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Old 09-06-2006, 11:54 AM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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It was only business - An erotic story

Bros who enjoy PCC stories, please continue to enjoy my next story.

I flipped off my computer and began to gather my things when a ringing
phone startled me. It was Friday afternoon, and I was doing my best to
slip out unnoticed.

I checked the caller ID on the phone and looked over at David, another
college student spending his summer behind a computer. "Shit, it’s
Nicole," I said. "What the fuck does she want now? I know everything
is working."

David and I had spent the last few weeks busting our butts on a huge
project. After reworking parts of it several times, we were looking
forward to a much-needed break. Our plan was to get out and find the
nearest bar that would accept my fake ID. I was still a couple of
months away from being "legal", but that had never stopped me from
getting bombed before, and it wasn't about to.

Hesitantly, I answered the phone. "Hey, can you come to my office for a
few minutes?" asked Nicole in her familiar raspy voice. "I need to talk
to you about a few things." I wasn't happy about it, but I agreed,
after all, she was a manager, and what other choice did I have.

Under normal circumstances, I was never happy to be called to a managers
office, but Nicole Murphy was different. Even though she was 8 years
older than me, she had a way of talking to people that made you feel
like she was your best friend, regardless of your age or position. It
also didn't hurt that she was rather attractive. Still, part of me was
certain that she had found something wrong with the project, and it was
going to ruin my plans for the afternoon. Cursing myself for not
getting out of there quicker, I headed to her office.

Nicole was standing outside the door talking to her secretary when I
walked up. "Hey, come on in," she said immediately. My attitude must
have been evident, because as I followed her to the office she added,
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Well, at least I don't think it is."
As she walked around her desk, I couldn't help ogling her body. It
wasn’t the first time I had fantasized about the body beneath those
designer outfits. She was average height with a slim, athletic looking
body. I knew by just by looking at it that her straight, sun streaked
brown hair would feel like silk to the touch. Her big brown eyes and
button nose helped to accentuate her pretty face. She stood behind her
desk, wearing a dark blue button down shirt, and a pair of khaki pants
that may have been painted on her long legs. Her shirt was unbuttoned
just enough to be suggestive, and as she sat down I caught a glimpse of
a frilly white bra. I felt a familiar stirring in my pants, and I knew
that I would be thinking about Nicole’s tight little body the next time
I had sex, and not for the first time.

I took a seat, and tried to clear my mind. It would be hard to avoid
embarrassment if I got a hard on while talking with a manager. Still,
I couldn’t stop thinking about her round, perky breasts, and what it
would be like to taste them. Desperation started to set in, and I
cleared my mind the only way I knew how, by focusing on the large
diamond ring and golden wedding band on her left hand.

"Listen, this won't take long," she began. "I know you are probably
eager to get out of here and blow off some steam, right?" I quickly
agreed, and I was glad to hear her say that. "I bet you'll be doing
some drinking tonight."
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:05 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

"Of course not," I responded, "I'm only twenty."

"It hasn't been that long since I finished school," she said with a
laugh. "Anyway, here is the deal. You did a lot of great work on this
project, and I'm sure it's going to be a success." I thanked her for
the complement before she continued. "Next week, I'm going to
California to present this thing, the problem is, my background is
business, and I'm having trouble with some of the detailed technical

"Okay," I said, wishing she would get to the point. I could hear the
warm sun and the cold beer calling my name.

"We can't spare another full time employee, so Stan told me to take one
of the interns." Stan was the head of our office. "This is your
choice, since it's not in your job description, but I would like you to
fly to California with me Wednesday to help with the presentation. Of
course, the company pays for everything while we are there. So what do
you think?"

Personally, I wasn't too excited about the opportunity. I could think
of much better ways to spend my week then hanging out with a bunch of
company big shots, but at the same time, I knew it would make a good
impression, and make it a lot easier to get a job with them again next
summer. I agreed to go with her, and we quickly discussed the
arrangements. Afterwards, I quickly found David, and we went out to
debauch ourselves.

The time between our meeting and our departure date went by rather
quickly, and was uneventful. I wasn't dating anyone regularly at the
time, but neither was my nymphomaniac roommate, Elisa. We spent the
majority of the weekend between the sheets, and I tried my best not to
call her Nicole when I climaxed. By the end of the weekend, I was
feeling relaxed, and ready for the big presentation.

Nicole and I flew to California as planned. On the plane, we talked
casually about our lives. Nicole was great at making people feel
comfortable around her. I'm sure that's why she had such an important
job at a young age. The company set us up with separate rooms in a
nice hotel. Each of our rooms had a bedroom, bathroom, and small foyer
area with a television and some furniture. We ate dinner, and went to
bed early.

The next day flew by, and the presentation went remarkably well.
Everyone at the meeting was very impressed with the strategies Nicole
had come up with, and the work David and I had done implementing them.
At the end of the day, my boss and I decided to go out to dinner and
celebrate. We found a small Mexican restaurant where we dines, and
drank excessively. By the time we caught a cab back to the hotel, we
were like old friends, speaking openly and joking with one another.

