite or not. last time in HC, some of my fave gals are nt stunners but got swee swee GFE chemistry, can click so they perform extra mile.

about sms, yes its SOP for OKT, and I hope to find a reliable one. did not mean all OKT is dodgy, but when looking for indepdnednt CG then this is one way to determine who you are dealing w.

yup, after being out of scene for long time, I m back and catching up on my reading now.

Originally Posted by thydude View Post
Hahaha ya all the photos are fake and I already investigated. Especially those at robertson quay hotel. I think the asshole pimps need to be taught a lesson on not to mislead and waste customers time and money especially parking. And the lesson is very simple :P The only good one is MrP.
yah man, my point exactly about wasting customers time and money, and parking haha. tks for note, will check out MrP. cheers.
Old 28-12-2012, 06:29 PM
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Talking Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

thought I'd share these two fake photos from one service ($900/1st h). wow, two of my fave pornstresses!

"Sasha", photos really of Amy Reid.

"Chikita", borrowing the pics of Lisa Ann.

they even blurred out the faces to make it look authentic. aiyo ...
Old 28-12-2012, 07:27 PM
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Post Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

as promised, a list of scam agencies numbers to avoid:

Robertson Quay Hotel
+39 356 5216719
+7 (903) 389 18 04
+65 9243 5711

to be wary of:
+65 8230 7745
+65 8356 8701

(+39 is Italy, +7 is Russia or Kazakhstan)
Old 29-12-2012, 01:09 AM
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Re: rejected 9 Russian escorts, all fake photos

add one more number to that list:

+65 8308 3223
(Baby4Tonight website)
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