An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
It served its purpose as a vehicle for Chaim after the SDP leadership coup in 1992 and it served him and the residents of Potong Pasir well. Its fortunes has dipped since 2011 and in 2015 it performed well below par compared to others despite having some good candidates.
Its best that Ben Pwee and Jeantte Chong-Aruldoss and the team and supporters form a new party to attract like-minded individuals. DAP does not have a decent history but it does have some level of established opposition networks though ageing amongst the Chinese speaking segment of society. The party name and brand however would be a show stopper to bring in credible candidate material.
Singapore cannot accommodate many political parties due to size but it will at least need one other opposition party with some appreciable bench strength. 2011 and 2015 show that opposition candidates are out there but have difficulty finding the right party with the right platform. Existing parties are either tainted or personality driven such as SPP and does not help individual candidates to raise a reasonable profile.
Workers Party is seen as too rigid and too cautious as result of their past experience where they could have faced closure due to individual party members conduct. The gestation period of potential candidates in this time and age of comparatively more fluid movements does not attract enough candidates. It is therefore important that another quality party is formed. In 2011 SDP accommodated many quality candidates who were not party members but became one for convenience and it does show that there are people out there.
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