As we took the elevator up to our rooms, Nicole began to talk. It was
obvious that she was a little tipsy, but she wasn't seriously drunk.
"Changing time zones has me all fucked up," she said. I was a little
surprised. I had heard her use profanity on several occasions, but
nothing as strong as the "F" word. "I'm not tired at all," she
continued, "Do you want to come over and see what's on TV? Maybe order
some drinks from room service?"
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:06 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

"I think we've done enough drinking tonight," I answered. "We still
have that luncheon tomorrow before we fly home, and even though it's
not 'til noon, I don't want to be hung over for it."

"Alright," she said. "You want to watch TV though? Maybe rent a
movie...the company's paying for it after all." I told her it sounded
like a great idea, and followed Nicole to her room. I took my coat
off, loosened my tie, and took a seat next to her on the couch. After
flipping through the movie channels, we decided to watch "Dangerous
Liaisons" on HBO rather than renting a movie. I had seen it before,
but didn't mind watching it again. We were chatting and watching the
movie when a thought popped into my head.

"Why don't women dress like that anymore?" I asked without thinking. I
was referring to the period costumes the actresses wore which pushed
their breasts up, and almost out of their dresses.

"Well, if you want, you can take a cab down Sunset and see plenty of
hookers with boobs hanging out," she answered. Again, I was shocked by
Nicole's language. We were definitely feeling very open and
comfortable in each other's company now. "Besides," she continued.
"Women today can be sexier. All those girls did was expose their
chest. Today, we can be more subtle, and still sexy."

"I don't know that I agree with that," I responded.

"C'mon," she began, "Take what I'm wearing." She stood up in front of
me. "It's very professional, and acceptable at work, but still sexy.
Don't you agree?" She stood in front of me for a second, posing a bit.
Nicole was wearing a nice navy blue suit, with a long sleeved top that
came down in the center to hint at her cleavage. The matching skirt
was incredibly short, and I wondered why I hadn't noticed earlier. Her
long brown hair was pinned up, and she wore nude stockings on her long
legs. A pair of matching heels finished the ensemble. At once, I as
overwhelmed by the beauty of this older woman.

"Yes," I answered. "It is sexy....I would say very sexy." For a
second, everything seemed to stop. Although the movie played on, I
didn't hear a thing. Our eyes locked, and the room was suddenly filled
with a sexual tension that was obvious to both of us. Nicole mumbled
something I didn't notice to try and defuse the moment, and sat back
down on the couch.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she sat next to me. I could
picture myself pushing her down on her back. In my mind, we undressed
each other and made love on the couch. I had fantasized about fucking
Nicole countless times. I thought about Nicole almost every time I got
aroused, even with my roommate Elisa, who was attractive enough that I
shouldn’t have needed a fantasy. Still, I had never really considered
it seriously. After all, Nicole was 28, married, and in a position to
have me fired.

I sat there staring at her for several seconds without trying to conceal
my lust. "Look, you're missing the movie," she said when she noticed.

I made a quick decision before making the boldest move of my young life.
"I've already seen the movie," I said. "And even if I hadn't, I would
still rather look at you."
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:07 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

Again, our eyes locked, but this time no one tied to defuse the
situation. Slowly, I moved closer to Nicole, and put my arm around
her. I leaned forward, still looking into her eyes, and kissed her
gently on the lips. As I pulled back, our eyes remained locked. This
time, she moved forward, and our lips met once more. We kissed
passionately as I wrapped my arms tightly around her. Her body was
extremely tight, and as her lips parted, I could feel her giving in to
me. Slowly, we explored one another's bodies with our hands, as we
continued to make out. As she ran a hand through my hair and down my
neck, I felt the cold metal of her wedding ring. For a brief second I
realized I should stop, but I was beyond that point. We continued to
kiss, as I parted her legs with my hand and slowly slid it along her
silk stockings. As I moved up under her skirt, I was surprised to see
she was wearing garters. I rubbed the bare thigh above her stockings,
and then gently brushed my hand across her crotch. I felt satin
panties, and the warmth and dampness beneath them. Nicole began to
breathe heavy, and moaned softly in my ear as she nibbled on it.

Slowly, I moved her until she was almost on her back, and I was on top.
I wanted her to feel my rock hard penis, knowing that every girl I had
slept with had been impressed by the size. I continued to kiss her as
I slowly rubbed my cock against her leg. We were both breathing
heavily now, neither of us saying a word. Deftly, I began unbuttoning
her suit top, revealing a gorgeous bra with a jungle print clinging
tightly to her breasts. I worked one hand up under her skirt, and
began to rub her vagina through her panties, while my lips made their
way down her neck, towards her bosom. With my other hand, I started to
push the cup of her bra down, starting to expose her left breast.
Without warning, her body seemed to spasm beneath me. Her eyes jerked
open and her muscles tensed. "Stop,” she said, gasping for breath. “We
have to stop."

"Are you serious?" I whispered, still not fully comprehending the sudden
change. I pulled one side of her bra down, revealing a perfectly
rounded breast. It was a gorgeous B-cup, with a nipple that was rock
hard. I leaned forward to suck on it, when I felt her hands pushing me

"We really have to stop. Now." Confused, I sat up and moved off of her.
"I can't do this," she began. It looked as if she were having a real
dilemma. "I'm married. What am I doing?" she said to herself.

I felt a little slow for not grasping the situation right away. She
continued to chatter away nervously as she re-buttoned her top, and
pulled her skirt down. Finally, she told me I should go, and
apologized repeatedly, saying she didn't mean to lead me on, or make me

I assured her I wasn’t angry and left the room. Of course, I realized
that was a lie. I knew I shouldn't be angry, because she was married,
and it would be wrong for us to have sex, but I still felt the sting of
rejection. On top of that, I felt disappointed. I was really attracted
to Nicole, yet she was out of my reach. At the same time, I was
ashamed. I had cheated on girlfriends several times, and slept with
girls who were spoken for, and although I wasn't proud of that fact,
somehow the idea that I had tried to score with a married woman made me
feel much worse. Even more distressing was the fact that I had met her
husband on a few occasions, and I really like the guy, and thought they
made a great couple, and my actions could have broken them up.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:11 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

I didn't know what to do as I undressed in my room, changing into a pair
of athletic shorts. Part of me wanted to yell at her, and another part
just wanted to be touching her again. Another part just wanted to jerk
off while my blood was still boiling, and go to sleep thinking about
what a jackass I was. Frustrated, I turned off the light and crashed
down on my bed. I laid there staring at the ceiling, doing nothing,
trying to get a leash on my conflicting emotions.

I laid in bed for several moments, and my cock gradually returned to its
flaccid state. Still, I knew sleep was a long way off. About half an
hour had passed when I heard a knock at the door. I knew who it had to
be, even as I called out "Who is it?"

"It's me," Nicole answered in her raspy voice, but it was almost

I walked to the door and opened it, wearing nothing but my shorts. What
the fuck do you want, I thought to myself, but I didn't vocalize it.
"What is it?" I asked. She was standing in the hallway wearing a short
satin dressing robe with a black and white swirled pattern. It cut off
right beneath her ass, revealing her long sexy legs. It was obvious
she had been crying, and she looked confused. It was a sharp contrast
to the normally strong, outgoing businesswoman she was.

"What are you doing wearing that in the hall?" I asked. "Get inside
before some pervert comes along."

She stepped into the room. "I don't know," she said, tears making her
voice crack even more than usual. "I didn't really think."

We stood in the foyer of the room, and I waited for her to say
something. When she did, it came with more tears. "I'm so sorry," she
said. "I feel so horrible, and so confused. I feel bad for what I did
to you...leading you on. I feel bad for betraying my husbands trust.
We've been married almost two years and nothing like this has ever
happened before. I feel so bad...." Her voice trailed off as she
started shaking. "I'm so confused," she choked out.

I was stunned by her emotion. Nicole had always been such a confident
woman. Immediately, my lust and anger faded, and I pulled her to me
and hugged her, trying to console her.

"It's not your fault," I began. "You shouldn't feel bad. I made the
mistake. I started everything. It's my fault." She didn't say
anything, but just stood there with her face buried against my bare
chest, sobbing. I had held her like that for a few minutes when I felt
her hand begin to rub up and down my thigh. At first, I didn’t say,
even when she proceeded to caress the tip of my cock through my shorts.
Instantly, it responded. It was my turn to show some restraint now,
as I pushed her away.

"Nicole," I began. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to feel
that you owe me anything."

"I don't feel that way," she said. "I want this. Since you left, I've
been thinking a lot, and I know I want this." She paused for a second
as we stood staring at each other. "I guess I'm not as sexy anymore
with tears running down my face."
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:15 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

"No," I answered. "That's not true. I find you extremely sexy. I
always have."

She dried her eyes and smiled at me before pulling the sash that held
her robe closed. It dropped open, and she slid it off her shoulders
and onto the ground, revealing a beautiful little nightie, with the
same black and white swirl pattern, and tiny ribbon-like straps.

I was stunned. She looked magnificent. The soft satin outlined her
breasts perfectly, and the skin of her exposed shoulders was flawless.
"That pretty provocative for a business trip," I said.

"It's nothing. I just always sleep in stuff like this in the summer.
It's all I have." Slowly, she walked towards me, and we embraced and
began to kiss. The passion between us was even stronger than before.
Eagerly, I guided her through the room to my bed. I sat her on the
edge, and dropped to my knees in front of her. Our eyes were locked
together as I reached under her nightie. She was wearing a pair of
panties that matched the leopard print bra I had seen earlier. Still
looking at her, I teasingly slid them down her long legs, and tossed
them across the room. She spread her thighs as I began to lick the
inside of them, while her musky scent filled the room. Her vagina was
gorgeous, with a well trimmed patch of brown hair around it. I placed
my tongue gently at it's edge, and began to trace her outer lips. She
moaned softly and placed a hand in my hair. I circled it several
times, enjoying her soft moans, and words of encouragement. As I began
to flick at her clitoris, I slid my thumb into her vagina. I felt the
grip on my hair tighten as she whispered "Yes." I began to finger her
gently as I sucked on her clit. I could tell she enjoyed it as she
began to swivel her hips. As I continued, she started to moan louder.
"Mmmmmm....keep going" she moaned, as my thumb built up a rhythm,
sliding in and out of her pussy at a faster pace now. Like an
earthquake, her orgasm seemed to arrive without warning. Her thighs
closed tightly on my head as her moans became close to screams. Her
body quivered as I continued to lap at her juices. Moments later she
was grabbing at my arms, pulling me into the bed.

"I want to make love," she whispered. She directed me onto my back, and
slid my shorts off, allowing my stiff cock to spring free. She grabbed
it by it's base and kissed the head gently several times, before
looking up at me and smiling. Nicole straddled my body and carefully
placed her opening over my throbbing dick. Now it was her turn to
tease, as she slowly worked it inside of her. She fit like a glove,
and the sensation was amazing. "Oh yes..." she moaned as she slowly
began to ride it. I managed to sit up a little and slide the straps
down on her nightie. It fell down around her waist, exposing her
perfect little breasts. I wrapped an arm around her, as she continued
to slide up and down my cock. Streetlights came through the window,
allowing me an incredible view of her sexy silhouette, her breasts
swaying up and down with the rhythm of our lovemaking. Light glinted
off the diamond on her hand, but this time it didn't cause me to
hesitate. In actuality, it turned me on even more, knowing a married
woman was so tempted by me. I finally completed my earlier goal, as I
began to suck on her perky nipples. I flicked my tongue across each of
them as she bounced on my dick, moaning ecstatically. We made love
slowly for what seemed like an eternity before she started moaning that
she was going "to cum". I grasped her waist tightly, preventing
movement and she went wild, trying to reach her climax while I
restrained her.

With a quick move, I flipped her onto her back without coming out of
her, and started pumping. I felt her nails dig into my back as she
told me how close she was. I felt invincible as jackhammered away,
humping with all my energy now. Again, her moans turned to scream of
delight, and her control started to disappear. I could feel my own
moment approaching, and knew that it would be over soon. Nicole's body
began to spasm recklessly as she called out my name. Seconds later, I
was granted a much-needed release as I spewed my hot semen inside of

The two of us collapsed into each other’s arms, but moments later we
were all over each other again. Several times Nicole told me she had
never experienced anything like this. Traces of light were evident in
the sky by the time the two of us finally collapsed, completely
satiated for the moment. We slept together without any guild or
remorse, as I held her nude body close to mine.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:16 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story


“My husband is such a worthless piece of shit,” Nicole began. “He
doesn’t fuck me half as good as you do,” I was a little surprised by
the things she was saying, but I as long as she kept stroking my cock I
wasn’t about to question her.

The two of us were in her large bedroom, which looked like it belonged
to an eccentric billionaire. I was completely nude, lying on the giant
four-poster bed, which dominated the room. The sheets were made of
black satin, and the material was cool and sensual against my naked

Nicole’s normally straight hair was arranged in tight curls, and seemed
to be blown back by the wind. The bright red lipstick, dark mascara
and violet eye shadow was more makeup then she normally wore. She was
dressed in a seductive gown made of a black mesh. I could easily see
her firm, round breasts, and nipples through the thin material.

She continued to slip her long fingers up and down the shaft of my rigid
dick, sending bolts of electricity through my entire body. She leaned
forward and put the tip of my penis between her bright red lips,
rolling her big brown eyes up to look at me, as she flicked her tongue
across the head. I could feel myself starting to lose control before
the bedroom door burst open.

At that moment, Gary Murphy looked ten feet tall. His face was the
color of a fire engine. He stood in the doorway, looking at his wife
sucking another man’s dick. “I’ve suspected something like this for a
long time,” he shouted, staring at the two of us. “But now I have the
proof.” He opened his suit coat and pulled out a sleek looking

Nicole scurried across the bed, as Gary approached and placed the gun to
my forehead. “Now you are going to pay,” he muttered. As if in a
movie, he pulled the trigger in slow motion. I waited for the
inevitable blast, and was surprised when instead of a bang, the gun
released a series of high-pitched beeps.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:18 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

I was jerked roughly from sleep as the alarm clock continued to pierce
my nightmare. In a daze, I worked my way to a sitting position, and
fumbled to turn off the noisy contraption. "Where the hell am I?" I
mumbled. The few short hours of sleep had not been enough to bring my
brain back to working order. I felt the sheets rustle, and I turned to
see Nicole climbing out of bed.

The sight of her nude body in the morning sun quickly brought everything
back to me. Mental pictures of the two of us frolicking between the
sheets quickly filled my mind. I remembered the feel of her tight
body, and firm breasts crushed up against my body as tears ran down her
cheeks, just moments before her touch became erotic. The taste of her
soft lips and the scent of her sex were tattooed on my brain. I could
clearly recall the way her slender body looked as she rocked back and
forth, impaling herself on my manhood, while her breasts swayed in
rhythm with her movement. The sex had been extraordinary. Some people
prefer to call it making love, but that didn’t describe what went on
between Nicole and I. We had fucked. We had fucked like a pair of
wild animals, each one in search of nothing more than carnal pleasure.

As I remised about what had went on just hours before, Nicole stepped

out of bed and walked around the room, giving me the first chance to
see her nude body in daylight. "Good morning," she said smiling. She
seemed confused for a minute, then she asked, "Have you seen my

"I think I threw them over there someplace," I responded, shaking myself
from my dreamlike state.

She searched by the window for a moment, and found them. I watched with
my eyes half open as she slid them up her long legs, denying me the
sight of her patch of light brown pubic hair. "These are a bit stiff,"
she said with a giggle. "I wonder why?" She smiled at me again before
saying "Come on, sleepy," in her sexy voice. "You have to get up and
shower.” She seemed extremely gleeful, considering the lack of sleep.
"We have to get to the office by eleven, and then go out for lunch
before our flight."

"That's okay," I answered. "I think I'm just going to lay here and
sleep to the last minute, then throw on some clothes and go."

"I don't think that would be a good idea," she said.


"Because, you need to shower. You smell like you were up until dawn
having mind blowing sex with an older, married woman.."

"If anyone says anything, I'll tell them I hired a hooker," I answered,
as I shifted around in the sheets, trying to find a comfortable

"Look," she said as she tugged on my arm. "Why don't you get up, and we
can shower together." She stood in front of me with her hip cocked,
the thumb of her free hand hitched in the waist of her jungle print
panties. Her perfect little breasts stood exposed to my eyes, and I
felt a little stir in my crotch. My body seemed to ache all over from
our all night sex marathon, but I knew I could temporarily forget the
soreness if another round was possible. Nicole had been an extremely
talented lover. Most of my recent sexual experiences had been with my
roommate Elisa, who had amazing skills between the sheets, but still,
there was always something to be said about sampling something new.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:20 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

Hesitantly, I stood up out of the bed, exposing my naked body, and
stiffening cock to my new partner. I pulled her close to me and we
kissed briefly before I followed her to the bathroom. "You are
extremely chipper for someone who went to bed at dawn," I said.

"I feel incredible," she said. "I mean, I'm a bit sore," she turned to
me and smiled, "but otherwise, I feel amazing. I can't even remember
the last time I had sex all night."

I was surprised that she was showing no signs of regret, or remorse.
After all, she had just became an infidel for the first time. "So, you
aren't feeling guilty at all?" I asked. Personally, I felt a little
bad. The times I had cheated on girls, or coaxed a girl into cheating
on her boyfriend, were more than I could count on both hands, but
sleeping with a married woman was new experience for me, and despite
my mental and physical attraction to Nicole, I wasn't entirely proud of

"Honestly?" she asked. I nodded. "No, I don't feel bad at all. I
mean, why should I worry about it? I've already committed adultery
with you, and there's nothing I can do to change that. And now that
I've done it once, it can't make me much worse of a person to sleep
with you again." She turned the tub on, allowing the water to heat up
and slid her panties off, once again allowing me the privileged sight
of her tight ass, and neatly trimmed pubic region. I remembered
tracing my tongue along the lips of her vagina just hours before, while
she writhed around on the bed, calling out her delight. "If I were to
go out and cheat with another guy," she continued, "I would probably
feel like I did last night. But I see no harm in us having a little
shower together." She paused before adding with a smile, “Especially if
it helps to get your lazy ass in gear.”

We stepped into the tub and Nicole closed the curtain before flicking
the switch to activate the shower. Instantly, hot water streamed over
our nude bodies. "Besides," Nicole began, "That was some of the best
sex I've ever had. I'd place it second behind my wedding night." She
stood facing me as she began to rub the soap-covered washrag over her
body. The sight of her rubbing her breasts and then cleansing the rest
of her body made my cock start to throb. Her long, wet hair framed her
pretty, smiling face, arousing me even more. She turned her back to me
as she washed the soap off, and explained she had not had sex in two
weeks before last night, and again mentioned that she couldn't remember
the last time she had been at it all night.

While Nicole went on about her sex life, she reached behind her and
began kneading my balls with her hand. I stepped closer to her, and
began to softly kiss the back of her neck. She told me that for the
last year or so, her sex life had been rather frustrating. With
previous boyfriends, and even while dating her future husband, she had
been very sexually active, saying that in relationships, she was
usually a "Once a Day" type of girl. But, due to their careers, her
and Mr. Murphy's sex life had suffered a drop off. They both worked
hard, and he had to travel a lot, so they seldom had sex more than a
few times a month. On their vacation's, they were able to spend all
their time in bed, but recently it had been impossible to schedule a
getaway together. She confessed that she had needed to buy a vibrator
to keep from going nuts.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 12:21 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

The entire time she spoke, she continued to caress my shaft and balls
with her hand. She turned to face me, and washed my chest, back, legs,
and finally my hard cock. I had fooled around in the shower before,
but I had never been washed, and it was incredibly erotic. It was also
a bit disturbing to me that the more she talked about her husband, and
their ailing sex life, the more it made me want her. As she turned her
back to me once more, I slid my hand up her thigh, and slipped a finger
in her vagina. She sighed in response, and I pressed the head of my
penis against her opening.

"No," she said. "We don't have time for that. We don't want to ruin
the impression we made yesterday by being late today."

"Don't worry, I can be quick," I said.

"No, I definitely don't want that," she said. "Having a quickie would
not be nearly as satisfying as the way you took control of my body last
night. I don't want to lose that impression." Her statement made me
realize that although the sex had been spectacular between us, it was
probably a one-night thing. After we returned home, I could see her
not wanting to do something so dangerous and dishonest again. "But we
do have plenty of time for this," she said, pushing me back against the

Nicole leaned firmly against me, squeezing my cock tightly with one
hand. Bolts of electricity shot through my body as we kissed softly.
She smiled up at me as she dropped to her knees in the tub. Hot water
cascaded over her shoulders, and ran down her breasts, dripping from
her hard pink nipples as she kissed the swollen head of my cock. Her
touch felt like magic as she continued to tightly squeeze and release
the base of my prick and run her tongue along it’s ridge. I placed all
my weight on the tile wall, and closed my eyes, thinking if I were to
die at that moment, I would be perfectly content.

"You have a really beautiful dick," she said, before kissing her way
around the head. After the things we had done last night, I was no
longer shocked by her use of profanity. "Your dick is much longer than
my husbands," she said as she licked up and down, and then tickled my
balls with her tongue. "You have at least two inches in length over
him, and some girth." I don't know why, but the comparisons to her
husband were making my body quiver. I was incredibly hot for her at
that moment. I wanted to take her in my arms and make love at that
second, but her oral skills were intoxicating me, and I seemed
incapable of moving a single muscle. "Last night, when you were inside
me," she continued, "I felt sooo full. You have the hottest dick I've
handled since college." Her talk was driving me wild. I reached down
and touched her head, directing her to take it in her mouth. She took
the head in her mouth and sucked firmly on it. Nicole flicked her
tongue gently on the ridge, and I felt like I would explode at that
second. Somehow, I managed to contain my load, as she began to slowly
slide up and down my shaft. She tickled my balls with her fingertips
and moaned provocatively as she continued to work. Every few minutes
she would pause to tell my how much fun she was having, or how yummy I
was. As the minutes passed, I could feel myself losing control. I
reached down and grasped her head, and began to force my hips forward.
She moved with me, increasing her speed as she slid her lips up and
down my cock. I knew it had switched from her giving me a blow, to me
fucking her face. Nicole grasped my legs tightly, and applied more
suction with her lips. I felt lightheaded as the pressure started to
rise. Seconds later, I felt my orgasm come, as semen shot from my penis
into Nicole's throat. I stopped gyrating my hips, but she continued to
suck me until every last spasm was complete. She swallowed by cum, and
kissed the head of my cock, then stood up and kissed me. We embraced
and continued to make out before we realized we were pressing ourselves
for time.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 01:26 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

Good story. I like reading it. Do continue.
Old 09-06-2006, 06:34 PM
LeDivorcee LeDivorcee is offline
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story


I don’t recall how long a stayed in bed, just savoring the oral
expertise that Nicole had recently demonstrated in the shower.
Eventually, I got dressed, and went downstairs to meet her in the
lobby. Shortly after, the two of us checked out of the hotel, and met
our ride to the office. One of the local managers had swung by to pick
us up, and again I was impressed with Nicole's communication skills as
she chatted casually with him in the front seat. It seamed she could
relate easily to anyone, regardless of age or position, and it was easy
to see why she was the youngest manager from our office.

Her mental ability wasn't the only thing that impressed me. I always
found Nicole attractive, but when I saw her in the hotel lobby I was
stunned by her poise and beauty. She was wearing a black suit with
pinstripes. The coat was buttoned all the way up the front, and hugged
her feminine curves. She wore a white blouse beneath it, and the skirt
was knee-length, with vents on each side that showed off her long legs.
Her stockings were black, as were her heels, and her sun streaked brown
hair was parted in the center, hanging down to her shoulder blades. I
realized now that she had been correct earlier when she claimed she
could look professional, while still being sexy. She looked nothing
like a woman who would cheat on her husband and give out blowjobs in
the shower, but she still looked like the type that would star in your

When we got to the office, I spent the better part of an hour sitting
around doing nothing, while Nicole continued to network and kiss a
little ass with upper management. Eventually, we left for lunch. This
time, Nicole and I were in the back of the car together, with two
executives up front. As she chatted with them, my mind was overrun
with fantasies. Since starting my summer job, I had allowed myself
numerous erotic daydreams about my manager, and had even jerked off a
couple of times while thinking of her. But the past musings were
nothing compared to the way my mind was going out of control at that
moment. I kept picturing the things we had done the previous night,
and all the additional things I would like to try with her. I could
see myself reaching across the car, and sliding my hand up her stocking
clad leg, hoping to find she was wearing garters again. I imagined
rubbing the smooth, bare flesh between her stockings and panties, as I
slipped my tongue into her mouth. During the entire car ride, I didn't
experience a single thought that wasn't sex related. The luncheon was
about as exciting as sitting around the office. Fortunately, I was
able to sit next to Nicole. I really didn't feel comfortable around
all the bigwigs, plus, I just wanted to be close to her. I sat there
eating my food and kept thinking how much better it would be to dine on
her again. I remembered sliding my tongue around her vaginal lips,
tasting her sweetness, inhaling her scent. I remembered the way she
pulled my hair, and writhed about in the sheets, begging me not to
stop. I watched as she brought food to her mouth, and thought about
the way those luscious red lips had slip up and down my cock just a few
hours earlier. I was tormenting myself with fantasies, even though I
was convinced that I would not have another opportunity to make love to
her. Nicole was a sexually frustrated woman, and being away from home
had given her the opportunity to escape some of those frustrations, but
in a few hours we would be on a plane, heading back to our friends, our
coworkers, and most importantly, her husband. Still, that couldn't
stop me from thinking about propping her up on the dinner table, and
ripping open her coat and blouse to expose her hard pink nipples. I
entertained myself by thinking about having sex with her on the table,
in front of everyone.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 06:39 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

Somehow, I managed to make it through the dinner without exploding,
although I didn't escape a painful case of the blue balls. In the
airport we talked casually until boarding the plane. Neither of us
mentioned our previous nights adventures. Shortly after boarding the
plane, the lack of sleep caught up with me, and within moments I
drifted off to sleep.

I spend the majority of the flight drifting in and out of sleep, and as
we approached Atlanta, I finally gave up on trying to get some rest. I
looked over and saw that Nicole was also awake. "As soon as I get
home, I'm going straight to bed," I stated.

"Me too. Maybe we should have got some sleep last night so we wouldn't
feel so awful today," she responded with a mischievous smile.

"No. I don't think so," I answered. "I would trade a month's worth of
sleep to experience last night again," I said. I was starting to feel
that our time together as lovers would soon be over, and I wanted to
get everything out. "Last night was amazing, Nicole. Every minute
we've spent together has been amazing."

"I feel the same way," she said. "There are no words to express how
much last night meant to me. I've felt the stress growing inside me
for months, and today I feel like a new woman. I'm thankful for last
night, and glad it was with you. I've always found you charming, and
rather mature for your age. I don't have any regrets about the things
we've done." She smiled politely again.

As the plane prepared for final approach, we sat in silence for a few
moments, before Nicole spoke again. "You know, I live closer to the
airport than you do. I wouldn't want you to fall asleep behind the
wheel. Why don't you come sleep at my place?"

"No, it's not that far," I said. I suddenly felt like an idiot for
missing the not so subtle hint. Nicole giggled politely as I realized
my mistake. "I kind of expected you to say that last night was a
one-time thing. Your invitation took me by surprise," I stammered.

"Last night was spectacular, and I don't that it can be duplicated," she
said. "But I sure as hell want to try. Like I told you this morning,
I've already cheated with you once, so I have no qualms about doing it
again. Maybe another woman would feel different, but I'm not another
woman." She flashed me a quick, suggestive smile. "My husband is out
of town for the weekend. If you come over, we can go straight to bed
like you want. Of course, I doubt we'll go straight to sleep." I was
amazed and aroused by how forward she was being. Her aggressive
attitude was similar to what I had seen in the workplace. I was also
aroused by the thought of having sex in her husband's bed. It made me
feel dirty, and I liked it.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 06:43 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

I leaned over and kissed her. Even though nobody on the plane knew us,
it was still fun to kiss a married woman in public. Our kisses quickly
became more passionate, and we continued to make out like high school
kids until the plane reached the gate. We were offered several stares
from other passengers, and I'm sure one or two noticed that she wore a
wedding ring, while I didn't. Although Nicole looked younger than her
28 years, the age difference between us was still noticeable.. As we
got of the plane, I observed the whispers and snickers from a few
passengers behind us, and our flight attendant.

The two of us wasted no time grabbing our checked luggage, and heading
out to our cars. I followed Nicole to her home, which I had visited
before for company parties. The Murphy's had a two-car garage, and
with her husband out of town it was easy for me to hide my car from any
curious neighbors.

We entered through the garage doors, and walked into the living room,
placing our bags on the hardwood floor. Last night we had been
overwhelmed with lust for one another, but now, standing together,
having time to think, the moment became a bit awkward. We stood
looking at each other in silence. "So, here we are," Nicole said.

"Yes," I replied. Again, we were silent a few minutes before I spoke
again. "I just realized that I only brought enough clothes for our
trip. I don't have anything for the weekend."

Nicole looked at me lustfully before saying; "I don't think you're going
to need clothes this weekend." Her comment ended the awkwardness, and
instantly we were drawn together like magnets. I ran my fingers
through her long hair as we embraced, and our lips met. We moved to
the couch as I continued to run my hands along her body, thrilled to be
touching her again.

"Nicole, I've been dreaming of touching you again all day. I didn't
think I would ever have another chance to feel you, to taste
see your naked body."

"Gary travels a lot," she answered between kisses. She removed my tie
and began to unbutton my shirt. "If you want, I'm willing to give you
plenty of chances to see my naked body. Before last night, I never
realized how hard these last few months have been on me."

Eagerly, I began unbuttoning her jacket, revealing a sleeveless white
silk blouse. I could easily see her black bra as I threw the jacket
aside. Nicole managed to get my shirt off, but my anticipation caused
me to fumble with her small buttons. Finally, I got her blouse open,
exposing a very lacy black bra. I could easily see her pink nipples
through the pattern. Nicole unzipped my pants and reached inside,
springing my stiff cock from its prison. Expertly, she began to pump
it with her hand, as I pushed the cup of her bra down, revealing one of
her perfect orbs. "Nicole, I've been fantasizing about you since we
first met," I whispered as I flicked at her nipple with my tongue. She
admitted that she was surprised, and flattered as she continued to jack
me off. Regardless of what her sex life had been like recently, it was
very obvious that my boss had plenty of experience at managing a stiff
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
Old 09-06-2006, 07:03 PM
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Re: It was only business - An erotic story

Slowly, Nicole worked her way down to a kneeling position in front of
me.. She pulled off my pants and underwear. She smiled up at me with
her silk blouse still hanging off her shoulders, and both bra cups
pushed down to expose her tits. The sight of her on her knees grasping
my throbbing cock, while still wearing her heels, stockings, and
business skirt was incredible erotic. She leaned forward and kissed
the tip of my dick. "You will never believe how much I love going down
on a guy," she said. She continued to speak seductively, pausing every
now and then to run her tongue up my shaft. "When I first got married,
I used to suck my husband off every day. EVERY DAY" she said again,
for emphasis. "I used to do it at the movie theater, and even in the
car when he was driving. We even used to meet for lunch, and I would
give him a blow out in the parking lot." The way she was talking about
her husband while handling my cock was strangely erotic to me. "Then,
he got promoted, and it got harder to meet for lunches. Once I got
promoted, it became impossible. Now, the only time I put his cock in
my mouth is before we make love. This morning was the first time I've
swallowed cum in six months." She started kneading my balls with her
hand as she finished her reverie. "I think maybe I'm weird. Most of
my friends hate going down on a guy, but for some reason it makes me

There wasn't a doubt in my mind that she was telling the truth. Her
oral skills were as good as any I had experienced, and that number was
rather large. Eagerly, she began to deep throat my cock, taking me
back to our shower in Los Angeles. I moaned with delight as she
applied intense suction up and down my shaft. A day's worth of
fantasies had made my cock extra sensitive. When she looked up to tell
me how good my cock tasted, I knew I would explode as soon as she
touched it again. Gently, she squeezed the base and flicked her tongue
across my ridge. Instantly, I felt my balls pull up. I tried to warn
her, but before I was able I began to climax. My first blast of semen
splattered her lips, and ran down her chin. She quickly wrapped her
lips tightly around the head of my cock, as I continued to erupt. All I
could do was moan with delight as I shot round after round of my sperm
into her mouth.

Finally, I collapsed back into the couch. Nicole looked up at me and
smiled, unaware of the semen dripping off her chin. She straddled me
on the couch, as I caught the drops of stray cum on my fingers. Without
hesitation she sucked them clean, then leaned forward and kissed me
passionately. I could taste a hint of my own salty fluid in her mouth,
as she pushed her skirt up so she could straddle me fully. She reached
between us and began tugging on my rapidly shrinking cock. "You aren't
done yet," she said. "I want you to fuck me in my husband's bed."
Surprisingly, my dick responded almost instantly, apparently needing no
down time. I reached to her side and unzipped her skirt, and she stood
up on the couch just long enough for me to slip it off. Instantly, she
was pressed tightly against me again, and I noticed she was wearing a
black garter belt, and extremely lacy black bikini panties. I could
see her small patch of brown curls through the material.

As my cock once again reached full mast, I locked my arms beneath her
tight little ass. I stood up, easily hoisting her with me. Nicole
kicked off her black heels and locked her legs tightly around my back.
I continued to kiss her passionately, as I carried her to the master
bedroom. The room was dominated by a king sized bed with a canopy, but
other than that it was nothing like the bedroom in my nightmare. I
placed her on her back, and quickly mounted her. We continued to kiss
as I grinded my hard cock against her bare stomach. Glancing at the
bedside table, I noticed a wedding picture of the happy couple. The
night before, I may have been flooded with guilt, but now it only made
me want her more. I hooked my fingers in the gusset of her sexy
panties and jerked them down, rapidly pulling them from her long legs.
As I leaned forward to taste her sex once more, she threw off her
blouse, and removed her bra. Nicole begged me to fuck her as I ran my
tongue around her vagina, and flicked at her swollen clitoris.
Life is too short. So just fuck it....
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